Video Game Music

One of the best themes ever<3

Other banger themes (will spoiler if there are potential spoilers in the title tho):

(I know these are old games now but ya know… Just in case someone hasn’t played)

Super Paper Mario:

Paper Mario 64:

I’ll add more as I think, don’t wanna make too long of a post lol

Mario music rocks, I think first hearing Mario Galaxy’s gusty garden was the first time I noticed how amazing video game music is in its own right

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ooo yes yes

gotta put here lol

Currently listening to one of the best video game soundtracks of all time :muscle: :boom: it’s been a while since i last listened i’m very happy :hibiscus: :cherry_blossom: :tippi:


super paper mario music is very underrated, it’s has such a unique like, zany feel that makes me immediately notice it


fort francis just came on :franis: the goat

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Technically video game music

These are also pretty shweet