Journey online beta beginning next week
Posted by Joystiq Jun 23 2011 23:45 GMT in Journey
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You may soon have a chance to test out the online component of Journey, the latest evocative project from thatgamecompany (you know the one). According to comments made by Mike Snider, who makes up one half of USA Today's Game Hunters, an online beta is due to start next week. We'll let you know as soon as we hear more about gaining access.

While the developers are sure to extract valuable deta from the beta, we're more excited by what internet can learn from the playground presented in Journey. Wrapped in elegant textiles, players travel through a sparse and wondrous desert, choosing to dilly-dally, collaborate or simply go their own way. There's no hostility, jealousy or snark, and even the shouting seems gentle and polite.

Meanwhile, Joystiq's own sources indicate that some people are already playing the beta. NO, PLEASE, go on without us. WE HOPE YOU CHOKE ON EVERY GRANULE.

Update: According to thatgamecompany's Twitter feed, further details of a "very limited" beta will come on Monday via its Facebook page and PlayStation Blog.

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