THQ places Amnesia: The Dark Descent in a retail box
Posted by Joystiq Feb 16 2011 12:00 GMT in Amnesia: The Dark Descent
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Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a frightening game. A pants-wettingly frightening game. One of the few nice things about Frictional Games' heretofore downloadable title is that you can at least pretend that it ceases to exist once the computer is turned off. Apparently not satisfied by this state of affairs, THQ's ValuSoft division will be bringing a box-copy version of the game to retail on February 22 for the decidedly not scary price of $20.

The box itself isn't very frightening at all, almost to the point of being amusing. We can only assume this is to lull new players into a false sense of security before installing the game.

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