Strike Suit Zero Message Board

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 21 2014 08:00 GMT
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Strike Suit Zero, to use a perfect term, is my jam. Sci-fi? Check. Space Transformers? Check. Almost comical disregard for the sanctity of life and natural resources? Check. It’s bombastic, beautiful insanity that, to my eternal anger, proved rather unplayable on my aging hulk of a machine. Nathan proved measurably harder to impress a year ago, which may in part by why things have ended up here: a special edition of the game, initially for console release but eventually spreading out into our sector. It’s designed to fix many of the issues players and critics alike had with the campaign, as well as include DLC at no extra cost. Morph this post to its heavier form for a look at the trailer and details.

… [visit site to read more]

Posted by Joystiq Dec 11 2013 19:00 GMT
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Discount PC gaming retailer Indie Royale has started a new initiative dubbed Daily Royale whose purpose is to offer even bigger discounts on select games. The catch? You'll need to be fast to take advantage of these deals.

Though Daily Royale only sells digital games, it does so using redeemable codes, and the site usually only has a limited number of codes to work with. The inaugural offering from the service is space shooter Strike Suit Zero at $5 (instead of its normal $20 price point), and with just under 67 hours left, Daily Royale has 942 codes remaining. Expect those to go quickly once word spreads of this site.

Despite its name, Daily Royale plans to offer two new sales a week initially, with more frequent sales appearing once the site has established itself. If you'd like to make sure you're up to date on what Daily Royale has on offer, signing up for the site's newsletter is the fastest way to get updates on new sales. For those of you unwilling to leave the warm, soothing cocoon of social media however, there are also Facebook and Twitter accounts to keep tabs on.

Posted by Joystiq Aug 03 2013 01:30 GMT
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After our time with EVE VR at E3, we can't even imagine playing a space combat game without an Oculus Rift. Thankfully, the developers behind space dogfighter Strike Suit Zero understand this and have released a beta version with a redesigned HUD and UI elements for the Oculus Rift VR headset.

You'll need access to an Oculus Rift dev kit and a copy of Strike Suit Zero to make this work, of course. The developer has also set aside a special area in its forums for feedback on the new beta version.

Strike Suit Zero launched back in January, a game whose chief mechanic is the Strike Suit - an advanced aircraft that can freely transform between space fighter and mech. Strike Suit Zero is currently available for $20 on Steam right now; a standalone score-based version called Strike Suit Infinity launched back in April for $7.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 22 2013 11:00 GMT
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Showing off your mod tools by modding your own game seems like a bit of a cheat to me. It would be like me showing you how easy it was to write a hilarious and witty SEO-filled RPS post by writing a hilarious and witty RPS SEO-filled post, because you’d expect that from me (and also ipad facebook jolie football gaga 22cans xboxone). But that’s what Born Ready Games chose to do, and though I expect it was easier for them than it would be for the average user, it is interesting to see them turn their space-bot fighting game, Strike Suit Zero, into a racing game, shooter, and a parcel delivery simulator. Explainingey videoey belowey.(more…)

Posted by Joystiq Apr 23 2013 22:00 GMT
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Born Ready Games has announced a new standalone "Strike Suit" game, coming to PC via Steam on April 30. The score-driven Strike Suit Infinity jettisons most of the objectives of the original Strike Suit Zero, save for the obvious one: shoot things in space.

Strike Suit Infinity recognizes success by placing you higher in competitive leaderboards, and hopes to augment the destruction of enemy spaceships with extrinsic rewards like points, chains, multipliers and credits to purchase reinforcements.

This $7 deal nets you an infinite number of interstellar vehicles, and the eternally relevant reminder that they, as with all things in outer space, are coming to kill you.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 23 2013 17:00 GMT
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Enjoyed space-shooter Strike Suit Zero, did you? Well then, this news might excite or disappoint in equal measure: Born Ready Games send word that they’re bringing out another Strike Suit game, although this one’s a little simpler than you might have expected from a sequel, being a straightforward multiplier-driven score-chasing shoot ‘em up. Strike Suit Infinity “has been designed to provide endless challenge for competitive players through online leaderboards.” That’s the infinity part, I suppose. Not sure what that implies for the zero on the original game, though? Hmm.

Strike Suit Infinity is out on April 30th at a price of $7.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 05 2013 15:00 GMT
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The latest patch for space-combat blaster Strike Suit Zero looks like a cracker, with a much-demanded in-cockpit view (haha, cockpit is a funny word) which – like the game’s other views – should apparently work well with a three-monitor setup. So that’s fancy. In more practical news: the checkpoint system has been overhauled, the targeting systems has been reworked, and there are new difficulty levels. Strike Suit Zero Point Three, more like.

Watch it all get explained by handsomely becapped community spokesman Jamin Smith, below.(more…)

Posted by Joystiq Jan 28 2013 20:30 GMT
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This week on GOG sees the launch of a few good, new games (GNGs) and of course some decent, old games (DOGs) on Mac and PC. Indie darling Strike Suit Zero hits PC today for the sale price of $16, while classics Neverwinter Nights 2: Complete and Conquest: Frontier Wars invade PC for $15 and $6, respectively. That Neverwinter Nights 2 price is 25 percent off.

The Mac launch lineup comprises Legend of Grimrock, The Blackwell Bundle, Alpha Centuri, Fallout 2, Sid Meier's Colonization, Postal 2 Complete, Ultima 7: The Complete Edition, Freespace + Expansion, Terminal Velocity and Conquest of the New World.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jan 24 2013 11:00 GMT
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What would you do if some malevolent genie offered you the choice between either a) a rip-roaring, physics-defying spaceship, or b) a star-destroying giant robot? I would cry. Born Ready, though, presumably encountered that exact situation and decided to create an alternate reality in which they got both. In Strike Suit Zero, you play as a ship that transforms into a giant robot. Take that, evil genie. But is it the dream come true it sounds like it should be? And can it carry an entire arcade space shooter on its cannon-coated shoulders? Here’s wot I think.


