So I haven’t actually played Transformers: War For Cybertron, but Alec liked “the bit where the robot punched the other robot.” If there is a more ringing endorsement – aside from, hypothetically, “it let me punch, kick, crush, blast, boil, mash, blend, throw the sun at, and gravely insult Shia Labeouf” – I’ve yet to hear it. For the longest time, however, its upcoming sequel was confined to the robo-space-planet of Consoletropolistopiatron, because developer High Moon Studios felt it wasn’t capable of delivering an up-to-par port. Fair enough – given that War’s port was a bit shoddy. Still though, nothing isn’t generally better than something. So now, High Moon’s passing the baton that turns into a fully featured kitchen off to the aptly named Mercenary Technology.