The Last Story Message Board older than one year ago

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Posted by GameTrailers Jan 14 2011 04:07 GMT
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Delve deeper into The Last Story with new details on the battle system, customization, story and character introductions, a brief glimpse of the first online footage.

Posted by GameTrailers Jan 14 2011 04:07 GMT
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The Last Story launches in Japan on January 27th, 2011 on the Nintendo Wii video game console.

Posted by GoNintendo Jan 13 2011 20:11 GMT
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- Zangurg: king of the Gurg race, used his charisma and power to unite the Gurg people - Tasha: knight and pupil to General Trista, has been traveling the lands with the general, great skill with a sword, hopes to become a great knight, doesn’t think too fondly of mercenaries - pub is known as Ariel Inn - [...]

Posted by IGN Dec 27 2010 19:55 GMT
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New Wii RPG is complete. Watch the director play it.

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 27 2010 19:22 GMT
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- once again, shoot banana peels via main character Elza’s bow gun - banana peels can be shot at townfolk - this will make people slip - during online play, you can use the banana peels to make your fellow players slip - banana peels tie into events - at one point, a group of nobles are having tea in [...]

Posted by Kotaku Dec 27 2010 14:00 GMT
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#thelaststory Well, not you, but your character. Upcoming Nintendo published role-playing game The Last Story allows avatars to get down to their skivvies. More »

Posted by GameTrailers Dec 27 2010 11:20 GMT
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Over four minutes new footage from Mistwalker's upcoming Wii exclusive RPG, The Last Story.

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 27 2010 07:03 GMT
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- Elza’s wind magic can be used to disperse the Magic Circles of enemies - free-for-all battle mode does allow for characters other than Elza to be used - swim ability - characters can strip down to their underwear - Kanan’s theme song is sung by artist Kanon - Mario Club worked on The Last Story for nine months, which [...]

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 27 2010 00:08 GMT
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The Gurugu Race - human-like creatures - they fought against man for hundreds of years - humans won the fight and the Gurugu were pushed out - humans still have ties to Gurugus all these years later - humans have built up weapons to protect against the Gurugus - the island is fortified with canons to deal with Gurugus from across [...]

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 23 2010 16:57 GMT
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- first playthrough should be about 30 hours - this does depend on if players redo quests and revisit dungeons - Sakaguchi feels this is the perfect playthrough time - 12,000 lines of in-game voiced dialogue - this turned out to be more than Sakaguchi expected - you can play online after reaching the first save point - your character’s level [...]

Posted by Joystiq Dec 17 2010 11:30 GMT
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Mistwalker's Hironobu Sakaguchi and Takuya Matsumoto from co-developer AQ Interactive spoke to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata about The Last Story's online play in a new Iwata Asks interview posted by Nintendo of Japan. The game won't exactly have chat when played online, but it will have a bizarre, kind of useless, but also probably really amusing replacement.

Basically, you'll be able to trigger voice-acted lines from the single-player game in multiplayer. Matsumoto offered the silly example of one of the characters being made to say "Father ... Father ..." repeatedly, which is weird, and hilarious. It would have been even more hilarious had Mistwalker not replaced the placeholder staff voice acting with professionals.

Posted by IGN Dec 16 2010 22:20 GMT
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Sakaguchi discusses the importance of story but also outlines more freedom and customization elements in latest Iwata Asks.

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 16 2010 05:02 GMT
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The following information comes from Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, Mistwalker CEO Hironobu Sakaguchi, and AQ Interactive’s Takuya Matsumoto… - Sakaguchi and Matsumoto believe the game offers a lot of freedom when approaching situations - event scenes don’t have a fixed camera. - freely control the camera to a certain extent - this was done on purpose for those that [...]

Posted by IGN Dec 13 2010 19:44 GMT
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Mercenaries, knights, a princess and a potentially evil Count. Oh, and a tiger too.

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 13 2010 07:01 GMT
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- Kanan is the daughter of the Arganon family - her parents died in her youth - longs to travel the world - Elza lost all his family as a youth and became a Mercenary, with dreams of becoming a knight - Elza gains his gathering ability on his first mission - Quark is the leader of Elza’s mercenary group - [...]

Posted by IGN Dec 09 2010 14:28 GMT
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Nintendo provides the latest look at The Last Story's development in a new Iwata Asks column.

Posted by GoNintendo Dec 09 2010 04:18 GMT
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- development studio behind The Last Story is AQ Interactive - it seems that now defunct Artoon was in on development as well - AQ’s Takuya Matsumoto says that this is the first time he’s worked with Sakaguchi since Blue Dragon - AQ is handling the system/programming side of The Last Story - Matsumoto and Sakaguchi decided to work [...]

Posted by Kotaku Nov 29 2010 10:00 GMT
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#gallery When not working on video games or grooming his mustache, Hironobu Sakaguchi enjoys playing with LEGO. More »