World of Warcraft Message Board older than one year ago

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Here’s How You Bring Superman and Batman into World of Warcraft
#worldofwarcraft You might think that, with all the magically empowered warriors running around Azeroth, World of Warcraft doesn't need any appearances from the heroes from DC Comics. But damn if they don'... posted by Kotaku Jun 22 2012 02:00 GMT
Why Do We Love StarCraft II More Than Diablo III?
#burningquestions For this week's Burning Questions, Kirk and Jason talk about Blizzard games, specifically Diablo III and StarCraft II. Which game do they like better? Do the two games compliment one anoth... posted by Kotaku Jun 21 2012 00:00 GMT
World of Warcraft's Azeroth and Expansions Mapped in Google Maps
#worldofwarcraft Video games let us explore other worlds. Sometimes those worlds are massive—that's certainly true of Blizzard's World of Warcraft. They don't call it a massively multiplayer game for ... posted by Kotaku Jun 19 2012 01:00 GMT
Karazhan Holiday: Warcraft Summer Challenges
As if you needed any more reason to hide from the evil star of the day that brings fear and burning to all, Blizzard is launching a series of weekly Warcraft Summer Challenges to help avoid the outside world. It’s a way of gently urging you to go back ... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 15 2012 18:00 GMT
This One's For Fans of Blizzard's Cinematic Trailers
#fineart David Luong is an artist who, aside from helping out on a number of big-budget Hollywood movies, has also been involved with several Blizzard titles, including Diablo III, World of Warcraft and Sta... posted by Kotaku Jun 14 2012 05:30 GMT
A Guided Tour of Mists of Pandaria's Faction-Divided Capital City
#worldofwarcraft What better way to get to know the Alliance side of Mists of Pandaria's Asian-themed capital city than through the eyes of a delightful Serbian guide? The Blizzard Serbian Community walks ... posted by Kotaku Jun 12 2012 14:40 GMT
Why Yes, the Wii U Would Be Perfect for a Console-Based MMO
#speakuponkotaku With a screen ready to be populated with extraneous information built right into the controller, commenter Gusi A. Rincon thinks the Wii U would be the perfect console to host a World of Wa... posted by Kotaku Jun 11 2012 21:30 GMT
From StarCraft to WarCraft, This Concept Art Certainly Knows its Crafts
#fineart Concept artist Graven Tung has, in over a decade working in the field, provided pieces for clients such as Blizzard, where he worked on both StarCraft II - right down to Gabriel Tosh concert poster... posted by Kotaku Jun 11 2012 04:00 GMT
Mass Murderer Angered over World of Warcraft Connection
#crime Anders Behring Breivik is currently on trial in an Oslo District Court for killing 77 people. The mass murders sent shockwaves throughout the world. And now, prosecutors have offered more evidence to... posted by Kotaku Jun 07 2012 06:45 GMT
Could The Elder Scrolls Online Be Any More Generic-Looking?
#speakuponkotaku As The Elder Scrolls Online slowly reveals itself to the world at large, commenter Daemon_Gildas is less and less impressed, and he'll tell you all about it in today's Speak Up on Kotaku. ... posted by Kotaku May 31 2012 21:30 GMT
Geez, Mom Just Wants To Play World of Warcraft, Why Is Nobody Listening?
#gamermom Getting my family to sit down and have a meal? Hah, forget it. Too many conflicting schedules. Trying to have a conversation when we could actually sit down? Also impossible, and this is that Twi... posted by Kotaku May 31 2012 01:30 GMT
How One Dying Man Found Solace In World Of Warcraft
#worldofwarcraft I'm so used to mainstream coverage of video games being this terrible, moral panic inducing mess of hyperbole - so it's really refreshing to see a mainstream story about video games that sh... posted by Kotaku May 25 2012 07:00 GMT
Blizzard Beats Early WoW Blues With Cross-Server Zones
In my more youthful days – back before my body and face began displaying my clear Yeti heritage – I was a dedicated member of WoW’s legions. After a couple years of raiding and impatiently waiting on new expansions, though, I washed out and up onto... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 11 2012 08:00 GMT
Level Cap: World of Warcraft Subscribers Hold Steady
Oh what a difference a few months can make. When last we checked in on World of Warcraft’s green, red, and cow-colored masses, things were looking grim – or, well, as grim as they can look when you have over 10 million subscribers. But, rolling hills... posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 10 2012 10:00 GMT
World of Warcraft Stems the Bleeding, Stops Losing Subscribers
