Endgame Studios talks Fractured Soul sequel, no specific Wii U ideas, interest in more eShop support
Posted by GoNintendo Sep 08 2012 01:18 GMT in Nintendo Stuff
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A portion of an NWR interview with Grant Davies of Endgame Studios...

NWR: Last time, you mentioned the possibility of a sequel on consoles. Are you considering Wii U now? What is your impression of the system?

GD: I think there's two ideas here. One is that we'd love to have a presence on consoles and PC. I've seen how well Mutant Mudds has transitioned onto PC (day-one purchase for me) and I'd love to see Fractured Soul on the big screen too. The other idea is that of a sequel, which is also something the whole team would love to do—we're already running an internal document on ideas should we get a chance to do it. It just depends on how the first game performs in the marketplace. As for Wii U, we don't have any specific ideas that would take advantage of that console at the moment, so in a sense we view all those consoles as very similar to each other. XBLA [Xbox Live Arcade] is notoriously difficult to get a release on, so a lot will depend on how Nintendo evolve the digital store and whether they're looking for indie content to put on it.

NWR: What projects/systems will you be working on in the future? Will you stick to Nintendo systems? Will you stick to download platforms?

GD: I think download is great—a way to connect directly with gamers and a way to provide a really good value offering to gamers too. Download is definitely where we want to be. I'd like to think we'll be across more platforms than only Nintendo in the future. I do hope that Fractured Soul sells well enough to justify 3DS as a viable platform in its own right, because I do think it's a cool platform, and it would be good to be able to continue to support it. As for future projects—well, somewhere along this crazy journey we realised that the reason Fractured Soul is a platforming game is because we naturally enjoy these games, and naturally want to design this type of game. So whatever we do in the future, it will likely be in the platforming genre. We're all hoping, though, that Fractured Soul can do well enough to justify us doing more with it. There is lot left to explore in Fractured Soul yet!

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