Homefront first day sales 'robust,' server capacity being added
Posted by Joystiq Mar 16 2011 21:25 GMT in Homefront
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Despite some rough reviews for Homefront (including our own) and a nasty dip in stock price (it's still down), things aren't all frowny face in THQ Land. Homefront already had the distinction of being the most pre-ordered title in THQ history and now, just one day after launch, THQ is trumpeting "robust" first day North American sales of approximately 375,000 units.

Of course, nothing says "successful multiplayer game" like a server boost, and THQ core games veep Danny Bilson is happy to note as much. "Due to the strong and growing demand for Homefront's multiplayer, we continue to add dedicated server capacity," Bilson said in a press release. Bilson's boss, CEO Brian Farrell, added, "We are delighted with first day sales for Homefront and are already fulfilling re-orders for the game from multiple retailers." $20 says that two of those retailers are Walmart and Amazon.

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