Call Of Juarez Involves “Co-opetition”
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 17 2011 13:23 GMT in Call of Juarez: The Cartel
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The latest trailer for cowboys-in-the-now game Call Of Juarez: The Cartel (below, natch) shows its co-op game. What’s interesting about it is this word: “Co-opetition.” What the word means is that each of the players in the co-op game is going to have his or her own agenda, and executing it might get you in big trouble, (or even executed, judging by the end of the trailer). While you have to fight the NPC carterl goons together, there’s going to be side-missions all the way for deciding which if you is actually the best at sneaky manshoots. I’m keen to see this in action – I wonder whether it will stand up to repeated play. For now though, check out the trailer.

The game is out on July 19th.(more…)

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