Mercurysteam on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate delay, just need more time
Posted by GoNintendo 12 years ago in Nintendo Stuff
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"It's been two years since the enormous success of Castlevania Lords of Shadow, and with this next installment, we want to take the necessary time needed to give fans a handheld title unlike any other. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate will bridge the storyline to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, also planned to release in 2013. Both titles will reveal the shocking fate of the Belmont Clan in a dramatic culmination of the Lords of Shadow saga." - Dave Cox, Producer

I hate that the game has been delayed, but I can respect the team putting in more time to tweak the final product. Man, that wait for 2013 is going to be even longer now.

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