The Quantum Conundrum show is heavy on fluff, frenzy
Posted by Joystiq Jul 01 2012 04:59 GMT in Quantum Conundrum
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The premiere episode of The Super Dimensional Quantum Learning's Problems and Solutions Gametime Spectacular!! is live, and that's all we're going to say about that. We're not going to mention how former G4 host Kevin Pereira makes for an overly emphatic, quirked-out presenter, how it seems developers Airtight Games really want Quantum Conundrum to go viral, or how we honestly couldn't watch the entire thing because it hurts us, precious. Why does it hurts us?

The Super Dimensional Quantum Learning's Problems and Solutions Gametime Spectacular!! is produced by iam8bit, and this is the first episode in a series that will show off each dimension of physics-puzzler Quantum Conundrum: fluffy, heavy, slow-mo and reverse gravity.

For a less manic take on Quantum Conundrum, check out our review, a recorded live stream of us playing the first bit of the game, and our discussion of its finer points on the Super Joystiq Podcast, as part of the Joystiq Research Institute.

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