Chaos d'Amiibo

I only acquired 2 amiibo, but I’m quite happy with them. I have Yarn Yoshi out of box, and a Lucina in-box. Yarn Yoshi oversees many things in the gaming garage dimension, for he is wise.

Anybody else still have or use some amiibo? Feel free to share your finest figurines.~


This is a good thread topic. I’m surprised I haven’t done this yet.

I have the same blue Yarn Yoshi. Probably the pride of my Amiibo collection. I have ~8, I think, mostly from Smash U. I’ve got Mario, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Fox, Pikachu, Link, and yarn yoshi in my collection.


Nice!! I really want to get a Smash Sora amiibo, but I’m afraid to look up the cost.

I’ve got Steve and Alex set.

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If I see this movie…
Jack Black will be the only reason.

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My green yarn Yoshi is one of my faves. I still like my first… Samus, looks like a trophy.
I prefer amiibo that don’t have any (or very minimal) support stands. I only want one of a character, but I’m considering getting Wind Waker Zelda and Toy Link because the styles are so different.

  • 8-Bit Mario & Link, Yarn Yoshi, Peach, Bowser, Tom Nook, Chibi-Robo
  • Smash: Zelda, Samus, Kirby, Olimar, Pikachu, Mega Man
  • Splatoon Boy, Girl, Squid

(I love the BOXBOY games, so I really want a Qbby :frowning: :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:)


apparently i own more amiibo than the average digi user (minute maid fruit punch not included)



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The 8-bit amiibo look… strange in 3D.

I got a bunch back during the Wii U era when they were brand new, Mario, Pikachu, Link, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Princess Peach, Luigi, Diddy Kong, Kirby, Fox, Samus, etc etc. Then I got the Blue Woolly World Amiibo when that game came out.

Then during the Switch era I picked up a lot of the Splatoon Amiibo, the Super Mario Odyssey wedding outfit three pack, and some of the new figures they did for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate like Banjo & Kazooie, Steve & Alex, and Min Min.

I also got the Waluigi and Rosalina Amiibo from the Mario series line, because I like the poses and details on those ones.

Most recently in 2024, I picked up the Sora Amiibo and the 2015 Wario Amiibo from the Nintendo New York store when I visited for the launch of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. Wario was one I never saw in any stores where I lived, so it was great to finally get him, along with Sora being the last of the Super Smash Bros. line of figures!

Overall, my collection is pretty sizeable, nothing too crazy but a fair amount over the course of 10 years!

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Awesome group of Amiibo here!

Also love your Dark Blue theme for the Wii Menu in the back, I have the same one on my Wii!

I might post a Wii Menu tour sometime in the future LOL

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When he crafts his iron armor, that’s when you know he’s serious

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Dude that’s the third picture you’ve sent that is unavailable.

They’re not unavailable. Something must be wacky with Discord links on your network.

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Pretty sure the links expire. But I just turned on a setting to download them to digibutter which should avoid the issue.


Francis is the best!


Ah, that’s a new change from last year that I wasn’t aware of. Discord only gets worse, and digibutter only gets better…