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Posted by Joystiq Jun 14 2010 22:46 GMT
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EA just announced a new loyalty program for those who like to shoot at stuff in an e-military manner. The EA Gun Club will offer exclusive weapon unlocks and early access to game demos, among other niceties.

Details are slim at the moment about how to get in (do you need to own an EA Gun?), but people will begin benefiting from it soon. Gun Club members will be able to get into the Medal of Honor beta on June 17 -- before the general public. That means that only the people who are likely to be really good will be in the game then. Killing you.

Posted by IGN Jun 14 2010 21:36 GMT
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All platforms get access this month!

Posted by Joystiq Jun 02 2010 14:09 GMT
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Microsoft has added two more popular Xbox 360 titles to the console's Games on Demand system -- Medal of Honor Airborne and SoulCalibur IV are now available for download, priced at $19.99 each. Those of you overseas (or in the US with amazing memories) will know that MoH Airbourne actually appeared internationally back in February, but now everyone can enjoy the relentless slaughter of WWII soldiers from above.

Oh, and playing a fighting game as Yoda is fun, too. Add Medal of Honor: Airborne to your Xbox 360 download queue ($19.99) Add SoulCalibur IV to your Xbox 360 download queue ($19.99)

Posted by IGN May 31 2010 04:24 GMT
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The core tenets behind the series reboot.

Posted by IGN May 13 2010 19:43 GMT
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The best way to blow up a machine gun nest.

Posted by Joystiq May 11 2010 19:55 GMT
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Listen, we get it. You're a "pre-owned" type of game buyer. To us, and your online comrades, we're equals in the game owning world. To EA, well, you're sucking its server's bandwidth. Defending EA Sports' "Online Pass," Senior Vice President Andrew Wilson told Develop, "We want to reserve EA Sports online services for people who pay EA to access them."

We were curious to find out if the same held true for non-EA Sports titles, specifically, if this program would be implemented with Medal of Honor's online multiplayer. A company representative informed Joystiq, "Online Pass is a program specific to EA Sports. However other EA titles and franchises are planning similar offerings to reward players with bonus content and online services. No announcements today related to Medal of Honor."

Begun, the game-owner class wars have.

Posted by Joystiq May 06 2010 18:53 GMT
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Rather than blast our senses with copious amounts of explosions and military bravado, this new Medal of Honor trailer opts for a more muted approach: a soldier calling home to convince his wife and daughter that everything is going to be okay.

Medal of Honor will be released this October.

Posted by Kotaku May 05 2010 21:40 GMT
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#clips Modern warfare first-person shooters have a new contender in Medal of Honor, EA's current day reboot of the former World War II shooter series. The game's second trailer puts less emphasis on explosive action than it does tugging at heartstrings. More »

Posted by Joystiq May 05 2010 23:00 GMT
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EA's upcoming reboot to the Medal of Honor franchise has a few major contenders, one of which EA itself created, to compete with when it arrives at retail this October. But EA Games prez Frank Gibeau remains confident in MoH, telling Gamasutra in a recent interview that, "With Medal of Honor, we're rebooting the series to get into the top 10." Gibeau lays out plans for an extensive marketing campaign first aimed at "core shooter fans," then branching out to a "true mass-market campaign." Speaking frankly, he claims "It'll be a big launch with a lot of dollars behind it. We're going to go in and we're going to compete." He believes that, between the IP's pedigree and the quality of this reboot, EA's " going to be in the Medal of Honor business for a long time."

Meanwhile, executive producer Greg Goodrich and senior creative director Rich Farrelly do their best to assuage worries of internal competition between themselves at EA LA and DICE, the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 developer now working on MoH's multiplayer mode, or the ex-Infinity Ward founders' new studio that EA recently inked a deal with. Goodrich says, "Battlefield and Medal of Honor are two very different franchises. They have a certain tone, and we have a certain tone for our game. We think there's room for both, not only in the genre, but within EA."

Also of note, apparently DICE has been working on MoH's multiplayer since "right after Battlefield 1943 came out" (last July), which might help to explain why we've seen such little post-launch support for the downloadable title. That said, with Medal of Honor's development assuredly nearing completion, we're holding out hope that those folks will have some time to invest in the other downloadable title we heard about recently.

Posted by IGN May 05 2010 14:47 GMT
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Modern day reboot coming this fall.

