The Walking Dead becoming an FPS from Terminal Reality
Posted by Joystiq Jul 06 2012 18:25 GMT in The Walking Dead
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It turns out the mythology of The Walking Dead is enough to support more than one game. Activision announced its own game based on the franchise - the TV show, specifically - a first-person shooter developed by Terminal Reality. It's due next year for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.

Players take the role of Daryl Dixon, traveling with his brother Merle toward Atlanta, attempting not to get zombitten on the way. An IGN post about the game suggest that players will have the option of using stealth to avoid the zombies, and will have to manage scarce resources. In addition, other characters will appear, and you'll have the choice to have them travel with you or not. Our tip: if they're zombies, don't invite them along.

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