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Rhyme Costume [56k warning]
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Paper Peach

Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 3:14 pm   Reply with quote

And just for refrence:

Heck yeah!! Although it took about three weeks to make, the actual time spent making it was about a week.

Anyway, I completely made the shirt from scratch, my aunt bought the fabric without seeing a reference pic, but got it perfect. I free-handed the graphic onto a piece of paper and tried to copy the design onto fabric using tracing paper. Unfortunately, it didn't work out, and I had to cut the design out and race it onto the whitish iron-on adhesive stuff on the back of the black fabric. I then cut the fabric out and ironed onto my shirt.

OH MY GOSH IT LOOKS SO AWESOME [/fangirlism scream]

Okay, maybe I'm just a bit overexcited...

My only problem is that the black lining of the sleeves only go a quarter of the way up before it stops. I didn't line the whole thing, just the parts that you can see inside the sleeves. I hemmed the edges to help keep it from coming out, but it still keeps falling out D: Maybe I should try the same iron-on adhesive I used for the graphic....

I also made the skull pin for the hat out of clay and then painted it, 'cause my aunt accidentally left it in all night long..... Made bell pendant out of clay as well.

The shoes were made from a leather slip on base. I spray painted them black and wrapped yellow fleece around my foot. I hot glued the fleece to the heel and sides of the shoe. I the made a cuff out of the fleece to put under the flipped out part to make it more um, poofy..... I hot glued laces to the shoes to finish it.

Oh gosh I am so happy with how it turned out!

Edit: I just realized how off the color is in the pic D: Here's an inside pic with better lighting to show the real color, although the shirt is only half-finished

Last edited by Paper Peach on Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Crappiest Animator ever.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:05 pm   Reply with quote

Wow that musta took quite some time and money to make. Very good, I must say. Very good job on it!
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Super Tsuki

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:38 pm   Reply with quote

You should totally wear the shirt and pants to school and stuff.
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Burning Vampire

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:41 pm   Reply with quote

Those shoes look like a pain to wear xD

Nice job on the costume! I see you put in details that I overlooked even in the reference picture (i.e. the bell).
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that confounded bridge

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:38 pm   Reply with quote

Hey, you did a pretty good job on that. c:

I'm surprised that you took the time to make the shoes. Looks great. 8D
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Paper Peach

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:48 pm   Reply with quote

The shoes were actually one of the easier things to make Very Happy aAs I was making the bell and stuff my aunt just gave me this look as if to say "Why are you going through so much to make it look right? No one's gonna know who you are anyway."

I might just wear the shirt, as it's SUPER comfy, but my mom said no to the shortalls D: It was quite fun to make though, I love the outcome, and I think I may be hooked on making these costumes :3
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that confounded bridge

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:50 pm   Reply with quote

Paper Peach wrote:
The shoes were actually one of the easier things to make Very Happy aAs I was making the bell and stuff my aunt just gave me this look as if to say "Why are you going through so much to make it look right? No one's gonna know who you are anyway."

I might just wear the shirt, as it's SUPER comfy, but my mom said no to the shortalls D: It was quite fun to make though, I love the outcome, and I think I may be hooked on making these costumes :3
My dad says the same thing whenever I try to go as a character for Halloween. XD; ... And I always thought that shoes would be difficult and expensive to make. DX
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Shadow Kingdom
Spell Seal

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:09 pm   Reply with quote

Anyways, nice work.
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Paper Peach

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:05 pm   Reply with quote

AbstractThoughts wrote:
Paper Peach wrote:
The shoes were actually one of the easier things to make Very Happy aAs I was making the bell and stuff my aunt just gave me this look as if to say "Why are you going through so much to make it look right? No one's gonna know who you are anyway."

I might just wear the shirt, as it's SUPER comfy, but my mom said no to the shortalls D: It was quite fun to make though, I love the outcome, and I think I may be hooked on making these costumes :3
My dad says the same thing whenever I try to go as a character for Halloween. XD; ... And I always thought that shoes would be difficult and expensive to make. DX

Nope, just spray painted slip-ons and yellow fleece wrapped around it and hot glued. I learned that hot glue was a crafter's best friend, and that I can't cut fabric to save my life XD

Elzilcho wrote:
Those shoes look like a pain to wear xD

Nice job on the costume! I see you put in details that I overlooked even in the reference picture (i.e. the bell).