Posted by Kotaku May 05 2010 12:00 GMT
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#ea Electronic Arts' reboot of the Medal of Honor series will be out this October, the publisher announced this morning. More »

Posted by Joystiq May 05 2010 13:17 GMT
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EA's Medal of Honor franchise reboot will launch in North America on October 12th and in Europe on October 15th, the publisher has announced. Developed by EA Los Angeles, the single-player campaign thrusts a band of fictional soldiers into Afghanistan (quite a realistic upgrade from the usual Desertikistan), where they'll co-operate with the Tier 1 Operator as they tear the enemy a new one.

The multiplayer component of Medal of Honor is being developed by DICE, the studio behind Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Check back later today to catch another glimpse of the game in a new trailer entitled, "Leave a Message." (Duty just hates talking to a machine.)

Posted by Kotaku Apr 29 2010 01:30 GMT
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#offer If like to do your shooting from the comfort and convenience of a long distance, Medal of Honor will let you get your hands on its M24 Sniper system before everyone else, provided you've bought Battlefield: Bad Company 2 More »

Posted by Joystiq Apr 29 2010 01:00 GMT
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Has the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 disc ever gone for a spin inside your console? Well, you may have unlocked a spiffy new gun for Medal of Honor -- the game isn't out yet and you're already unlocking content for it? Man, you're awesome!

The Battlefield blog breaks the news, detailing early access to the M24 Sniper rifle in multiplayer. Of course, there are a few caveats: You need an EA account and you must have registered a Battlefield: Bad Company 2 VIP code. If you haven't done either of those things, you have until March 31, 2011 to get it done -- PC players need to only have participated in an online match to be eligible for the unlock. If you purchased a VIP code through the Bad Company 2 store, sorry, you're not eligible.

The other requirement is that you have to pick up a copy of Medal of Honor when it releases later this year. Yes, we're serious -- if you want the gun in the game, you're going to have to buy the game to get the gun. We know, it's totally not fair!

Posted by Kotaku Apr 27 2010 19:00 GMT
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#positions Gamers have needs. They have requests for the games that they play, some of these demands surprisingly specific. Today, let us consider the case by one gamer for the ability to shoot from a prone position and some accompanying news. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 30 2010 16:00 GMT
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#wargames This fall, one of the biggest war video game franchises will be set in a current war, the conflict in Afghanistan. Why? Not politics, a developer told Kotaku. Not current events. More »

Posted by Joystiq Mar 14 2010 03:00 GMT
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The latest trailer for EA's upcoming reboot of the Medal of Honor series, which debuted this week on GTTV, really goes out of its way to explain exactly the kind of gentlemen you'll be piloting this summer. These guys are Tier One Operators -- "experts in the application of violence" -- which might explain why some guy who seems to just be hanging out gets totally messed up without much of a reason.

Aside from a repeat performance of the "kick dude in chair out of window who's actually booby-trapped with explosives," we're given a bit of a hint at what to expect from the game. From what we can glean, there'll be a lot of sneaking up on dudes and stabbing them ... repeatedly. Oh, and the aforementioned messing up of relatively innocent looking folks as well. We're gonna go out on a limb here, though, and say there's probably more to the game than that. Until we find out, we've got the trailer embedded after the fold.

Posted by Kotaku Mar 13 2010 22:00 GMT
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#clips Something tells me that most every Medal of Honor trailer between now and its release is going to feature the kicking-the-booby-trapped-torture-victim-out-the-window sequence. It's compelling, sure, but not after seeing it the second time. More »

Posted by Kotaku Mar 11 2010 09:00 GMT
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#ps3 Bringing back an old franchise that withered isn't easy. Bringing back Medal of Honor the way it's coming back this year? That's hard. More »

Posted by Joystiq Mar 11 2010 09:00 GMT
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click to enlarge
It's impossible to avoid comparisons between EA's upcoming Medal of Honor reboot and Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare series ... so, I'll just get it out of the way: Medal of Honor unapologetically follows in the footsteps of Call of Duty. In fact, I'm willing to raise the possibility that Medal of Honor could be the "true" sequel to the Call of Duty 4 campaign many of us are still waiting for after suffering through Modern Warfare 2's increasingly preposterous storyline.

Recently, I got a peak at a new Medal of Honor trailer which lays it out like this: There are two sides to every war: the sledgehammer and the scalpel. What Call of Duty 4 did so well was to portray exactly how these two components work in tandem, as it featured scenarios in which large assaults aided small elite forces, and vice versa. Medal of Honor promises to recreate similar battlefield situations, with the "scalpel" represented by the Tier 1 Operators, an elite branch of SOCOM.

