Quantum Conundrum Message Board

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Posted by Joystiq Nov 12 2012 20:30 GMT
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You'll be able to enter the Cheap Dimension along with all the others in Quantum Conundrum this week, as Airtight Games' physics-shifting puzzle game is free with PlayStation Plus membership.

And if you're still in the mood to solve environmental puzzles, Machinarium's PS3 version is $6.99 for Plus members on its launch day tomorrow, 30 percent off of regular price. Sony is also teasing Vita-related news "right around the corner," in keeping with a previous announcement that the service would arrive on Vita in earnest this month.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Nov 12 2012 17:03 GMT
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Last week, we revealed that Resident Evil 5 would be free for PS Plus members. Now we’re welcoming Quantum Conundrum into the Instant Game Collection. It’s a ground-breaking title in its own right, so read on to learn a bit more about it, along with another great deal for Plus members. This update’s content will be in effect with the November 13th PS Store Update.

Don’t have PlayStation Plus? Go to the PlayStation Store on your PS3 or click here to get access.

November 13th PlayStation Plus Update

Quantum Conundrum

Free for Plus Members

Quantum-Conundrum.jpg Designed by Kim Swift (one of the original developers of the classic game Portal), Quantum Conundrum is an amazing first person puzzler which gives you the power to hop through different dimensions, manipulating the very physical traits of the world around you in real time on a quest to save your inventor Uncle, Professor Fitz Quadwrangle! Check out IGN’s video review of the game below to find out why Quantum Conundrum is super clever, a ton of fun, and definitely worth playing.


30% off for PlayStation Plus Members (Regular price: $9.99, PS Plus Price: $6.99)

Machinarium.jpg If you haven’t had the chance to play through this adventure, now might be the time. Machinarium is a point-and-click game that immerses you in a remarkable world to solve puzzles and complete your journey. Find out why it was awarded the Excellence in Visual Art award at the Independent Games Festival and download with tomorrow’s PlayStation Store Update.

There’s more exciting news for PS Plus right around the corner (hint: PS Vita owners, and to-be PS Vita owners will love it), so stay tuned to PlayStation.Blog for more exciting PS Plus content coming your way. Until then, I’ll see you in the comments!


Get PlayStation Plus

Posted by Kotaku Oct 24 2012 22:55 GMT
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#pixld Quantum Conundrum's Kim Swift (because I am tired of typing Portal creator) and her team at Airtight Games have undergone a startling epiphany — mobile phones can play games. They've launched Airtight Mobile to take advantage of this discovery, with the first of these "mobile phone games" dropping next week. It's called PIXLD. More »

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 25 2012 11:00 GMT
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In the beginning, there was Quantum Conundrum, and it was… pretty decent, with occasional flashes of both brilliance and dimension-shattering frustration. However, in this era where games no longer come on tapes or frisbees, they are capable of producing new content from thin air – like a magician bending the fabric of reality to produce a bunny. And while Quantum Conundrum’s DLC won’t have any bunnies (that I know of), one of the two announced mini-expansions will center around Ike, who is somewhat bunny-like in stature. Meanwhile, the other pack, The Desmond Debacle, will be led by a drinking bird and feature “hours” of puzzle-solving. Beforehand, however, you’ll have to strain your brain to solve the diabolical Should-You-Buy-It Conundrum. Perhaps I can help you with that.


Posted by Joystiq Jul 10 2012 23:00 GMT
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This week the PlayStation Store is headed to mystical places, full of magic, wonder and unprovoked beheadings - now across four different dimensions! Game of Thrones is out for download this week for $50 and Quantum Conundrum runs $15, with a demo also available.

Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition ($10) and Rainbow Moon ($15) are out on PSN, too. PlayStation Plus members can take 20 percent off Rainbow Moon and play a full game trial of NCAA Football 2013. This is also the last week Plus members can grab God of War: Collections and Origins Collections at 30 percent off.

Posted by PlayStation Blog Jul 10 2012 17:08 GMT
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Hello out there! Oh man, this is it! The time has finally come for Quantum Conundrum to be released on this, the most superb of days. The team and I are extremely excited for the game’s launch and we worked rather hard to bring our handiwork to the PSN catalog.

In case you have no idea what I’m excitedly prattling about, here’s the low down. So, Quantum Conundrum is an environmental puzzle game where you have the ability to change dimensions on the fly between alternate universes existing in the same space. Gotta move the couch so you can vacuum under it? Just switch to Fluffy Dimension and that heavy couch will become an oh-so-cute pink ultra-cushy version of itself. In addition to being adorable, that couch and the whole world around you, in fact, will become ten times lighter. So you can easily pick up that couch and finish your chores with skill and alacrity—and then take a nap. Everything just looks so comfortable…


Room in Normal Dimension


The same room in FLUFFY DIMENSION!! FLUFFY!!!

