AI-Generated Post Illustration test

“A pixelated butterfly captured in a cage”

not bad, except it’s outside the cage :thinking:

Looks off to me, especially the horizontal bar near the top of the cage; but on gross inspection the whole picture appears alright

btw that image cost me 8 cents :money_with_wings:

Oh, in that case it might not be worth the price, but perhaps I’m just stingy

We must assemble the Nerral Network.
Not bad, but it is outside of the cage like you said. Maybe I should play around with Stable Diffusion again. I last tried it out a year and a half ago.

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I did get some other images that were pretty impressive, way better than the low-tier stable diffusion. This was dall-e 3, and it def helps to be as descriptive as possible which I was not in this example. BTW I could turn this on as a forum feature but it would get expensive quick. Maybe for only select nerrs…

I was running Stable Diffusion self-hosted on my PC’s GPU at the time. I really should try it again. I probably will the next time I get a chance. That’s neat how you could make this a forum feature, but I’d say don’t bother. It wouldn’t be worth it.