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Yoshio Yoshio
Joined: 28 Nov 2007 Posts: 3589
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:52 pm
he didn't fix it because he didn't think he deserved the job
he has said numerous times that he didn't think he should have been promoted |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
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Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:58 pm
Yep, definitely past tense.
As for why I didn't before...well, to be honest, I hadn't matured...was still waiting for that to drop...and that kind of blinded me. I told Francis that I'd like someone else to be part of the mod squad, but he put me on anyway.
The president is simply a figurehead, and I would like to be that figurehead. 'We' represents members as a whole; no groups, no classification, no stereotyping, each and every individual under one identity.
As for my plans...I've stated things simply; I'm going to focus on making the site more fun and more enjoyable. How will I do this? I'm a voice, but I'm your voice. I'll throw out my opinion, yes, I'll do what I can to tighten security, and if the day calls for it, I'll take up the leadership role. But what I want to do, and want voters to understand, is that I wish to be the voice of the people. I'd like to do that as a regular member, but the status and a fancy title generally help get that done a bit better, okay? ^^ |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
HP: 43 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:58 am
Hmmmm? Over a day with no replies? Oh well...here's a quick continuation of the...
HAIL TO THE BEAR! MISTER I 2008 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN! Sponsored by Banjo-Kazooie, if you need a reason to buy an Xbox 360 in the face of aged clones, living sacks, and ignored fanbases, they're it.
Quite simply, I just wish to address a few issues; it shouldn't take very long.
Search Engine
Yes, I want to reinstate the Search Engine. However, it's pretty low on my priority list. It's not as huge of an inconvenience as everyone is making it out as, and it'll probably limit the amount extra super fun activities we may do as a community. So, yeah, I'll fight for it to be placed back into digibutter, but it's not the end of the world as we know it if it has to be delayed for a few months.
Unless you've been under a rock for a year and a half now, you'll know that I'm pretty much the oldest digibutter role-player to still craft characters. That, in itself, is going to cost me a lot of votes. However, I do believe that the system we have currently is absolutely fine as is. Yeah, it could use refining, but quite simply, most role-players are satisfied with it. Forcing life into the original Role-Play is just going to take away from Role-Play Off-Topic, and that hasn't ended very well. Plots in Role-Play tend to die faster, feel duller, and just not have that spark of Role-Play Off-Topic posts, and they feel more private. Really, I find that role-playing in our current RP feels like writing a fan fic with multiple authors, while RPOT feels like actual, unrestricted role-play. I'd like to define the line between RPOT and RP ASAHP, OK? Oh, and add that whole 'moar alts' thing Francis suggested, though that's still pretty low on my list.
Sssssssupid Arcade Gamesssssss
Sponsored by Klungo Entertainment.
Anyway, the Arcade is dead. No doubt about that. It's a ghost town with not enough activity to go around it. However...is it really that bad? If there's a high demand for more games, then I'll definitely fight to get you more games. I'll add awards and titles and give you shiny medals. I'll even try my hand at coding and game-making if the job calls for it. But, these are all single-player experiences. I'd like to work on games for the community rather than for the individual, as those are almost always more fun. I'll, of course, add more games to the arcade, we'll probably get some Duck Hunt action and maybe a few IQ-based games, and whatever other categories you pull out of the Warioware grab bag. But, again, it's not my highest priority, though I'll still do it if people ask that of me.
This is where my effort will go into. Events, events, events. Yeah, parties are kind of a drag now, a glorified version of the dump they are. Yeah, modplots (OHGODISEDITSHEWTMEH!) are pretty much glorified, site-wide role-plays. And yeah, when digibutter was destroyed by teh Void, that seriously sucked. So, therefore, I want to launch fun events we can all agree on. Let's get economy rolling by betting on Let's Plays or Wi-fi matches. Let's start a Survivor competition, where you can actually vote others off, forge alliances, and complete various challenges. Let's have not-annoying site-wide holidays. Let's enjoy things more often, instead of letting them pass. Most importantly, let's just have a good time.
Okay, there are four really basic points. Comments and questions plx, I DUN WANNA FALL INTO OBSCURITY! |
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Yoshio Yoshio
Joined: 28 Nov 2007 Posts: 3589
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:16 am
I don't want that either
I'm really starting to think that you are the best candidate and I hope you win |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
HP: 43 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:27 am
*yawn* Mornin' all. Another day, another point to be raised.
Yeah, I'll actually be active in this. I won't overlook ideas that I agree with but have no chance of being added to the site under the current administration's backlog, or disagree with slightly. I'll debate every flaw I can possibly see in this, until myself and the proposer can come up with a middleground that satisfies A MAJORITY of members. If a single member whines, I'll try to help them, try to show them what this thing's about, but I'm not changing my direction for every single cry for change. I'll listen, but I just might say, 'thanks, but no, not now', rather than try to please everyone. Is this satisfactory?
