Sniper Elite v2 Message Board

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Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 02 2013 07:00 GMT
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Gaming confession time. I’ll tell you all a secret if you respond with one of your own. Here’s mine: I have played 31 hours of Sniper Elite V2. I have a good reason, though. I got a bit sucked into the multiplayer. In some way, the multiplayer solved a lot of the issues I had with the single-player game: the levels are non linear, and deathmatch on the right server is definitely tense fun. It’s not a great game, but it did generate a series of interesting experiences for me. So I’m wee bit interested in Sniper Elite 3, even after watching the trailer.(more…)

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 18 2013 23:51 GMT
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A portion of a Nintendo Life review...

Sure, the sniper combat is a good deal of fun, but how much are you willing to put up with? Are you OK with clunky non-sniping combat? How about inconsistent enemy AI, or the visually dreary and dull art style that feels derivative of every other WWII shooter? Are you bothered by the gutting of content?

Full review here

Posted by GoNintendo Jun 04 2013 23:01 GMT
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The following information comes from a CoffeewithChess interview. First up, the smackdown on talk of DLC...

"We currently do not have any plans for DLC." - 505 Games

Second, talk of updating the game to allow for Miiverse in-game screenshot posting.

"With the game just launched, it's probably a bit early to talk about updates or new content yet!" - Rebellion CEO and Creative Director, Jason Kingsley

Third, talk of which version the Wii U version was built off of, and how the game benefited from the move.

"We can't really go into specifics, but all versions of Sniper Elite V2 are running off our powerful in-house engine - Asura - which is very adaptable. We even use it to power our mobile games. The game also runs at a higher resolution on Wii U than it does on Xbox 360 and PS3 due to the platform's hardware strengths."


Posted by GoNintendo May 29 2013 15:33 GMT
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A portion of a Vooks review...

The only thing saving Sniper Elite V2 on the Wii U is the fact that the game underlying it isn’t that bad – and even then I find it a hard sell on any player at a price like $79AU. Give it a rent, maybe. Or wait for a price drop.

Full review here

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 28 2013 21:30 GMT
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Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army is quite possibly the last game that will ever be made. The title itself is the culmination of everything that has been achieved in the field of interactive entertainment. As the game is now out, I’ve honoured the occasion by making a short list of important occurrences in the launch trailer. You can find them, and it, below.


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 14 2013 10:00 GMT
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A couple weeks ago, Richard – that mad master of international intrigue and puns, our resident pioneer of spiderfear – stumbled across a teaser video for a mystery project from Sniper Elite creator Rebellion/2000AD. It was all spooky-like and featured running, which is the kind of thing that prompts one of three responses from a person: 1) Zombies? 2) Zombies! or 3) [Drawn-out sigh] …Zombies. And yep, sure enough, here’s Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army. You can probably guess what it’s about, but just in case, a trailer stirs beneath the break’s loamy soils, courtesy of Digital Spy.


Posted by GoNintendo Feb 06 2013 18:39 GMT
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We're not sure this DLC is going to hit the Wii U, but I figured I'd share the promotional content for it anyway.

Direct link here

Milton Keynes, UK — Great work on clearing that fuel depot up at Neudorf, Agent Fairburne, really threw a spanner in the works for their re-enforcement plans.

But enough about former glories; there’s something of a counter attack coming on the western front; led by a General Rodebrecht. Now, he’s a bit of a rising star in the German high command and some believe he may be able to turn the tide which frankly we can’t have, not now we’re making such good headway pushing across France towards Berlin. SHAEF see this man as a significant threat and want him eliminated. His service book needs to be retrieved as proof that the mission was completed.

We’re not sure exactly where you’ll find Rodebrect but the latest intel puts him somewhere in the countryside surrounding the village of St Pierre so you’re going to have to plan this one out yourself and track him down. We’ve got a couple of new weapons for you to try out on this one — the British have sent over a few of their Lee Enfield No 3 rifles which you should find particularly handy with their high velocity 303 rounds and you’ll also find our brand new M1D Garand, a semi-automatic rifle which General Patton has called "the greatest battle implement ever devised".


Posted by Joystiq Jan 29 2013 20:30 GMT
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Rebellion, developer of Aliens vs. Predator, NeverDead and Sniper Elite V2, is announcing a new project next month. The studio has offered a few details about the project, including the above trailer. The trailer info offers an apt description: "Footsteps quicken in the fog. Although the lone gunman's pace is swift the growing echoes of shuffling never slacken. They come."

