Lost Planet 2 action figures vs. your wallet
Posted by Joystiq Jan 29 2010 07:13 GMT in Lost Planet 2
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Capcom has inked a deal with Japanese toymaker collectibles purveyor Kotobukiya that will see the latter producing toys action figures based on the Variable Suits (i.e. power armor) featured in Lost Planet 2. Set to mech their debut in May, the two VS reproductions will retail for $39.99 each -- which seems pretty steep, until you consider just how detailed they actually are. Both figures will stand 6" tall and feature more than 20 points of articulation, plus functioning canopies and -- taking a cue from the game -- removable, interchangeable heavy weapons. It'll be up to you to provide the appropriate sound effects. Check out slightly larger photos of the itty-bitty bots after the break.

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