The shoes were actually not that bad. If I had black ankle socks they would've felt better (I wore them bare footed D: ), but they weren't bad. I couldn't run in them though....

I wouldn't have done the bell if I didn't have the correct color of clay or the time. It was just something extra I knew I could throw in without stressing about time (I finished the costume an hour before we left. I only needed the shoes though, so I would've worn the costume with or without the shoes).

Chaos-Stev-0 wrote:
Wow that musta took quite some time and money to make. Very good, I must say. Very good job on it!
Lets see... The wig was $10, the hat and shoes I already had, I had the clay and black fabric, and the peach fabric was $6.45 and I forgot the fleece price D:

So it wasn't that expensive, and the time spent on it wasn't that much, plus it was really fun to make Very Happy
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that confounded bridge

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:02 am   Reply with quote

Paper Peach wrote:
AbstractThoughts wrote:
Paper Peach wrote:
The shoes were actually one of the easier things to make Very Happy aAs I was making the bell and stuff my aunt just gave me this look as if to say "Why are you going through so much to make it look right? No one's gonna know who you are anyway."

I might just wear the shirt, as it's SUPER comfy, but my mom said no to the shortalls D: It was quite fun to make though, I love the outcome, and I think I may be hooked on making these costumes :3
My dad says the same thing whenever I try to go as a character for Halloween. XD; ... And I always thought that shoes would be difficult and expensive to make. DX

Nope, just spray painted slip-ons and yellow fleece wrapped around it and hot glued. I learned that hot glue was a crafter's best friend, and that I can't cut fabric to save my life XD
Oh, yes, hot glue is wonderful. Without it, it'd be a PAIN to put hair onto plush dolls...
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Paper Peach

Joined: 27 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:21 am   Reply with quote

AbstractThoughts wrote:
Paper Peach wrote:
AbstractThoughts wrote:
Paper Peach wrote:
The shoes were actually one of the easier things to make Very Happy aAs I was making the bell and stuff my aunt just gave me this look as if to say "Why are you going through so much to make it look right? No one's gonna know who you are anyway."

I might just wear the shirt, as it's SUPER comfy, but my mom said no to the shortalls D: It was quite fun to make though, I love the outcome, and I think I may be hooked on making these costumes :3
My dad says the same thing whenever I try to go as a character for Halloween. XD; ... And I always thought that shoes would be difficult and expensive to make. DX

Nope, just spray painted slip-ons and yellow fleece wrapped around it and hot glued. I learned that hot glue was a crafter's best friend, and that I can't cut fabric to save my life XD
Oh, yes, hot glue is wonderful. Without it, it'd be a PAIN to put hair onto plush dolls...
But it's still a pain 'cause you get burned all the time. That is if your clumsy fool like me D:
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Paper Peach's Shop    
that confounded bridge

Joined: 26 Jan 2008
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HP: 82 MP: 10 Lives: 3

PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:30 am   Reply with quote

Paper Peach wrote:
AbstractThoughts wrote:
Paper Peach wrote:
AbstractThoughts wrote:
Paper Peach wrote:
The shoes were actually one of the easier things to make Very Happy aAs I was making the bell and stuff my aunt just gave me this look as if to say "Why are you going through so much to make it look right? No one's gonna know who you are anyway."

I might just wear the shirt, as it's SUPER comfy, but my mom said no to the shortalls D: It was quite fun to make though, I love the outcome, and I think I may be hooked on making these costumes :3
My dad says the same thing whenever I try to go as a character for Halloween. XD; ... And I always thought that shoes would be difficult and expensive to make. DX

Nope, just spray painted slip-ons and yellow fleece wrapped around it and hot glued. I learned that hot glue was a crafter's best friend, and that I can't cut fabric to save my life XD
Oh, yes, hot glue is wonderful. Without it, it'd be a PAIN to put hair onto plush dolls...
But it's still a pain 'cause you get burned all the time. That is if your clumsy fool like me D:
Oh, yes. A piece of velvet coated in hot glue wrapped around my finger once. XD; God that hurt.

Then again, sticking yourself with a needle can hurt, too, so...
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