State of Digibutter Address #9

Happy Anerrversary! We’ve made it to year 17 and the dawn of a new (stable?) era. The long awaited NERR 4.0 has returned digibutter to it’s original roots of hacking on open source forum software. This will provide a solid base to build fun features instead of me doing all the basics from scratch :roll_eyes:. Plus I finally get to use a fresh new server with security updates :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:! We all know this was looong overdue but such is life. All the cold posts remain where they are but I may eventually migrate them over… or not, and just leave them be :person_shrugging:.

With the upcoming release of TTYD I feel Paper Mario is getting new life and deserves a home for it’s fans so why not here? Who knows, maybe a SPM remake is next! Even if not, Super Switch 2 is right around the corner which will give us plenty to discuss. Hard to believe all this started with the Wii & DS.

The bitlands project was shelved, but Francis Jr is really into Mario Maker so I plan on reviving it as something we can work on together and even using a real game engine instead of JavaScript. Though first step is to package up betalands to make it playable offline. The vision of NERR 3.0 was to merge chat/forums into an actual game world but it was never fully realized for a variety of reasons. Returning the forums/chat to just that will remove a huge distraction.

I know reddit and discord have replaced most of the use cases for sites like this, but I think the world still needs small quirky dedicated communities so thanks to all of you who stick around or even just check in from time to time so it can live on. Now get back to posting, this place is empty!


excited to see the radical new features that lie in 4.0’s future


You are an absolute legend, Francis. Thank you, genuinely, for giving us this site. The digi community is brilliant and Super Paper Mario is such a gem. Love that this site exists, now reborn with a new fresh, dare I say “Hi-technical” look! Very schweet!

You the ultimate nerr, my guy!


Frack yeah, Thanks Francis for continuing to do all this, it’s genuinely so cool that this community even exists.
Also hope Francis Jr. Is doing well lol, thats super cool that he’s potentially getting involved
Digibutter ‘bout to turn into a family business


|| I think the world still needs small quirky dedicated communities
yeah honestly!! i think that sums it up really well :> as a nerd young’un who grew up on tumblr and not forums, now that ive gotten used to the website layout its really refreshing!! its very cool here i will continue to be a nerd and ramble about my sillies in this new internet corner

also cool digi lore i didnt know!! there was a 1.5?? thats wacky
tysm again Francis!! happy 17 years of digi!!! :tada: :tada: :tada:


Thanks for everything, Francis! It’s quite fitting that Francis Jr’s so into Mario Maker. He’s got a bright future ahead of him!

It feels great to be back in .bizness! It’s like we’re living in the palace of Nerrsailles!


Also, silly Francis: this is the 9th State of Digibutter Address! Your eighth was in 2017, just before I arrived. digibutter.nerr


Ah thanks! I thought there was one more but couldn’t find it. It’s impossible to find anything in 3.0! Part of the reason why I want to migrate all those posts over to here :mag:


wow year 17! francine jr is still too young for any gaming but looking forward to raising the next nerr


Fully agreed on the need for little communities like this. It’s cool to see that this site has managed to survive for 17 years! Here’s to many more years to come, hopefully


Loaded up the site on a whim and wasn’t expecting everything to look completely different; I’d heard that 4.0 was coming eventually but didn’t know exactly when.

The big question is, who’s going to be the first to get NerrBot running in here? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


don’t threaten shadoo’s status
he makes good features


More like a luxury!
Here’s to seventeen.

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