Fake or real? Link and ganon fighting in the sacred realm 0_o Looks like a remake of OOT. THe graphics dont look like twilight princess if you look at links hair its much more blonde. It's also stated that the outfit tp link wears was once worn by The Hero of Time. Thus, that's what the better graphic version of The Hero of Time would look like.
Looks fake to me. Nintendo doesn't usually put pictures of past games in previews, and why would it be coming out that soon after TP? Also, there wasn't enough gameplay footage, Nintendo usually puts short clips of the game in their previews, not just a "sword clash".
First of all, doesn't this belong in news andreviews?
Gengar wrote:
Looks fake to me. Nintendo doesn't usually put pictures of past games in previews, and why would it be coming out that soon after TP? Also, there wasn't enough gameplay footage, Nintendo usually puts short clips of the game in their previews, not just a "sword clash".
Second, may I direct your attention towards Majora's Mask? hgssskrflrig
At first, when I saw the Master Sword in the rock in the middle of a forest, I was hoping that it was a trailer for a revamped A Link to the Past game... but I doubt that its even a real Ocarina of Time remiz...