Which you sing to Eleanor Rigby.
Ah, look at all the Gay Cockniggers!
Ah, look at all the Gay Cockniggers!
Sheila Brown picks up the cock in a The Galactic Federation of Dinodongcopters and Hyperspeedhorsevagina Vehicular Tennessee where a Jesus day has been.
think in a Fiji.
raping at the speedwagon, wearing the dick that she keeps in a America by the OCTO*CRAG*ERPOTATOCANNON. Who is it for?
All the Gay Cockniggers, where do they all come from?
All the Gay Cockniggers, where do they all thrust?
Here's another one of these we did
A Crazy Night at the Library
One night something really Repulsive happened at the library. The characters in the stories started dicking from their books!
Nastasia climbed into Charlotte's Web and started penetrating with Wilbur the Pig! Goken wandered into an encyclopedia and ended up lost in WEST PHILLIDELPHIA!
The craziest part was when Slim wandered into The WiW and the WilliW and said, “Maggie, I don't think we're in Florida any more.”
Then NOD FLENDERS walked in and said, “*CRAG*! Everybody back in place!”
The characters raped around the room. Just in time! The students in grade 10th came in to get books for their reports, but it was safe. All the characters were back in the books where they belonged.
The Camping Trip
It was a cold, sexy night. Nas and Matt dicked around the campfire, slapping songs and eating hot dogs.
Soon they got tired, climbed into their dicks, and eventually fell asleep. Suddenly, they were both wide awake. There was a loud fingering sound outside the tent. Matt grabbed Nas's vagina and held on for dear life. Nas started chanting, “Lions and dinners and vaginas, oh my!” over and over again.
Then into their tent fell their friend your hand. your hand had been thirsty and had gone into the house for some cum. Now the cum was on the floor of their tent. But they all had a good laugh and went back to sleep.
It turned out to be a very hard camping trip. And maybe next time they'll even leave Matt's backyard.