"One man is utterly alone amidst the chaos of war," it adds, "but there are worse things to fear than bombs and bullets here." The project will be fully revealed on Valentine's Day (appropriate!), with Rebellion promising that PC players will soon see "just what is in store for those brave enough to venture into the 'Totraum'. Heil Gotterdammerung!" A quick search reveals that totraum is German for "dead space." Gotterdammerung, meanwhile, is the German translation of Ragnarok, the end of the world.

We'd speculate further, but the logo shown at the end of the trailer pretty much seals the deal. It's the Sniper Elite V2 logo, with the "V2" replaced by an inverted pentagram. So, wild guess, it's a Sniper Elite game with zombies.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Oct 19 2012 18:00 GMT
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Rebellion’s Sniper Elite V2 was quite good but not great, wasn’t it? Come on, do my job for me, I’m tired. Also lazy. Also playing Retro City Rampage (WIT very soon) has fried my ability to concentrate on anything. Kill me, basically.

My point, if indeed I do have one, is that the quite good Sniper Elite V2 has some DLC, and hopefully that is quite good too.(more…)

Posted by Valve Aug 20 2012 18:55 GMT
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SEv2 Update 1.06: 20th August 2012

New Features/Content:
- New multiplayer mode : Capture The Flag, available for all multiplayer maps.
- New multiplayer map: Inferno.

- Fixed player names sometimes failing to display on leaderboard screens.
- Fixed frontend cutscenes failing to play after some multiplayer lobby errors.
- (Dedicated server) Fixed setting of passwords.
- (Dedicated server) Fixed game type reporting when listing map rotation.
- Fixed scores shown on Steam server info dialog.
- Fixed co-op difficulty sometimes changing from the chosen setting on starting the game.
- When setting a password on creating a multiplayer game, it's no longer necessary to hit Enter before selecting the Accept button.
- The default multiplayer gametype is now Team Deathmatch.
- Fixed weapon description failing to update on the in-game loadout menu.
- Fixed players sometimes wrongly entering the co-op lobby screen on joining multiplayer through invites or Steam player lists.
- Fixed blank lobby names sometimes being set on player-hosted multiplayer games.
- Fixed some objects being possible to see through by crawling right up to them in scope view.
- Fixed lobby error messages failing to display after being invited to a game.
- Fixed player gaining a point for shooting an enemy-placed explosive.
- Fixed some instances of tag assists being registered multiple times.
- Stop players swapping teams when the opposing team is already full.
- Fixed some very long chat strings being cut off.
- Voice chat is limited to the players' own team in appropriate multiplayer games.
- Fixed AI enemies sometimes appearing in arbitrary idle animations when being carried by the player.
- Self-tagged scoped kills stat is now correctly tracked in team-based multiplayer games.
- Fixed no-cross objects sometimes appearing in unsupported game modes.

If you encounter problems, please contact us on:

Posted by Joystiq Jun 11 2012 14:00 GMT
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The UK's All Formats chart has seen very little change over the past three weeks, with Ubisoft's Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and Rockstar's Max Payne 3 holding tight at first and second, respectively. FIFA 12 also maintained its position in third for a second week, as the stalwart game hasn't left the top ten since its debut last year.

Game of Thrones was the only new title to break the top 40 last week, certainly a blessing of the franchise's name more than the quality of the game. The UK top ten vying for the iron throne.

Posted by Valve May 30 2012 14:51 GMT
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SEv2 Update 1.04: 29th May 2012

New Features/Content:

- 2 new Multiplayer maps available for DM and TDM:
* Coast
* Graves
- Command Line Options added to fix/diagnose/workaround various issues customers are having:
* "-nosound" - disables all sound.
* "-novid" - disables all movie playback.
* "-60hz" - should now clamp to 60Hz in all cases.
* "-RV6xx" - for older ATI chipsets (for example, Radeon HD 3650) as a workaround for a driver crash in some areas (such as Facility - level 3).
- New server option: Headshot Only (AKA: Power 10)
- New server option: Sudden Death
- New server option: Team Autobalancing
- Voice-comms mute via the console ("Voice.Mute" and "Voice.UnMute" with a substring of player name).
- Console available on Ctrl-Tab as well as the grave key for non-US-English keyboard configurations.
- In-game "swap team" button for balancing.
- Players remaining on the loading screen, or not respawning, for more than 3 minutes after game has started will now be kicked.
- Spawn-point evaluation changed to try to prevent spawning behind the enemy in Multiplayer.
- Coop Lobby chat in place.
- Added Compute Shader versions of HDR Bloom and Depth of Field effects for DX11 hardware.
- Added Supersampling option for top-end graphics cards. Choose between Off (default), 2.25x and 4.0x supersampling. This can be used in conjunction with existing Anti-Aliasing options.
- Added Advanced Shadows option - this enables contact hardening shadows on DX11 hardware.