In Quantum Conundrum, you play as a kid dropped on his Uncle’s doorstep by his parents for the weekend. As it so happens, your Uncle is actually a brilliant scientist and inventor, Professor Fitz Quadwrangle. During the course of the game you’ll gain access to his latest invention called the Inter-Dimensional Shift Device which will allow you to shift to four different dimensions—Fluffy, Heavy, Slow-Motion and Reverse Gravity.

When you first enter the Manor, something with one of Professor Quadwrangle’s experiments goes horribly wrong and he goes missing. And to top it off, the whole house goes on emergency lock down. Now it’s up to you to be the adult in the situation and find out what happened and restore power to the Manor. Easy as pie (mmm pie), except, I’ve neglected to mention that Professor Quadwrangle’s manor has been retrofitted to be a giant laboratory to test his various experiments, which translates to one puzzling challenge after another.

So, why should you get Quantum Conundrum? Besides the fact that, it is a most excellent game, you will also support the creation of wonderful abominations of nature such as this one:


Inter-Dimensional Kinetic Entity

Oh and one last thing. Don’t forget to ‘Do A Thing.’

Posted by Joystiq Jul 09 2012 03:30 GMT
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It's Sunday, and you know what that means: We watched the Quantum Conundrum YouTube show and we now want to share our confusion with you. The Super Dimensional Quantum Learning's Problems and Solutions Gametime Spectacular!! features the heavy dimension this week. And a Kevin Pereira in a wig.

Posted by Joystiq Jul 08 2012 00:30 GMT
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Much like a fine wine and some sort of stinky cheese, Stiq Flicks takes a look at a recent video game release and pairs it with a film.
Quantum Conundrum has already been confounding people on PC for a couple of weeks, and soon you'll also be able to pick it up for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The first-person, puzzle-platformer offers up a more whimsical version of the reality-bending physics you'll find in Portal, with tons of tongue-in-cheek humor.

Our film pairing for this title offers up similar brain-crunching puzzles, albeit without the lighthearted humor. Director Vincenzo Natali's excellent movie Cube (Rated R) is a perfect puzzle in a box, but is anything but a cute, whimsical adventure.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 03 2012 22:37 GMT
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So Alec declared the wonderfully whimsical Kim Swift’s (which makes her sound like some kind of circus magician) Quantum Conundrum “that most maddening, saddening breed of videogame – the Almost Success.” But what does Alec know? Maybe he accidentally clicked on James Bond: Quantum of Solace or a quantum physics lecture instead. So clearly, the only solution is to take it for a test drive yourself. And now, you can do that with a freshly fluffy demo that’s emerged from Steam’s magical vapors. But, uh, you may not learn quite as much as you’re hoping.


Posted by Joystiq Jul 01 2012 04:59 GMT
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The premiere episode of The Super Dimensional Quantum Learning's Problems and Solutions Gametime Spectacular!! is live, and that's all we're going to say about that. We're not going to mention how former G4 host Kevin Pereira makes for an overly emphatic, quirked-out presenter, how it seems developers Airtight Games really want Quantum Conundrum to go viral, or how we honestly couldn't watch the entire thing because it hurts us, precious. Why does it hurts us?

The Super Dimensional Quantum Learning's Problems and Solutions Gametime Spectacular!! is produced by iam8bit, and this is the first episode in a series that will show off each dimension of physics-puzzler Quantum Conundrum: fluffy, heavy, slow-mo and reverse gravity.

For a less manic take on Quantum Conundrum, check out our review, a recorded live stream of us playing the first bit of the game, and our discussion of its finer points on the Super Joystiq Podcast, as part of the Joystiq Research Institute.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 22 2012 02:30 GMT
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Is Quantum Conundrum a cure for summer boredom or a botched experiment?

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 22 2012 01:40 GMT
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Walk the Hall of Wonders and learn the skills you'll need to solve this Quantum Conundrum.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 22 2012 01:38 GMT
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Things aren't all cute and fluffy as you get in the more advanced levels of Quantum Conundrum.

Posted by Giant Bomb Jun 21 2012 18:27 GMT
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If you have a capable PC, you can already download Portal designer Kim Swift’s latest puzzler, Quantum Conundrum. You’ll have to wait a little bit longer for the console versions, but not much longer.

Square Enix announced today Quantum Conundrum will arrive July 10 on PlayStation Network, and July 11 through Xbox Live Arcade.

No price has been announced for the other platforms, but it’s $15 on PC, so use your imagination!

Also, I’ve embedded the Ryan and Vinny’s Quick Look of the game, which went up today.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 21 2012 18:23 GMT
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Solve scientifically impossible puzzles by shifting through five dimensions in Quantum Conundrum.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 21 2012 17:14 GMT
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I vowed solemnly to myself that I would offer my written opinion upon Quantum Conundrum without so much as mentioning Portal. “Alec old bean”, I bellowed at myself while brushing my teeth and drinking a large glass of whiskey in the shower, “it’s not terribly proper to forever perceive someone in the light of their previous achievements. You should treat this new game of physics puzzles from former Portal lead Kim Swift and her current studio Airtight Games as its own entity rather than in regard to how it compares to Valve’s non-combat first-person games. I say, would you like a scotch egg with that?”