Posted by Joystiq Jan 23 2013 19:30 GMT
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It's not often that we get to talk about games coming out early, even a few hours worth, but Kickstarter success story Strike Suit Zero is all about breaking our carefully constructed boundaries. Originally slated to hit on January 24, Strike Suit Zero comes to Steam, Green Man Gaming and GamersGate today, January 23, for a standard price of $20 (£14.99). It's 20 percent off on Steam, for $16, today through January 30.

Developer Born Ready Games is working on Mac and Linux versions of Strike Suit Zero and it will support the Oculus Rift VR headset, all due out later this year. Born Ready raised $174,804 on Kickstarter back in November, almost doubling its goal of $100,000. The people have spoken, and they want epic, futuristic, end-of-the-world space wars. And now they can have it.

Posted by Giant Bomb Jan 23 2013 14:00 GMT
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On paper, turning into a robot to destroy enemy spaceships sounds pretty rad. Space... is not paper.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Dec 12 2012 15:00 GMT
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Homeworld is a milestone for space strategy sims. I’ll wager that some time since its 1999 release NASA burned its entire archive of the original Star Trek series and replaced it with a single copy of the game in the section of its employee library called “What The Future Will Probably Be Like And How To Survive It”. It’s a titan of the genre remembered and revered for myriad reasons. Be it the delicately balanced systems rumbling beneath its clean lines of (at the time) unprecedented beauty or, not least, it’s atmosphere. A big part of that atmosphere was conjured by the award-winning musical maestro Paul Ruskay, whose journey to, with and beyond the project has, until now, gone untold. David Valijalo chatted with Paul about everything from Radical Entertainment’s role in the Vancouver scene of the 90s to his return to space with Strike Suit Zero next month, and why he spent so long out of sight and sound.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 30 2012 17:00 GMT
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Former Edge staffer and protein bar-lover David Valjalo marks his first appearance in our corner of the internet by chatting to Born Ready Games’ leader designer Chris Redden about successfully Kickstartered mech/space combat game Strike Suit Zero. Discussed: the resurrection of a genre, the issues around meeting public promises, changes to the original plan, the rich UK developer Kickstarter backlash and if the wild success of Star Citizen suggests a space combat revival.


Posted by Joystiq Nov 19 2012 17:30 GMT
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Born Ready Games' space shooter Strike Suit Zero will work its Gundam style January 24 on PC. The game, which achieved its Kickstarter goal of $100K, concluded with $174,804 in contributions.

"We are truly grateful for all the support we've received and above all else want to thank the community," said Born Ready CEO James Brooksby. "Their support has meant we're now able to make the game we'd always envisioned, and we can't wait for our fans to get their hands on it."

The exclusive PC beta for the first thousand backers who pledged $50 is currently scheduled for early December.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Nov 19 2012 15:01 GMT
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Space-bot shooter Strike Suit Zero will be ready for release on January 24th after a stirring Kickstarter campaign ended with $174,804 in the kitty. I’ve never understood why people keep their money in cats, although I’d gladly secure my lifesavings in the tiny keg around a St Bernard’s neck. They’d fit too, seeing as I currently keep the entire sum in my trouser pocket, and a dog wouldn’t scarper with the stash as soon as my back was turned. The funding has also ensured the completion of the XedMod, “a lightweight and unified version of Xed, the development toolset used to create the game”, which will be shared with the community. An old but spacey trailer follows.


Posted by Joystiq Nov 03 2012 00:15 GMT
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Space shooter Strike Suit Zero, from developer Born Ready Games, has achieved its Kickstarter goal of $100K with 14 days to go. With the first objective accomplished, it's on to stretch goals. The first, $130K, will see mod tools created for the game. Should the project make it to $180K, Mac and Linux versions will be created in addition to PC.

The pledge that pushed Strike Suit Zero past its goal was made by Steve Masters, lead designer of Assassin's Creed 3. Eurogamer reports that Masters, as it turns out, once worked for Born Ready head James Brooksby doing QA for a "space game" called Halcyon Sun. It was Masters' first job in the game industry.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Aug 30 2012 19:00 GMT
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It seems I’m going to have to live until 2299 to get to be a Transformer. Right now I’m limited to shouting “KEE KOO KAA KER CHAAA!” and waving my arms around, and while it looks bloody amazing, it’s not quite the same. That’s when Strike Suit Zero says we’ll have colonised space, but also gone and made the silly mistake of having a war. And now it’s up to me, apparently, to save Earth. Again?!


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jul 13 2012 09:00 GMT
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In recent years, space shooters and mechs – once majestic and dominant creatures, loping across the PC landscape with tear-jerking grace – have become all but extinct. They live on the fringes now, only daring to sip from the old watering hole when military FPSes and MMOs are safely out of sight. But now, along comes Strike Suit Zero. It combines all of your favorite things about space (an infinite void that can suck the lungs out of your very chest, pretty stars!) and all of the best bits of mechs (everything) to form a transforming metal titan that seems to be coming along quite nicely.


Posted by Kotaku Aug 25 2011 16:00 GMT
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#fetish The heat was unbearable. A group of kids scurried to find shade, but they did't find it under trees. More »

Posted by IGN Aug 09 2011 18:30 GMT
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Guildford, UK - doublesix games, the award-winning independent studio creator of Burn Zombie Burn!, today announces Strike Suit Zero; a unique arcade space shooter in which players will fly a transforming fighter -- known as a "Strike Suit" -- as they battle to save the Earth. Strike Suit Zero will be digitally released on the PC and game consoles in early 2012...