Hello, Welderburg here! I was reading an article about francis on mariowiki (which I will build a pipe to for 1 coin) when I found out this website was real, and I just HAD to check it out. My interests are: Zelda Mario SSB South Park MEATBALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm Cragged off at/by: Nintendo for making me wait so long to release Loz: MM on VC Racists for being Racist The Man for causing global warming, destroying the largest source of animals, medicines, and oxygen on earth, and spending 4 BILLION tax dollars on a bridge to an island in Alaska with 50 people on it. Annnnnnnd that's about it.
Another Mario Wiki person.... Hi! I'm sure that once you get used to this place, you'll make a pipe topic in the Black Market and give links to people for coins. Just a suggestion.
Another Mario Wiki person.... Hi! I'm sure that once you get used to this place, you'll make a pipe topic in the Black Market and give links to people for coins. Just a suggestion.
Heheh, I actually thought of that. Oh, and Super Pokémoneinstein is a dirty liar, I would never insult Francis.
Ah, welcome to Digibutter! I'm Vid Inferno, the local lurker. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Welderburg wrote:
Oh, and Super Pokémoneinstein is a dirty liar, I would never insult Francis.
Are you suuuuuure? You're most likely referring to [ you ] tags. When the spaces in between the tags are removed, it shows up as your name, like this: Guest. You can tell if it's a you tag if you hover your mouse above your name. If it turns red, it's one of them.