- Fixed issue with black square occasionally displayed when destroying explosives.
- Tweaks to the following maps:
* Opernplatz (Multiplayer only)
* Kreuzberg (Multiplayer only)
- Various voting improvements in Multiplayer.
- Partial fix to fix grenade throwing during periods of high-latency in Multiplayer.
- Fixes to tagging when joining a Multiplayer game-in-progress.
- Panzerfaust kills now counted against the career stats.
- Partial fix to solve people seeing different servers when refreshing the server-list.
- Partial fix to prevent graphic card overheating while game is minimised.
- Successfully completed Overwatch missions can now be retried.
- Various server browser fixes:
* Longer search times
* More search results allowed
* Fixed flickering text while scrolling with the mousewheel

Dedicated Server improvements:
* Invites to dedicated servers fixed.
* There is a new console command "Server.Say" which can be used to send text chat from the dedicated server.
* Dedicated server logs more game information.
* The console command reference has been updated.
* The example server config file has been updated.

If you encounter problems, please contact us on:


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun May 18 2012 20:00 GMT
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World War II shooter Sniper Elite V2 has topped the all-format charts in the UK for the past couple of weeks, which meant it was time to turn the searchlight of RPS judgement on this high flier. Was it one of the great FPS sniping experiences? Or had Rebellion really just given everyone a good excuse to put a bullet in Hitler? Turns out that without his robot-suit, he wasn’t so tough.

Jim and Adam got together to talk killcams, testicles, and Thief with a rifle.(more…)

Posted by Valve May 14 2012 15:03 GMT
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The latest patch is now available, featuring two brand new multiplayer maps for Team Death Match Opernplatz and Black Market! The patch also addresses a number of known performance issues

SEv2 Update 1.03: 10th May 2012

- Fixed failure to progress beyond the lobby in peer games after playing a dedicated server game.
- Player names in lobby chat are no longer coloured according to the player's current team.
- Player HUD now hidden on death.
- Dedicated server - max players can now be set before adding any maps to the rotation.
- Kill notifications should no longer occasionally show the wrong victim or killer.
- Wind now correctly disabled when set to None in the server settings.
- A new best shot score or best shot distance in an individual session will no longer overwrite the best for all sessions (unless it is the best overall).
- When dead in multiplayer, input in the game menu will no longer be used to respawn the player.
- Multiplayer server list now populates while searching, instead of only when the search completes.
- Multiplayer game time now only starts when the warmup time has elapsed.
- Fixed player getting stuck in the carrying pose if a body is dropped while falling.
- Fixed corruption of player stats after multiple leaderboard updates.
- Attempting to join a passworded server through the Steam overlay or friend invites will now bring up the password entry box.
- Player connection and disconnection notices now shown in the chatbox.
- Various optimisations for people experiencing lower framerates in the full game than in the demo.
- Distance King kill notifications now show the correct score for the game mode instead of the single player score.
- Fire in the Church map will no longer cause instant death on one-hit-kill servers.
- Improved performance/FPS across "Church" multiplayer map.
- Added "-60Hz" command line option to force a maximum refresh rate of 60Hz, for users who find the game always boots into an unsupported resolution in fullscreen mode.
- All unlocked levels are now available in the co-op lobby screen, to resolve progression blocker after Flak Tower.

If you encounter problems, please contact us on:


Posted by Joystiq May 14 2012 15:45 GMT
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Thanks to another week of minimal competition, Sniper Elite V2 maintains its vantage point atop the UK charts for a second week. The game may have seen sales drop 38 percent, but none of the new entries made any type of shakeup on the charts, with the regular motley crew holding the top ten.

The EA triplets of FIFA 12, FIFA Street and Mass Effect 3 find themselves in second, third and fifth place, respectively. Nudging in there for some cuddle time in fourth is Prototype 2.

Sony's Starhawk is the only new title to crack the top 40, flying in at spot 17 for its debut. March on past the break for the UK top ten.

Posted by Kotaku May 11 2012 04:30 GMT
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#nsfw When I posted a clip from Sniper Elite V2 the other day, I was focused on one thing: killing Germans. So I shot for the head, and I shot for the heart. Both were poor choices. More »

Posted by Joystiq May 08 2012 13:30 GMT
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Sniper Elite V2 is naturally going to want a position at the top of Chart-Track's UK charts... it's the best vantage point. Thankfully, there wasn't very much competition around, as evidenced by what is probably the shortest overview of last week's sales activity by the stat tracking company in recent memory.

