Poster of The Year 2024 (4.0 Point Stats)


  1. @TheEvilShadoo: 1,794
  2. @Francis: 952
  3. @Tree_5000: 762
  4. @ambient: 749
  5. @MrLProductions: 695
  6. @StrawberryPop: 575
  7. @Mallow: 522
  8. @Chaos_Kat: 506
  9. @Ackari: 413
  10. @MrX-Naut: 333
  11. Squiglet_97: 291
  12. SpaceLobster21: 272
  13. Medic_Bear: 246
  14. stuffwell: 242
  15. LiquidHerr: 229
  16. Tylerz64: 98
  17. tired: 85
  18. PixelMMMMM: 75
  19. Somedudeig: 70
  20. BradButtersworth: 62
  21. EpilepticIntrovert: 60
  22. Snowstorm: 51
  23. DarkBristle: 50
  24. CatSidhe_Alyssa: 41
  25. IntSysFan: 40
  26. superlugia3: 39
  27. JumboDS64: 37
  28. Francine: 29
  29. BoopOrange: 26
  30. Juno64: 25
  31. silvskul: 24
  32. CosmicMinun59: 24
  33. SirAmpersand: 24
  34. snailofkale: 21
  35. paper_mario : 20
  36. GoldPrognosticus: 20
  37. Kora: 19
  38. natoonie: 17
  39. Rain: 16
  40. nvon: 16
  41. Ottomoth: 14
  42. Roxy_Jim: 14
  43. KimIlSung65: 14
  44. AnshG: 14
  45. sneakynarnar: 14
  46. Fiery: 12
  47. Stone_cold_steve: 12
  48. SPMarioMovieGuy:10
  49. vl4dg3r: 10
  50. Fawful: 9
  51. KarToon: 8
  52. philbert1353: 6
  53. Dimmy: 6
  54. Polterpup: 6
  55. sicnarf: 6
  56. Googol_0: 6
  57. ucantbeme: 5
  58. RukiMotomiya: 5
  59. Arisharkina: 4
  60. Geo: 4
  61. GothMoth2020: 4
  62. mr.bingham_5963: 3
  63. Moonrise: 3
  64. hii: 3
  65. Chie: 2
  66. L27: 2
  67. DizzyA90: 2
  68. lthc_hiryu: 2
  69. TheComputerCrasher: 2
  70. Castle: 2
  71. WireMan: 1
  72. centricide: 1
  73. Kid_Yoshi_Official: 1
  74. Myramillan: 1
  75. AventurineLe: 1
  76. moss: 1
  77. maxdoves: 1
  78. AgentCarwalking: 1
  79. Lacari01408: 1
  80. Azim9999: 1
  81. Sabrina2002: 1
  82. ButterBox: 1

82 users have posted this year.
@TheEvilShadoo received the most likes with a total of 402 likes!
@Francis visited digibutter the most days with a total of 268 visits!
@Ambient read the most posts with a total of 964 posts read!

Happy New Year 2025!
(franis giv colored text plugin Discourse BBCode Color - Plugin - Discourse Meta)



P.S. Nerr 3.0 Stats (January - April 2024)



jokes on all you dummies i’m the best reader ever


Whoa! NerrBot woke up for Poster of the Year! Congrats to @Francis and @Tree_5000 on second and third, and congrats to @LiquidHerr on winning in the 3.0 stats! 2024 has been quite the year for digibutter with the release of Nerr 4.0 and the Bitlands archive, but some things just don’t change… Shadoo number one!!

1 Like

Someone took NerrBot’s profile advice to heart. I’m sure he’s happy.

Good bot nerr.

i’d like to congratulate benned user for coming 12th in the 3.0 rankings

Remember when things did change? 2025 is my year to reclaim the crown!

I got 10th man! This is so good!

Yooo! 7th pretty good