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Ideas for Next Pokemon Games?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 3:47 pm   Reply with quote

Discuss what you think the games after Platinum should be like, by which, I don't mean "better lulz". Heres my thoughts to start off:
Personally, I think that they can still make more legendaries, I mean, Arceus isn't "Penultimate", if I recall, he's "The Creation Pokemon", what he's known for is using his "100 Hands", as they say, to create the Pokemon of the world, including the Pokemon who went onto create the universe. Remember how the story said when the world was not but a swirling vortex of matter, an egg appeared? My idea would be the next two main Pokemon to be the Pokemon of matter and void, with the third of the three responsible for keeping it in balance. There would also be many lesser legendaries, most of which would be just legendary because they can be(ala heatran and early legendaries), whole a couple would have a backstory, like for some examples, pokemon that are said to have the power of life itself, and give and take it at will, or the pokemon responsible for giving thought and free will to all people and pokemon(it should be noted that Azelf gave the will to go on, Uxie the intelligence to live, and Mesprit emotions, so this hasn't been done). The name of the game being a gem, as to what, well, here's a list of gems I quickly cme up with that have yet to be done:

The ones I starred where the ones I particularly liked, and yes, I realize that Opal isn't really a possibillity, since Giratina's name means it supposedly. As a bit of a bonus, I was thinking once they run out of gems, they should go back to colors or do things like "Sun and Moon version", but that's a whole different story. The Gym Leaders would have the following types:
Ground- A good first typr to match against for the beginners, as water and grass are good against it, while fire is average, and the flying pokemon you catch at the beginning should fare rather well
Grass-Since only about half the types you should have now and fire are the only really good things, it should offer as a good training for future battles.
Psychic-Most of your attacks will be neutral against this type, so it should get you more into thinking about move power and such.
Bug-It's an average match-up, but these will tend to have many ailment causing attacks and accuracy reducers. This battle will teach you to think carefully about what you do next, as well as being prepared.
Steel-These pokemon will have rather high defenses as well as many resistances. The battle will teach stat reducing and that you'll need to train alot.
Fighting-With many powerfull attacks, this battle will teach you to defend and not to be reckless.
Normal- In this battle, the pokemon will have many varying attacks of all different types. This battle will teach you not to always expect everything and thinking on your feet.
Dark-With many tricky attacks that do much damage, have stat reducing moves, ailments, and not many weakness', this tough battle will teach you to battle skillfully and always be ready for the worst.

The starters will be the following types:

And as for the enemy team, it will be a bunch of bad guys who wish to change reality to the way they wish to, a way which they think will be perfect(in a way sort of a combination of Team Magma, Aqua, and Galactic).

ALL IN ALL, I went a bit overboard there, hehe... ^^;. ANYWAYS, just discuss YOU'RE ideas on what the next game should be like, and your opinions on other's ideas.
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Shiggy's Stuff    
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:19 pm   Reply with quote

Following the whole precious mineral theme, I chose this.
How about the main theme is about a near extinct Pokemon species that has dissapeared from the region, and is the last remaining tribe of it has dissapeared to a place referred to as "The Isle of Dreams?"

Of course, the Professor is trying to record them, and so sends you out to go find them, and stop Team Root. (Sucky name, but I ran out of ideas)
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Twilit Masked Audiophile

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:22 pm   Reply with quote

Wow. Great thinkin', Mr. L. I've never actually physically sat down and played any of the generations, so I guess I don't really have a lot of input, but I'm pretty sure that any Pokemon fan would be pleased with your ideas.

On the topic of Legendaries, I remember seeing a series of Fakemon that featured Legendaries with entire flippin' ancient cities on their back. Not quite as epic as the Matter/Void/Balance trio or the life-giving or free-will giving pokemon you mentioned, but still a pretty cool idea.

Gym Leaders seem well-thought out. One idea I'd like to see is the option of choosing your first between maybe two or three gym leaders in separate towns, since guys like Brock pretty much screw you over if you don't have a water or grass type (or so I've heard), but ground seems like a good type for the first gym leader for the reasons you stated.

Actually, I was thinking about new starters a little while ago. I noticed that Grass, Fire, and Water (all "special" types) had similar strengths and resistances as Steel, Poison, and Ground, respectively (all "physical" types). So, I figured "why not give the Grass starter the secondary type of Steel, the Fire starter the secondary type of Poison, and the Water starter the secondary type of Ground?" Then I realized that it would give each of the starters a double-weakness to a few types. Razz Ooops. Oh well.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:27 pm   Reply with quote

Victor wrote:
Following the whole precious mineral theme, I chose this.
How about the main theme is about a near extinct Pokemon species that has dissapeared from the region, and is the last remaining tribe of it has dissapeared to a place referred to as "The Isle of Dreams?"

Of course, the Professor is trying to record them, and so sends you out to go find them, and stop Team Root. (Sucky name, but I ran out of ideas)

Gold's already been used in the second generation.

Anyway, I was thinking Geode would be a suitable name.
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Gemstone Goods    
Boomer (redundancy!)

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:58 am   Reply with quote

I noticed that Grass, Fire, and Water (all "special" types) had similar strengths and resistances as Steel, Poison, and Ground, respectively (all "physical" types).

sorry, but Diamond and Pearl did away with types being physical or special. now its determined based on the move itself, SSS-BLAM. for example, Surf is special and Waterfall is physical.

