I figured that it would be a good idea to make a tutorial resource. Why? Because then we have a bunch of tutorials in the same place so that it's easier to learn and grow as an artist.
This list will be constantly updated. If you would like to submit a tutorial, post here or PM me. It doesn't have to be related to drawing (tutorials outside the drawing group will be given a new group. ie. writing), but it must be related to art in some way. Also, even if a tutorial isn't under the category you want ([wtfidunno]), it might be good to look at it anyway, just for tips. NOTE THAT SOME OF THESE TUTORIALS MAY HAVE MILD NUDITY, HOWEVER THEY WILL NEVER ACTUALLY "SHOW ANYTHING". IF YOU FIND A TUTORIAL ON THIS LIST THAT YOU FIND OFFENSIVE, TELL ME AND I WILL REMOVE IT
Resource: [re] Anime-styled: [ani] Realism: [irl] Colouring (Traditional): [colt] Colouring (Digital): [cold] Line art (Digital): [dlart] Line art (Traditional): [tlart]