Oculus Rift straps itself into the Strike Suit Zero cockpit
Posted by Joystiq Aug 03 2013 01:30 GMT in Strike Suit Zero
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After our time with EVE VR at E3, we can't even imagine playing a space combat game without an Oculus Rift. Thankfully, the developers behind space dogfighter Strike Suit Zero understand this and have released a beta version with a redesigned HUD and UI elements for the Oculus Rift VR headset.

You'll need access to an Oculus Rift dev kit and a copy of Strike Suit Zero to make this work, of course. The developer has also set aside a special area in its forums for feedback on the new beta version.

Strike Suit Zero launched back in January, a game whose chief mechanic is the Strike Suit - an advanced aircraft that can freely transform between space fighter and mech. Strike Suit Zero is currently available for $20 on Steam right now; a standalone score-based version called Strike Suit Infinity launched back in April for $7.

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