I'd like to see more Pokemon involving dreams, besides eating or corrupting them like Drowzee, Hypno, or Darkrai.

also, Zephyr is a really awesome name. I use it often in games, including for my Flygon.
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Boomer's Explosive Shop    
Kero Neko

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:00 am   Reply with quote

I say remake an original like G/S/C. I don't honostly like the new pokemon or the games.
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Greenlight Global Goods    
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:04 am   Reply with quote

I just hope they change the bikes to cars or motorbikess.
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Super ShadowArticuno

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:51 am   Reply with quote

Pokemon GiveCanadiansAndPeopleWhoDon'tLiveInNewYorkAChance:

In this game, there are no event legendaries. They're all obtainable.

... NAH, never gonna happen.
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A Bucket of Stuff    
Twilit Masked Audiophile

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:53 am   Reply with quote

Boomer wrote:
I noticed that Grass, Fire, and Water (all "special" types) had similar strengths and resistances as Steel, Poison, and Ground, respectively (all "physical" types).

sorry, but Diamond and Pearl did away with types being physical or special. now its determined based on the move itself, SSS-BLAM. for example, Surf is special and Waterfall is physical.

Whaaaat? Physical and Special types don't mean anything anymore? All that work matching up abilities for nothing? You've got to be kidding me.

Oh well. Maybe I should save the ideas for people who, you know, actually played and finished the games. Wink I would like to see more Steel and Dark pokemon and less Water type, just to round out all the types. I'd also like to see some more legendaries that aren't Psychic-type.

Edit: also, what ShadowArticuno said. The mere idea of event-specific legendaries makes me grind my teeth.
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Shadow Kingdom
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:57 am   Reply with quote

Boomboxer wrote:
Boomer wrote:
I noticed that Grass, Fire, and Water (all "special" types) had similar strengths and resistances as Steel, Poison, and Ground, respectively (all "physical" types).

sorry, but Diamond and Pearl did away with types being physical or special. now its determined based on the move itself, SSS-BLAM. for example, Surf is special and Waterfall is physical.

Whaaaat? Physical and Special types don't mean anything anymore? All that work matching up abilities for nothing? You've got to be kidding me.

Oh well. Maybe I should save the ideas for people who, you know, actually played and finished the games. Wink I would like to see more Steel and Dark pokemon and less Water type, just to round out all the types. I'd also like to see some more Legendaries that aren't Psychic-type.
Its always been based off the moves. Direct attacks, like a punch, are physical. While indirect attacks, like water gun or hyper beam, are special. Type strengths and weaknesses still matter though.
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Super ShadowArticuno

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:13 pm   Reply with quote

Slowslash wrote:
Boomboxer wrote:
Boomer wrote:
I noticed that Grass, Fire, and Water (all "special" types) had similar strengths and resistances as Steel, Poison, and Ground, respectively (all "physical" types).

sorry, but Diamond and Pearl did away with types being physical or special. now its determined based on the move itself, SSS-BLAM. for example, Surf is special and Waterfall is physical.

Whaaaat? Physical and Special types don't mean anything anymore? All that work matching up abilities for nothing? You've got to be kidding me.

Oh well. Maybe I should save the ideas for people who, you know, actually played and finished the games. ;) I would like to see more Steel and Dark pokemon and less Water type, just to round out all the types. I'd also like to see some more Legendaries that aren't Psychic-type.
Its always been based off the moves. Direct attacks, like a punch, are physical. While indirect attacks, like water gun or hyper beam, are special. Type strengths and weaknesses still matter though.
No, Hyper Beam was physical before D/P. So was every other normal move. Before D/P, it was based off the type, not the move itself.
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A Bucket of Stuff    

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:51 pm   Reply with quote

ShadowArticuno wrote:
Pokemon GiveCanadiansAndPeopleWhoDon'tLiveInNewYorkAChance:

In this game, there are no event legendaries. They're all obtainable.

... NAH, never gonna happen.
AR and events are yesterdays news, VOID WALKING IS THE WAY OF THE FURTURE!
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Shiggy's Stuff    
Boomer (redundancy!)

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:54 pm   Reply with quote

Slowslash wrote:
Boomboxer wrote:
Boomer wrote:
I noticed that Grass, Fire, and Water (all "special" types) had similar strengths and resistances as Steel, Poison, and Ground, respectively (all "physical" types).

sorry, but Diamond and Pearl did away with types being physical or special. now its determined based on the move itself, SSS-BLAM. for example, Surf is special and Waterfall is physical.

Whaaaat? Physical and Special types don't mean anything anymore? All that work matching up abilities for nothing? You've got to be kidding me.

Oh well. Maybe I should save the ideas for people who, you know, actually played and finished the games. Wink I would like to see more Steel and Dark pokemon and less Water type, just to round out all the types. I'd also like to see some more Legendaries that aren't Psychic-type.
Its always been based off the moves. Direct attacks, like a punch, are physical. While indirect attacks, like water gun or hyper beam, are special. Type strengths and weaknesses still matter though.

What Shadowarticuno said, SSSS-BOOM. you may have gotten confused because of "touching" or "contact" moves in RSE. so, Leaf Blade was a (Grass) special attack, but would activate an ability like Poison Point.
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Boomer's Explosive Shop    

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:22 pm   Reply with quote

Uhh...WHAAAA... Jesus christ, Physics class is easier than that. ._.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:29 am   Reply with quote

One that's not the same as the other 4. Screw the 10-year-old protagonist, screw the Pokemon League, screw the evil organization wih ridiculous haircuts trying to rule the world by awakening some giant evil pokemon that isn't actually that great, I want to see something original. Not just in storyline, but in gameplay too.
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