
digibutter.nerr lite

AuthorMessage (Newest at bottom)
Herr Yomiel
reply to ambient posted 7 months ago

I am a golden god

7 months ago
1"That sucks but why the fuck are you posting this on a Mario fansite?" i am blissfully unaware as to what this nerrchat message was a response to btw is account registration back on here yet. i need to know for when i bring up digibutter when someone says something along the lines of "theres no websites anymore its all just 3 social media platforms"

Quote of the month lol Anone said that one of their old friends died in a school shooting, so that was my reaction. Account registration's still down :(

7 months ago
7Three days until Tekken 8 comes out!

Two days!


down downright right A



Herr Yomiel3

post farmer post farmer starving starving


Fine, have it your way. I’ll go back to not posting then.


dammit herr look what you've done now

Herr Yomiel

I shall repay my travesty in death

7 months ago
3I have the entire NerrChat history. Should I toss it or somehow transition that to NERR 4.0? Maybe put it all in one big thread...

if you care enough to do it, i'd say just leave it on its own separate page or something spoiler: i hope i've never said anything really extremely dumb in there

7 months ago
4Nerr Nerr Nerrrrrrr
reply to Francis posted 7 months ago

That’s not a bad idea. Being able to see older messages might be kinda neat, but anything post-2019 is probably mostly shitposting.

reply to Ottomoth posted 7 months ago

Live by the nerr Die by the nerr Never not gonna nerr

reply to Francis posted 7 months ago

idk tbh!!!!!

7 months ago
2MGSV is great and still holds up well but this fever is killing me. You could say I'm "burning up"?
Herr Yomiel1

Does metal gear really title with Roman numerals too???

NerrBot: ReHatched
7 months ago
1quf: Poster of the Week - January 21, 2024 8 users have made a total of 24 posts this week. color=gold: 1. TheEvilShadoo: 7 color=silver: 2. Herr Yomiel: 6 color=bronze: 3. ambient: 5 4: rain: 2 5: Dimentio21: 1 6: Curvin: 1 7: Ottomoth: 1 8: Francis: 1
reply to Herr Yomiel posted 7 months ago

Only this one

Herr Yomiel
reply to NerrBot: ReHatched posted 7 months ago


Herr Yomiel2
reply to Ottomoth posted 7 months ago

I might as well stop posting, can't cap this one


oh but i can nerrrr nerr nerr **nerrrrrrrrr**

NerrBot: ReHatched
7 months ago
quf: Poster of the Month - January 2024 11 users have made a total of 153 posts this month. color=gold: 1. Herr Yomiel: 58 color=silver: 2. TheEvilShadoo: 34 color=bronze: 3. ambient: 28 4: NerrBot: ReHatched: 15 5: Dimentio21: 7 6: Curvin: 3 7: rain: 3 8: Ackari: 2 9: Ottomoth: 1 10: Francis: 1 11: Copy Seth: 1 color=red: Additionally, **NerrBot: ReHatched** received the most likes this month with a total of 3 likes.
7 months ago
4digibutter is the embodiment of sunk cost fallacy
NerrBot: ReHatched
7 months ago
3quf: Poster of the Week - January 28, 2024 5 users have made a total of 10 posts this week. color=gold: 1. Herr Yomiel: 4 color=silver: 2. TheEvilShadoo: 3 color=bronze: 3. rain: 1 4: ambient: 1 5: Dimentio21: 1

3rd place epic victory royale (btw whats the tiebreaking method

Herr Yomiel
reply to ambient posted 7 months ago

Good analogy

reply to rain posted 7 months ago

Whoever has the more recent post is ranked higher in a tie.

reply to ambient posted 7 months ago

it sank cost fallacy


this didn't even occur to me i've failed as a nerr

Herr Yomiel

sloopy never goes down

reply to NerrBot: ReHatched posted 7 months ago

Yoooo top 5 lez goo

reply to ambient posted 7 months ago

Ooh yeah Now that’s what I’m talking about

Roxy jimmy
7 months ago
5FINALLY I'M BACK GUYS!! AAHHAHAHAHA i couldn't log into my account on my pc bc it bloxks it for some reason but my school computer doesn't >:)
Herr Yomiel1

Wow cool your picture looks very 2000sy

Roxy jimmy

aww! tysm! i was trying to go for a 2010s vibe >_< im glad you like it! ^w^

7 months ago
Roxy jimmy


Herr Yomiel


reply to Roxy jimmy posted 7 months ago


Herr Yomiel
7 months ago
2how do you get the cool sprite art on pfp
NerrBot: ReHatched
7 months ago
1quf: Poster of the Week - February 4, 2024 10 users have made a total of 29 posts this week. color=gold: 1. Herr Yomiel: 10 color=silver: 2. Dimentio21: 5 color=bronze: 3. Roxy jimmy: 4 4: ambient: 3 5: NerrBot: ReHatched: 2 6: Curvin: 1 7: Tr!pp: 1 8: Francis: 1 9: TheEvilShadoo: 1 10: rain: 1 color=red: Additionally, **Francis** received the most likes this week with a total of 2 likes.
reply to Herr Yomiel posted 6 months ago

know how to 16x16

6 months ago
1could a magiblot beat up a shadow siren

Yeah. We’ve got strong magic.

Herr Yomiel
reply to ambient posted 6 months ago


Roxy jimmy1
reply to Dimentio21 posted 6 months ago

sup >:)

reply to NerrBot: ReHatched posted 6 months ago

Yooo no half bad