What exactly is the point of The Dump?

I’m not exactly sure of what exactly the point of the dump is, every other category is pretty well explained, but the dump doesn’t exactly explain anything, can I have an explanation?

The Dump has historically been a place for posts that would probably be deleted otherwise. Nonsense, experimental avant-guard memes, test posts, etc… stuff that’s just above being spam.

The original description:

Watch out for falling topics

Since Off-Topic is getting crazy, here is where you can post your silly topics.
Any topics we don’t like will end up in here instead of Off-Topic.
If we have to keep moving many of your topics into here, you will be banned.
No coins or points are earned here.
Posting here will not increase your post count.
Topics that go 7 days without a reply will be deleted.

Contrary to popular belief, you CAN be banned for what you post in here. Inappropriate material is not allowed nor is “breaking” the forum (excessive text, posting multiple/huge images, etc)

Now, continue on… if you dare.

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how come that was removed, it was actually a good description