#blip Since so much has been made over the past year of World of Warcraft's declining subscriber numbers, it's only fair to point out that at last count yesterday morning, the game's playerbase had stalled ... posted by Kotaku May 10 2012 05:20 GMT
World of Warcraft's Panda Warriors Now Have the Ability to Get Down
#worldofwarcraft Maybe the Pandaren race coming to World of Warcraft isn't cute enough for you. Or maybe they're too cute already. Wherever you fall on this crucial issue, there's one thing you need to kno... posted by Kotaku May 10 2012 01:30 GMT
It's Time to Take These Old MMO Games Out Back and Shoot Them
#opinion From the disappointment over The Elder Scrolls Online to the steep decline in subscriber numbers for Star Wars: Old Republic, one thing is becoming increasingly clear: the time of the traditional M... posted by Kotaku May 08 2012 02:00 GMT
The Eternal Lightness of Being An Item In WoW
That is my knee. Guess what it did when I read the news that sold, destroyed and disenchanted items in World of Warcraft can now be recovered further down the line? It jerked. Jerked hard.(more…) posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 30 2012 10:42 GMT
Norway Mass Murderer Was 'Unremarkable,' Says Former World of Warcraft Guildmate
#andersbehringbreivik The Norwegian mass-murderer responsible for the deaths of 77 people was "unremarkable" and "not very opinionated," one of his World of Warcraft guildmates has informed Kotaku. More ... posted by Kotaku Apr 23 2012 19:00 GMT
The Life Of A Mass Murderer In World of Warcraft
#andersbehringbreivik Anders Behring Breivik smiled during court on Monday as the prosecution displayed an image of his World of Warcraft character, Andersnordic. More » posted by Kotaku Apr 19 2012 21:00 GMT
Norway Killer's Court Testimony Reveals How He Used Call of Duty to Train
#crime It's already a matter of record that Anders Behring Breivik wrote about using Call of Duty to hone his marksmanship before he shot 69 people to death last year. But yesterday he testified in a Norwe... posted by Kotaku Apr 19 2012 13:00 GMT
Diablo 3 beta servers go down for good on May 1
The Diablo 3 beta servers, running on and off for testing since last September, are coming down for good on May 1. At that point, all of the characters currently in the game will disappear forever. You'll be able to being the full quest anew when when Di... posted by Joystiq Apr 17 2012 23:00 GMT
Red Pandaren Males Don't Get Fluffy Tails? World of Warcraft is Dead to Me
#worldofwarcraft What kind of World of Warcraft does Blizzard expect us to live in when the red male Pandaren doesn't have a long floofy tail? It just doesn't make sense. More » posted by Kotaku Apr 17 2012 12:30 GMT
Norwegian Shooter's Court Case Shows Off His World of Warcraft Character
#worldofwarcraft The trial of Anders Behring Breivik's is currently underway, and already there has been talk of video games and their influence on Brehvik's behaviour, which is troubling to say the least. ... posted by Kotaku Apr 17 2012 02:30 GMT
Karma Wins the Battle Between Guild Wars 2 and World of Warcraft, or Does It?
#watchthis YouTube artist and Guild Wars 2 fan MattVisual takes a stab at World of Warcraft in his Get a Mac parody "Guild Wars 2: Vs Other MMOs". The man has a point. More » posted by Kotaku Apr 12 2012 16:00 GMT
What Azeroth Looks Like From Space
#worldofwarcraft Reddit user lurker_becomes_lurkd has turned the draw distance on World of Warcraft all the way up to eleven, and in a series of screenshots lets us look down on the world of Azeroth as thou... posted by Kotaku Apr 11 2012 05:30 GMT
The Norway Killer Who Used Call of Duty to Train Won’t Be Able to Use Insanity as a Defense
#crime Anders Behring Breivik—the man who confessed to killing 77 people last year in the worst mass murder Norway has ever seen—has been found to be legally sane by court-appointed psychiatris... posted by Kotaku Apr 10 2012 13:00 GMT
Awkward Speed Dating Moments Rescued by World of Warcraft
#watchthis The true power of World of Warcraft was unleashed during the second episode of BBC program World Series of Dating, when a pair of awkward strangers suddenly discover they have one major thing in... posted by Kotaku Apr 09 2012 16:00 GMT
Six Years Ago, I Decided to Hate World of Warcraft. Can Mists of Pandaria Change My Mind?
#worldofwarcraft World of Warcraft and I never did really get along. Since its launch in 2004, I've lost track of the number of friends of mine who loved it. They'd tell me breathlessly about their druids... posted by Kotaku Apr 04 2012 19:00 GMT
The First Five Levels of a World of Warcraft Panda Monk
#worldofwarcraft This morning I shared with you the creation of Susan, my first female Pandaren Monk in the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria beta test. Unfortunately she died. More » posted by Kotaku Mar 22 2012 21:30 GMT