Is NerrBot Due To Make a Grand Return?

  • YES - I, for one, welcome our returning robot overlord.
  • NO - franis ben him plx D:
0 voters

If yes, then what features would you like to see? I don’t think user online status is exposed by the API without:

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You should list out everything nerrbot has done in the past, because I could never keep track

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What exactly does it do? Im just slightly confused on this one, sounds cool though

NerrBot Feature Timeline:

NERR 1.0: There once was an account named Nerr-Bot, created and run by the user Popple. The earliest reference I found is this thread: Ask Nerr-Bot. Searching 1.0 isn’t easy since you’re limited to whatever Google has indexed. Nerr-Bot was a character that featured in at least two podcasts and possibly a Newgrounds flash animation that were all lost to time. Source: !nb - digibutter

NERR 2.0: Gold Prognosticus’ NerrBot joins 2.0 in 2014 as a chatbot inspired by Popple’s 1.0 Nerr-Bot character. We have this wiki page to give an overview on the lore and features:

NERR 3.0: Gold brings his NerrBot to 3.0, but it only survives for until late 2016/early 2017. I then created NerrBot: ReHatched in 2020 to be the successor to the previous NerrBot.

These commands were copied from 2.0 with some minor modifications:

  • yesno: Randomly answer a yes/no question
  • rate: Randomly rate something from 1 to 10
  • roll: Roll a (n-sided) die
  • echo: Repeat a message
  • time: Reply with the time for a given timezone
  • tictactoe: Play tic-tac-toe with NerrBot
  • flip: Flip a coin (n-times)
  • quote/tweet: Replies with the latest quote from @nerr_ebooks (RIP)
  • help: Lists out commands

These commands were lost in 2.0:

  • lastseen: Replies when user was last seen
  • chat/relay: These were used to mirror messages between the old cbox and the #top-deck channel in Gold’s Discord server for oldfags.
  • shutdown & restart: These probably had some secret function. There’s not really a good reason for these to exist otherwise.

These commands were my new additions:

  • online: Reply with the list of online users
  • xkcd: Reply with the latest xkcd comic
  • timer: Like the timer bots you’d see on R*ddit. Replies to you at the given date/time.
  • piratefilter: Enables digibutter’s TLAPD filter. 3.0 would eat the link upon use though.

Additional features:

  • Poster of the Year/Month (NerrBot & NerrBot: RH)
  • Poster of the Week (NerrBot: ReHatched)
  • Primative spam flagging mechanism (NerrBot: ReHatched)

EDIT: Added information on Nerr-Bot from NERR 1.0


See my above reply for its features. It was digibutter’s chatbot that Gold Prognosticus originally created and I recreated. It really wasn’t anything all too crazy, but it seemed cooler back in 2.0 because of the lore the users back then gave to it. It’s biggest features were Poster of the Week/Month/Year (now pretty much replaced by the leaderboard) and letting you see who else is online.

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I figured I’d let you nerrs know: NerrBot: ReHatched (3.0 version) has actually been up and running since the start of the year in 3.0’s NerrChat. Feel free to check it out over there while he’s still up. Posts - digibutter

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this mostly depends on what you feel like doing and what dumb stuff you want to add rather than utility (digi isn’t feature bare anymore)

if you do want to do more nbrh development and can think of enough cool/funny things to add to warrant maintaining it then i’m all for it

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Honestly, that’s the problem. I don’t have many new ideas for it that I feel would be worthwhile. Maybe I’d start out with just Poster of the Week/Month/Year. That promotes posting, and the data is all already available from the leaderboard. I’d just have to rewrite the scraping code.

On second thought, I guess I have a couple of ideas: indeed.jpg replies, new user welcome replies, and milestone/daily streak congratulatory posts. I think there’s a lot of potential for leaderboard points to be used in a coin/currency system, but that’s something more suited to be a digibutter feature than a NerrBot feature.

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The votes are in, and the nerrs have voted unanimously in favor of NerrBot’s return. Therefore, NerrBot: ReHatched is once again in active development. I’ve gotten a decent framework written already.

@francis any chance I could this restriction lifted on NerrBot and me for testing purposes? Also, if you let me have a DM with NerrBot, then I could test there rather than the dump to cut down on clutter.

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Is the nerrbot thing working?

No. He won’t be available for use for a while. I’ll post when he is. He’s still in early development, and I haven’t set up a server environment for him yet. I’d like to make my testing thread private, but I don’t have permission to. I also messaged :franis: that I need an API key.

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Oh, I was just asking if it was going well, thanks!

Oh, yeah it’s going alright, thanks. It’s going pretty smoothly. Discourse is pretty nice to work with compared to 3.0.

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I probably shouldn’t of mentioned thst under the poll thing, I should’ve kept it to this topic only, nice to know that it’s working well

It’s fine. :franis: just moved it to keep things organized. Thanks.

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I assume that issue is cleared up

So, it’s possible to private a topic? That would probably be a good idea, especially if spam comes back up and possibly causes issue with that