My parents said as long as I sell my old XBox + games, I can have a 360.
Now, a couple of questions: -How much does Live cost per month/year? -What games do you recommend? (Besides Halo 3 and Oblivion; those will probably be my first purchases) -As a 360 owner and hardcore music fan, which will be a better buy in the future? Guitar Hero: World Tour, or Rock Band 2? (I know there will be a lot of speculation on this one, but provide me with your opinion, at least).
I recommend not Halo 3. I actually traded it in because it was pretty meh and I had almost no friends who played it, and playing with random people is terrible.
Live is 7.99 for 1 month, 19.99 for 3 months, or 49.99 for 13 months.
Halo seems just average to me, go with a different game, maybe The Orange Box, GTAIV or some other game. And keep a lookout for some awesome deals on good used games.
I recommend not Halo 3. I actually traded it in because it was pretty meh and I had almost no friends who played it, and playing with random people is terrible.
Well, the thing is...I actually have a lot of friends who play Halo 3 on a regular basis. =/
I recommend not Halo 3. I actually traded it in because it was pretty meh and I had almost no friends who played it, and playing with random people is terrible.
Well, the thing is...I actually have a lot of friends who play Halo 3 on a regular basis. =/
Then it's probably worth getting. Matchmaking is just a run-and-gun fragfest that'll make your ears bleed from all the 8-year-olds cussing at you, but the custom maps/game types are actually kinda cool.
All 360 owners are required to buy at least one copy of Banjo-Kazooie: N&B when it comes out later this year. Otherwise, I'll be forced to beat you senseless with a jiggy. GUH-HUH!
And I personally like the GH games better, as the Rock Band games are expensive and only fun when you have lots of people to play it, but since World Tour is basically the same thing as Rock Band this time, I guess it depends on whether you want more songs, or a track-creator.