Street Fighter X Tekken to Share DLC Across Vita, PS3
Posted by Giant Bomb Sep 16 2011 22:06 GMT in Street Fighter x Tekken
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What? Yes. Yes, yes, yes and yes. That's a bear farting. You win this round, Ono.

It never feels good to buy something twice, especially when it's the same damn thing. That sounds like the story of any hardcore Nintendo fan (I kid!), but with Vita expected to receive ports more or less in line with PlayStation 3 versions, it poses an interesting question regarding the portability of content.

Capcom has a solution for Street Fighter X Tekken: the content works across platforms.

In an interview with Joystiq, producer Yoshinori Ono said downloadable content released for the PS3 version of Street Fighter X Tekken should work on the Vita version, too, provided you're using the same PlayStation Network account on both.

"Yes, they're different hardware, but they're part of the same PlayStation family, so to speak, so we're already talking with Sony about ways to sync things together," said Ono.

There aren't many games where this cross-compatibility would work, but for the times it would, this sounds pretty great.

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