Posted by IGN Mar 11 2010 09:00 GMT
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EA's long-running shooter franchise moves into modern times.

Posted by Kotaku Feb 24 2010 09:30 GMT
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When Modern Warfare took off towards a nuclear-tipped fantasy land, it left a hole in the market for a realistic take on, well, modern warfare. Something EA is keen to take advantage of with its...

Posted by Joystiq Feb 18 2010 20:18 GMT
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Click to bust into the image gallery!
We've got some good news and some bad news for those of you eagerly awaiting EA's Medal of Honor reboot this summer. The good news first: Five new, high-resolution images of the game -- albeit stills from the debut trailer -- are in the gallery below. Now, the bad: We count only one Tier 1 Operator featured in the screens with a beard. We know, we know -- it shocked us, too!

We'll make some calls and demand that the appropriate amount of facial hair rendering be included in the next batch. You can thank us later.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 08 2010 22:20 GMT
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According to EA's list of upcoming titles in its latest earnings report, a couple of high-profile games are going to be released this summer between July 1 and September 30: Realtime Worlds' crime-themed MMO APB (which is likely to be the "major MMO" to whose spring release John Riccitiello referred to previously), and ... a "TBA" Medal of Honor title -- possibly the one with the beard. EA did say it would be out before March 2011! The summer game is listed for consoles, PC and handhelds.

Also due out in the quarter: the expected spate of annual sports franchises (Madden, FIFA, FIFA Online, NHL), a Monopoly game for consoles and handhelds and a new MySims title -- we're guessing MySims Sky Heroes.

Posted by Joystiq Feb 03 2010 12:00 GMT
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In early December, EA revealed the cover for its Medal of Honor reboot and all anyone could say was: "BEARD!" Well, after months of trying to get an explanation of how that grizzly (Adams) decision went down, Craig Owens, director of marketing at EA Los Angeles, has finally delivered the answers. Here are the declassified details of our exchange: Joystiq: How did you select the cover image for the Medal of Honor reboot? Craig Owens: What you see today as the key art (or box front image) is the result of a long process that's been going on for nearly a year now. When we set out to reboot the Medal of Honor franchise, we knew that the key art of the new game had to accomplish two very important things. First, it needed to stay true to the authenticity that the brand is known for. Secondly, it had to be unexpected not only for the brand but also for the shooter genre. After several months of reviewing many, many concepts, it wasn't until this past summer that the new face of Medal of Honor was born. During an agency pitch meeting with several creative agencies, our current partner - Ignition Creative based in Santa Monica, California - revealed a concept, using a photographed model with this real, epic beard. That concept was nearly identical to the final image you see today. When the development and marketing team first saw it, we immediately knew that was our guy. He was authentic to a Tier 1 Operator and unexpected for both MOH and the current characters out there in the gaming space. Gallery: Medal of Honor (2010)

Posted by Joystiq Dec 13 2009 03:30 GMT
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It's been a while since the Medal of Honor franchise has found its way on to store shelves, but we're interested for what the series will bring to the crowded realm of modern shooters. At tonight's 2009 Video Game Awards, the first footage of the recently revealed Medal of Honor impressed with solid visuals and a metric ton of explosions. Not enough for you? The gameplay trailer concluded with one NPC kicking a booby trapped prisoner through a high rise window. Now we're not marketing pros, but that should be the first bullet point on the back of the game's box. Check out the trailer -- in all its YouTube quality glory -- after the break. Update: Screw that, check out the trailer -- in all its GameTrailers quality glory -- after the jump.

Posted by Joystiq Dec 13 2009 03:30 GMT
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It's been a while since the Medal of Honor franchise has found its way on to store shelves, but we're interested for what the series will bring to the crowded realm of modern shooters. At tonight's 2009 Video Game Awards, the first footage of the recently revealed Medal of Honor impressed with solid visuals and a metric ton of explosions. Not enough for you? The gameplay trailer concluded with one NPC kicking a booby trapped prisoner through a high rise window. Now we're not marketing pros, but that should be the first bullet point on the back of the game's box. Check out the trailer -- in all its YouTube quality glory -- after the break.

Posted by IGN Dec 13 2009 02:27 GMT
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This one is gunning for Modern Warfare.