Escape Goat makes a break for your browser this weekend
Posted by Joystiq Sep 08 2012 06:45 GMT in PC Gaming News
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While Escape Goat has been available on the PC and Xbox Live Indie Games for quite a while now, the titular goat and his mousy companion are coming to a browser near you. This HTML5 port includes the full game, which centers around a goat and a mouse who are trying to escape from a prison full of ever-changing rooms. That old chestnut.

No matter your browser or operating system, you can play Escape Goat this weekend through Sunday, September 9, after which point a demo version will remain. So, feel free to go play it right now. While we'll leave it up to speculation why the two were imprisoned in the first place, know their escape is a noble cause - we'd never throw our support behind two guilty convicts.

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