What do you even do in Monster Hunter, anyway?

Before people answer that sincerely, I’ll say that this forum probably needs a Monster Hunter thread, because every forum needs a Monster Hunter thread.

With Wilds releasing in like, a day and a half, there’s probably no better time for it.

I’m very interested to see how the weapons perform in the proper game, since I’m aware quite a few of them received changes following the beta builds (such as insect glaive getting its aerial playstyle back and lance having more opportunities to chain their combos into a counter)

It’s going to be a difficult choice to settle on a set of main weapons this time around. In Rise, I primarily used sword and shield, insect glaive and switch axe, and the Wilds beta sold me pretty hard on hammer, gunlance and hunting horn.

Let’s get ready to avoid carts and collect monstered parts!

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Good golly, you just came back after what, 15 years, and you’re already posting high-effort threads? You’re an anomaly, M’aiq.

I haven’t really played MH since Generations on the 3DS. I had a blast playing with the Hunting Horn in that game. Local multiplayer was a bunch of fun too. I played a tiny bit of Monster Hunter World on the Xbox One when that was new, but I just didn’t have the time for it like my friend at the time did.

Wilds does look pretty cool. Hope it lives up to your expectations.

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I haven’t been able to dig too deep yet, but game runs fine for me so far on a mix of medium/high settings (though my target is 1080p/60fps, I wouldn’t trust my computer with this game at 4k even if I had a 4k monitor)

Here’s Wallace Weege and his partner, Legally Wartin.

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Powerful cat…


I can feel the power radiating from this image. Epic :awesome:

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Does this game have Trees?? ?u?

Wallace Weege has defeated the main story and entered High Rank content.

Many trees. Small trees, big trees, trees you can fight dragons on, dead trees, trees made of rocks…