See? Popple
Joined: 30 Apr 2007 Posts: 14001
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Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:18 pm
This is a new writing style I'm experimenting with.
I've been readin a lot of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy latelty, so I've had Douglas Adams on the mind.
This is a sad attempt at a similar style.
Sad as in, I didn't work on it enough and it isn't as good as it could be.
Bob had a pretty humdrum life. In fact, some would say that Bob is the very epitome of monotony in the human life.
This of course is not just regular monotony, but the kind of monotony you get from visiting your home town after traveling abroad for several years, living in above average places with much nicer drinks. Sure, you remember yourself having a pretty good time back in your youth, but the problem is your new life has become for too fantastical for you to cope with the old boring life you used to lead. So in essence, this is not just monotony, but monotony coupled with utter boredom.
The kind of boredom one gets from monotony. The kind of boredom one gets when one has nothing to do but lay around the house watching television or reading the paper, no good parties too attend orr anything really exciting.
Though in the end, is it not the monotony that causes the boredom in the first place?
Never the less, Bob did seem quite content with his life, but not quite content enough to not be fed up with it every now and again. Bob had an average boring office job, an average boring apartment, and a below average wife with very few outstanding features. On the whole, Bob was really very depressed with his current situation, though content enough not to notice it.
He'd thought of ending it before, as we all have, but although Bob does live a very average life in a very average house with a very average job and a sub par wife, he was a bit more practical than your average man.
Bob was not the religious type, but he did enjoy a good read when he wasn't busy being average. He happened to be fairly well versed in many world beliefs, and none of them seemed to be too keen on the act of suicide. He did find a very peculiar group of natives in the Philippines once that occasional sacrificed one of their own so they could ascend to a higher plane and rein over them as a god, but Bob was fairly sure he couldn't afford the airfare or the stress that comes with trying to blend into a cannibalistic society of Philippinoes.
Yes, most religions seemed to believe that the taking of one's life would lead to a fiery demise, and Bob was not a fan of either fire or demising in it, so he decided to keep with his current predicament.
After awhile, Bob began to think that maybe life was not all about living an above average life with an above average house with an above average job with an average wife and an above average maid who you sometimes had above average sex with in the kitchen pantry. Maybe it was simply about being content with the monotony and the drinks one had available too them. Maybe even those with an above average life too suffered from the monotony. Maybe Bob was not the only average man on Earth.
It was not soon after this that Bob shot himself because he couldn't face the fact that anyone on this Earth better off them him had to deal with this shit too.
At least eternal damnation wouldn't be boring.
Last edited by Popple on Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:46 am; edited 1 time in total |