Time for TTYD 2024

since my wii is back up and running, i think it’s time for this year’s TTYD playthrough

probably not gonna do anything particularly special for it, but might as well feed the fresh new site some more posts


Schweet! Looks like fun! I’m holding off until the remake comes out.

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Same, I was going to load it on my Wii U (still have my original sealed GC copy, never played it). But then the remake was announced and I lost motivation.


Same here, waiting for that remake, it looks awesome

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I could not imagine my surprise when i found out that the real Francis keeps sealed games :face_holding_back_tears:

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Already pre-ordered the remake :muscle:


I’ve never played Paper Mario TTYD so this remake existing makes me so happy because I’ll finally play this gem of a game

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Just realized its the same for me! Theres probably gonna be a ton of stuff that im surprised by as i havent even seen a playthrough in like, 9 years.

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i’m like the only person here who has played a legit physical copy of TTYD

(except for mr l i think)

Me too!

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shoot you even have an official box you’re even better than me
(i only have a blank dvd case)

Same here, I’m really excited to finally play it!

Cost me £120 but I regret nothing. TTYD is fantastic. Got the official box and the manual with it

I remember wanting to buy it on the Wii U when i was a kid but deciding not to, because Madame Flurry was on the title screen and I thought my parents would think I was weird/the game was weird and wouldn’t let me buy it





I swear it was on virtual console, right??

Sadly it was not ;(
GameCube games were not available on virtual console

Huh???!! I guess im following good ol Sexx Tricker on the path to becoming “high delusionall”

The only way to play GameCube games on Wii U is to have a modded Wii U and run Nintendont in Wii mode