When I left the shower to start actually playing Quantum Conundrum, it was near-instantly clear this promise to myself could not in good conscience be met.(more…)

Posted by Valve Jun 21 2012 17:03 GMT
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Quantum Conundrum is now available on Steam! You can also grab the Season Pass and receive the full game, soundtrack, and two upcoming DLC's!

Your job is to find—and ultimately rescue—your uncle, by using his newest invention, the Interdimensional Shift Device, to switch between dimensions and solve puzzles. That sofa too heavy to move? Theres a dimension for that! Switch to Fluffy Dimension and that sofa is now light as a feather. Need to get up to a high ledge? Theres a dimension for that! Just switch to Anti-Gravity Dimension and things begin to float upward. Need to make things heavier? Theres a dimension for th—well, you get the idea. Switch dimensions in real time, work your way through the crazy complex mansion wings and rescue your uncle!


Posted by Kotaku Jun 21 2012 16:00 GMT
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#review Let's just get this out of the way: Yes, Quantum Conundrum is a first-person puzzler, just like Portal. Yes, it was designed by Kim Swift, the project lead on Portal. And yes, it shares some of Portal's core traits: there's a physics-altering arm device, a goofy omniscient narrator, and an alarming number of buttons that need to be pushed. More »

looks like a Portal mod

Posted by IGN Jun 21 2012 16:00 GMT
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A first-person mind-boggler that hands over the keys to four new dimensions.

Posted by Giant Bomb Jun 21 2012 13:00 GMT
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Quantum Conundrum qontinues its quixotic quest for quantities of quandaries of questionable quality.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 21 2012 09:00 GMT
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It’s the final day of E3. Most attendees have died exhausted and alone, with only XXXL shirts and fliers for NOS energy drinks as bartering chips in their bid to enter the pearly gates of the great beyond. I shuffle into a tiny booth cubicle – technically for an appointment, but mostly in vain hope of discovering some hidden developer pillow mountain. Inside, I instead find Quantum Conundrum mastermind Kim Swift… excitedly chatting with Square Enix PR about Left 4 Dead, energized as someone who just woke up from being frozen in a block of ice for thousands of years.

It was pretty surprising at the time – given that she was coming off not only a grueling E3 but also an entire development cycle. But then, I suppose there’s a sort of giddy limit-defying elation in finally crossing the finish line. And, as Swift went on to tell me, she got to do it her way – even with a titan as large as Square Enix looming over the production. Which is kind of incredible, when you think about it. So then, how did all of this come about?


Posted by GameTrailers Jun 18 2012 21:59 GMT
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The laws of physics are bent with the futuristic technology of Quantum Conundrum.

Posted by IGN Jun 18 2012 21:09 GMT
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Today's lesson explores how to put mind over matter with Quantum Conundrum's IDS Device.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 15 2012 16:00 GMT
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Get the inside scoop behind the character and dimensions of Quantum Conundrum.

Posted by IGN Jun 07 2012 21:36 GMT
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Quantum Conundrum mesmerizes us at the IGN E3 booth!

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 06 2012 16:42 GMT
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See examples of the mind-bending puzzles you can expect in Quantum Conundrum.

Posted by GameTrailers Jun 05 2012 16:01 GMT
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Shift through multiple dimensions and solve puzzles in Quantum Conundrum.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 31 2012 23:44 GMT
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Too much or too little. It seems like game trailers can never show just enough. I’m dubbing it the Quantum Conundrum Conundrum in honor of today’s absolutely unhinged trailer for Kim Swift’s brain-twister. I mean, I suppose it’s understandable, given that Square and Airtight (Squaretight?) had to condense four dimensions‘ worth of stuff into one video. But goodness, there’s a lot going on here. Boxes fluffifying, safes swooping in meticulous, war-like formation, and images shifting every two seconds – as though powered by my web-browsing habits. It’s all a bit much. Watch the full thing after the break. Then re-watch it to figure out what was actually going on.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 17 2012 19:00 GMT
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When John tried to unravel Quantum Conundrum he reported that there were several dimensions, including a heavy one, a gravity reversing one and another that slows down time. Those sit alongside (if dimensions sit or have sides) the fluffy dimension that has been shown in the previously released videos. I didn’t believe a word of Walker’s report of course. Why would he be traipsing around dimensions that the rest of us haven’t even laid eyes on? What gives him the right?

Sadly, a new video shows that there is indeed a dimension that slows down time more effectively than Uncle Boring McDullston’s slides from his annual fortnight long road trip around Milton Keynes’ grid system. He probably made a lucky guess.