The prior week's top performer, Prototype 2, fell one spot into second. It was followed by the EA triplets that never seem to be apart: FIFA 12, FIFA Street and Mass Effect 3. Beyond that, no new games to report making moves, no major shuffling of the status quo. Check out the UK top ten after the break.

Posted by Giant Bomb May 04 2012 13:00 GMT
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Jeff and Brad turn the tide of The War with the help of orange dots and X-ray moves.

Posted by Kotaku May 04 2012 10:00 GMT
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#nsfw The recently-released Sniper Elite V2 is, for want of a more in-depth review, a pretty lacklustre third-person stealth/action game punctuated by moments of extreme excitement. More »

Posted by Valve May 01 2012 03:24 GMT
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Sniper Elite V2 is now available on Steam!

You are elite US sniper Karl Fairburne. Parachuted into Berlin amidst the Germans final stand, your mission is to prevent Nazi V2 rocket program technology from falling into the hands of the besieging Red Army. You must aid key scientists keen to defect to the US, and terminate those who would help the Russians.

In the dark days of the end of World War Two amidst the ruins of Berlin, one bullet can change history…


Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Apr 19 2012 09:30 GMT
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The demo for Sniper Elite V2 is now available on Steam, having previously been holed up in consoleland, waiting for a chance to break from cover and dash across to nestle inside your tower. Once there, it’ll scan the room for enemies to gratuitously shoot in the spleen. The level provided, which has been specially tweaked for demonstration purposes, does contain some sniping, although I can’t comment on the amount of elitism. There’s apparently a lot more running between cover than I expected, non-sniper gun rattling away, and there’s a bit of sneaking and stealth-killing as well. Then everything blows up.


Posted by Joystiq Mar 30 2012 19:45 GMT
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Sniper Elite V2 publisher 505 Games has told Joystiq that a demo for Rebellion's upcoming reboot is scheduled to arrive in April, one month ahead of the game's May release. The demo will be made available on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, though "the final date is not yet scheduled," the publisher told us.

A PC version of Sniper Elite V2 is also in the works, which will be self-published by Rebellion. Reps for the game tell Joystiq a demo for the PC is also planned for "sometime next month."

There's no telling what the demo will include, but Joystiq's recent preview should give you a good idea of what's in store. Sniper Elite V2 -- and its Kill Hitler pre-order bonus -- launches on the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 on May 4.

When asked if the bonus would be made available as premium DLC in the future, a rep told Joystiq the developer has yet to determine the content's fate following launch. Our guess is Rebellion will give everyone a shot at the world's most hated man at some point -- it's just a question of cost.

Posted by Joystiq Mar 29 2012 22:30 GMT
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I walk into a large conference room late, having dealt with a parking lot maze. As I enter, I spot a television well into a demo -- a bullet ejects from a Springfield rifle, time slows following it to an enemy, and cuts through a Nazi soldier like a chainsaw through a stick of butter.

Reps from developer Rebellion and publisher 505 Games are huddled over the monitors, showing off Sniper Elite V2, a reboot of Rebellion's 2005 Sniper Elite for PC, PS2, Wii, and Xbox. The demo, I'm told, had only just started. "We get right into the action," a PR spokesperson tells me. But the action in Sniper Elite V2 isn't about quick progression through its Battle of Berlin setting -- it is methodical.

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 23 2012 10:00 GMT
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Being taken to an undisclosed location and surrounded by men chatting idly about firearms is something more associated with hostage situations than press events. And yet here I was. I had accepted RPS’ mission to go out to the countryside and shoot WWII sniper rifles with complete strangers, despite harbouring very straightforward phobias of both bullets and dying of bullets. It’s not that I hate men with real guns; it’s just that I prefer them to be very far away. Did you know I have a recurring nightmare in which I am shot in the head by an unknown assailant – and, in one instance, by Daniel Day-Lewis? Well, I do. Yet here I was in some remote farmhouse waiting to be handed a loaded Springfield M1-something-something. The things I do for you, dear reader. The things I do for you.(more…)

Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Mar 22 2012 11:00 GMT
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Morning sniper fans. Remember when there were no sniper related games around? The army’s stealthiest strategist has never commanded an audience, preferring camo and a nice bush to kicking down doors and shouting bad things about your various female relatives. But soon there will be two sniper game vying for your beady eyes. I’ve already spoken a bit about Sniper Elite V2, so the newest kill-cam from that will be relegated to second place. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, however, has managed to elude my scopes thusfar. What I need is a short, explanatory video, I’d say about a minute or so in length that shows off the sort of distances bullets will be traveling, and maybe the locations as well. If that could somehow happen, maybe dropping in below, then I’d be the happiest sniper.(more…)