Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker characters revealed in Famitsu
Posted by Joystiq Sep 23 2009 16:05 GMT in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
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Hideo Kojima has remained tight-lipped about the characters that will appear in Konami's upcoming PSP spy romp, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker -- so far, we only know four: Snake, Snake, Snake and Snaaaake! However, Famitsu has revealed a few other faces that will make an appearances in the game: Amanda, Huey, Chico, Coldman, Strangelove, Galvez, Cecile, Paz, and, most notably, Master Miller from Metal Gear 2. The magazine also included illustrations of these characters, who look as colorful as their names might suggest. Famitsu also provides details about the co-op modes seen in the nine-minute trailer released last month. When two players get close to one another, "Co-op" mode activiates, merging the players' health gauges and allowing them to trade items. When they get really close, they go into "Snake-in" mode, in which one player controls both Snakes' movements so that the other can focus on murdering fools.We wonder if all four players can merge in this manner, forming a growling, bearded train of death? [Thanks, Ryan]

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