One guy's ranking of ALL Paper Mario chapters

I typed up TheBoredJord’s ranking:

  1. PM Ch 7
  2. TOK Ch 5
  3. TOK Ch 3
  4. PM Ch 3
  5. TTYD Ch 6
  6. TTYD Ch 3
  7. PM Ch 5
  8. TTYD Ch 4
  9. CS Ch 3
  10. TOK Ch 2
  11. PM Ch 6
  12. CS Ch 5
  13. PM Ch 2
  14. TTYD Ch 5
  15. CS Ch 4
  16. SPM Ch 5
  17. CS Ch 1
  18. TOK Ch 4
  19. TTYD Ch 8
  20. TOK Ch 1
  21. PM Ch 4
  22. SPM Ch 8
  23. PM Ch 1
  24. CS Ch 2
  25. SS Ch 4
  26. TOK Prologue
  27. SS Ch 3
  28. TOK Ch 6
  29. TTYD Ch 1
  30. TTYD Ch 2
  31. CS Ch 6
  32. PM Prologue
  33. PM Ch 8
  34. TTYD Ch 7
  35. SPM Ch 7
  36. SPM Ch 3 :franis:
  37. SPM Ch 6
  38. TTYD Prologue
  39. SS Ch 5
  40. SPM Ch 4
  41. SS Ch 2
  42. SPM Ch 2
  43. SPM Ch 1
  44. SS Ch 1
  45. CS Prologue
  46. CS Ch 7
  47. SS Ch 6

Worth a watch, even though it’s tough on SPM


The problem with Super Paper Mario is that, at least in my opinion, its gameplay is cumbersome at times. It heavily weighted the game down, and the imprecise platforming did not help

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He’s got an interesting perspective, though I personally disagree with most of his ranking. I was really surprised to see PM Ch. 7 ranked #1.

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If only SPM had a snow level or a murder mystery


This has got to be one of the most unbased lists I’ve ever seen lmfaooooo