Karazhan Holiday: Warcraft Summer Challenges
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Jun 15 2012 18:00 GMT in World of Warcraft
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As if you needed any more reason to hide from the evil star of the day that brings fear and burning to all, Blizzard is launching a series of weekly Warcraft Summer Challenges to help avoid the outside world. It’s a way of gently urging you to go back and relive some old glories, check out some content you might have levelled straight past if you joined with one of the expansion packs, and fill up a bit of time while you wait for Mists of Pandaria that would otherwise be wasted on doing the same old endgame raids for the thousandth time.

First up on the schedule: Karazhan! Better known as the old endgame raid you probably did a thousand times or more. But hey. It’s a pretty good dungeon, if you’ve yet to see it…


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