Ignition completes El Shaddai development
Posted by Joystiq Jan 31 2011 16:08 GMT in El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron
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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, Ignition Entertainment's action game about Enoch and his time-traveling pal the devil, has now been completed. The visually dreamy fighter is on track for an April 28 release in Japan, with releases in North America and Europe to be detailed by the publisher "shortly."

Also short: the supply of Edwin's El Shaddai tie-in jeans. Ignition noted that both the "Enoch" and "Lucifel" styles of jeans were sold out within the first three minutes of sale. That suggests either a lot of excitement about this game in Japan, or that they were really nice pants. Ignition will announce "strategic partnerships" with more companies for promotions worldwide, following this success.

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