State of the Site: My View
I don't care who you are or what you say; WE ARE A COMMUNITY. Every member knows every other member that has posted a decent number of times; we all know each other's reputations, we all know who we like and who to stay away from, and we all know who'll make us laugh and who's just whoring for attention. And...we just aren't big enough, yet to move away from that. Sure, we SEEM ready to make the transition, but we just aren't. Due to that, I'd like to keep this community as a whole, rather than focus on individual activities to split the community further apart. Francis himself, though I hate to use the guy as a springboard, agrees with this; months ago (or was it about a year ago), when I was still mod, I proposed to Francis a 'Flopside' forum; basically, an enclosed area of spam, to separate the members who want to destroy this forum from the members who want to help this forum. A middleground between jailing and banning, if you will. Of course, he found that this would split the site and generally cause the community to snap. Of course, we've found that this is kind of what the Off-Topics did for a while, but to a lesser extent and no punishment at all. So, really, I just want to pick up the Jiggies and put the puzzle back together again. I want this to be a prosperous community, with little dispute or fear of other members. And, when the time comes, I'll let it go so it may grow into a bigger forum.
...there, I avoided the questions I should debate on and gave two decently valid points. Hope you all enjoy. ^^ |
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Yoshio Yoshio
Joined: 28 Nov 2007 Posts: 3589
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:18 pm
I agree with your stance on feedback
there are so many new topics being made there everyday
It must be hell for Francis to sort it all out and lord knows that it is impossible for there to be time to do everything |
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Strawberry-san Celeste Dimentia
Joined: 03 Jul 2007 Posts: 11104
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:14 am
I have a question on your foreign policy.
Would you be willing to enter a chat with the owner of a hostile site without preexisting conditions? |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
HP: 43 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:25 am
I'd like to request that, during that time, he/she doesn't 'raid the forum' or something like that, but I see no reason not to. The forum, at that point, should be tight enough of a community that a majority of its members shouldn't fall for a raid, or that hacking wouldn't be a problem. It's a leap of faith, but it's one I'm confident in. |
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Strawberry-san Celeste Dimentia
Joined: 03 Jul 2007 Posts: 11104
HP: 100 MP: 0 Lives: 3
Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:30 am
Mister I wrote: | I'd like to request that, during that time, he/she doesn't 'raid the forum' or something like that, but I see no reason not to. The forum, at that point, should be tight enough of a community that a majority of its members shouldn't fall for a raid, or that hacking wouldn't be a problem. It's a leap of faith, but it's one I'm confident in. |
Well said... well said. ::takes notes:: |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
HP: 43 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:33 pm
Let what was once laid to rest rise again!
...but seriously, I don't think I've been grilled enough by the good members, and if I were perfect, I'd be dominating the polls right now. I'm just barely squeaking by at this point, so I need to know...WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM MEH?!
Honestly, though, I really feel like answering questions, and didn't feel like making another topic just for the purpose of "Grill meh". So, please, fire away brave soldiers. I salute you. ^^ |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
HP: 43 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:27 pm
My family, my friends, my beloved supporters...
...talk to me, please. I feel disconnected and uninvolved and not really making any final pushes. I'd really like to feel like I'm in a tense race, not one where the polls say I lose by a single vote (UNDECIDED PEOPLE, I DO HAVE CAKE!). So please...I wish to continue my campaign, and lead this site in a press to glory. I'm not the oldest candidate, the most experienced, or the most intelligent. However, you all know me, and I know all of you. I have an absolutely awesome connection with most of you. All I want to do right now is help you, improve this site, and make this community a wonderful and fun place to be. Activity is declining greatly lately, and I'm a bit disappointed. Please...please, give me the chance to restore this site to the fun alternate reality it was. |
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Paper Peach
Joined: 27 Jun 2007 Posts: 4226
HP: 14 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:30 pm
Your campaign is very complete and in-depth. You have great ideas and I'm happy to support you |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
HP: 43 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:33 pm
...that's really a huge compliment, for someone with an absolutely wonderful campaign to say. Thank you so much. ^^ |
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Mister I Almaz
Joined: 22 Apr 2007 Posts: 19527
HP: 43 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:56 am
MISTER I 2012!
MISTER I 4000!
My loyal supports, we may have lost the battle, but we shall NEVER lose this war! I am a digibutter devoted, and I will remain here as long as it takes to restore this site to its ultimate glory! Make no mistake; we SHALL become a united site, and this loss shall only make me ever MORE vocal. Perhaps I was a weak and inexperienced child brimming with a message of hope this year, but next, I shall return a man, ready to fight for all of your beliefs, justice, and the pursuit of happiness. Always and forever, we shall create an infinitely greater digibutter.
And let us all improve digibutter in the meanwhile. |
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RaveRaze Mana7 Dead

Joined: 30 Jun 2008 Posts: 6987
HP: 0 MP: 2 Lives: 0
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:06 pm
Is there going to be another election next year |
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