Rebellion’s Mystery Game… Sniper Elite With Zombie Nazis
Posted by Rock, Paper, Shotgun Feb 14 2013 10:00 GMT in Sniper Elite v2
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A couple weeks ago, Richard – that mad master of international intrigue and puns, our resident pioneer of spiderfear – stumbled across a teaser video for a mystery project from Sniper Elite creator Rebellion/2000AD. It was all spooky-like and featured running, which is the kind of thing that prompts one of three responses from a person: 1) Zombies? 2) Zombies! or 3) [Drawn-out sigh] …Zombies. And yep, sure enough, here’s Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army. You can probably guess what it’s about, but just in case, a trailer stirs beneath the break’s loamy soils, courtesy of Digital Spy.


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