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Spiny's Characters
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Joined: 05 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:12 pm   Reply with quote

Spiny was once an actual Spiny as the name implies. However due to unknown circumstances, especially to him, he has turned into a Yellow Kirby. Since then, he has become extremely bashful, and wears a suit of armor whenever he's not sleeping or at a formal party. The armor takes the brunt of most projectiles like bullets, but doesn't actually reflect them.
As a last ditch effort, he can detatch the spikes on his head and throw them like daggers.

He isn't the best at combat for long lengths of time, but he has practiced how to Spin Dash as. Also his disposal as a result is a number of copy abilities that also work differently if he has the armor on.
For example, Cutter gives him Sir Kibble-like armor, while needle simply increases his strike range for Spin Dashes.
He carries atleast one element for each ability in a hammerspace he has yet to disclose.

Another worthy note is that he is an accomplished Trumpet player. So much that he reads music sheets that double as magic spells. However, the trumpet is the magical one, not him. His spells span to being able to manipulate the four basic elements of fire, water, earth and air. However, he has to hold certain notes to make it work, meaning if he's interrupted, he has to start over again.

He has absolutely no experience in driving normal vehicles like cars aside from abit of go-karting.

His eyes glow varying on his mood, green being a default. However, due to being pretty much a coward in the face of danger that threatens only himself, a sickly yellow isn't an uncommon color.

If anyone he considers a friend is in danger, he enters a state I like to call the "Determinator" state. When he has this mindset, it's hard to get him to stay down, though it becomes simple to knock him down in the process.

Unknown to all, including himself, his soul is inextinguishable. This means that literal soul shattering is possible, but not effective for long terms. It can regenerate over time, but the time for this is uncounted.

Overall, he's a lightweight, but no pushover when he's determined.

Samuel Buzzoff:
Commonly called Sam, he is a Spike Top with a degree in robotics. Aside from a quick wit, he really isn't all that different from any other Spike Top.
He can climb stone walls and ceilings with little trouble, his shell is fire, explosive, and bulletproof, and trying to stomp on him will hurt like hell. The major drawback is that his sides are unprotected, meaning he can easily be punted away like a football if he's confronted. To make up for this, he thinks pretty fast, and has fairly good reflexes. He can stand upright for awhile, posessing front claws similar to three fingered hands. Due to being of fairly old age, he can't take as much punishment as other, younger beetles.

When he first made himself known to the world, he was trying to make the world pay for what afew collegues of his did. Mainly, insulted him on a regular basis. He created an army of he calls Clockwork Buzzies, multi purpose, sentient robots that come in several different forms, durabilities and personalities to carry out this vengence. He considers these robots his children, and cares for them as such, even allowing them to wander the land on their own as long as they stay within communication range.
He gave up on the plot due to the reasoning of someone who stood in his way.

Samuel wears a visor on his head that allows him to recieve messages and collect data on unknown objects to form a database. His overall knowledge is suprising for a short tempered beetle due to this.

Sam usually spends his time behind the scenes, cooped up in a lab stationed within a mountain plentiful in Iron. However, he tries his best to conserve it, and instead re uses old parts from failed projects. Due to this, some of his machines don't have the best durability.


David isn't the most physically fit guy you'll know. Infact, he's pretty much a standard fat nerd, minus the glasses. He tries to keep a level head alot, but his temper is genetically short.
His main specialty is the fact that he tries his best to think of as many outcomes that could come out of him making a serious move.
Where you see a fork in the road, he sees that and the fair chance that the left path has a serial killer treking down it, and that the right path leads in a circle.
He's spent a fair part of his life at home, but he's by no means 100% lazy.

David hasn't even taken a test, but he knows the basic ins and outs of a car. The most skill he's had with a gun is afew FPS games and a carnival game rifle, and that's not saying much.He's alot better with close range, mainly anything he can lift.

Due to being picked on alot, he's taken self defense classes that involve using the attacker's momentum and weight against them.
He only got to yellow belt before he quit the classes, however.
In general, he's not totally helpless, but not totally kickass.
Just a normal fat guy who's in the wrong place at the wrong time

His common attire is a green sleeveless shirt, a blue vest, a pair of green shoes with a sky blue stripe down the middle, a pair of fingerless gloves with square, yellow plates on the backs, and a pair of brown goggles attop his head. His eyes are a solid emerald green, and in the shapes of a vertical oval. His hair is brown, with fairly odd looking hook extending off his head near the forehead. His skin is a standard shade of grey.
A simple being in body and mind, he'd much rather laze about than fight. He rarely speaks due to being abit shy, and only answers in a soft tone most of the time. He'll answer just about any question, however. When he does end up getting in a fight, he usually has a defensive style, rarely attacking outside of a counter. His weapon is a shortsword with an emerald embedded in the hilt. He's fairly quick on his feet and easy going. Terrandus is capable of manipulating the earth, and using the ground beneath his feet as a form of launchpad to increase his jumping height. He can take alot of punishment, due to having a suprisingly strong bone structure for his kind.
Speaking of physical structure, he, along with his entire species, have no actual arms or legs, their hands and feet floating seperate from their torso.
This is possible due to a telekinetic ability they possess, meaning if they are knocked out, their limbs become 'severed' until they awaken.

His attire includes a deep red shirt, with a lighter shaded cape. Two brown boots, and a red, brimmed wizard's hat.
He is structurally the same as Terrandus with key differences. His skin is a darker shade of grey, his eyes are light red, his hair is red, and hangs off the back of his head slightly. He is also able to survive intense heats, but he's abit more frail than the standard for his species.
His weapon is a wand with a sword like hilt, and a spherical ruby at the tip.
A guy who mildly acts his age, Fuegos is deemed a wizard, but he sees no need for such titles(atleast for him that is). He's best summed up as that lovable, slightly drunk oaf you find at a tavern(This is especially fitting, since he's abit of a drunkard by human standards). He can control fire, but not conjure very much of it. He's one of Terrandus' closer friends, and abit of a mentor to the earth warrior. Fuegos has an ironically long fuse, especially when intoxicated, but messing with his 'pals' is enough to set him off.

Her attire includes a blue dress and shoes, black and blue striped gloves that would go up to one's elbow, and a golden bracelet around where her wrist would be.
Her weapon is a silver trident with a crystal shaped sapphire near the prongs.
Her skin is a standard shade of grey, her hair is straight brown, and hangs down just to her waist. Her eyes are a light shade of blue.
Aquaria is the young queen of a city resting on a beachside, and rather admires her job. Due to this, she is fairly uptight, and is usually seen with a skeptic look in her eyes. Her attacks are reliant on a firm defense, and a precise strikes that tend to leave her open as she tries to find a weakspot.
She has the ability to control any form of water, including ice.

Windallus is clad in a black shirt, black boots, and a grey sleevless trenchcoat. His eyes are normally light yellow ovals, however, his tainted mind shows, as his eyes take on a more haunting, souless shape. His hair is snow white, with a tuft that hides his left eye. His weapon is a two handed sword with a unique, cleaving tip to it's blade, and a handguard built into the hilt, effectively making sure he can't be disarmed easily. There is also a diamond embedded in the hilt.
Windallus is a living enigma to most. He rarely speaks, like Terrandus, but keeps silence only because he sees talking until an important question is posed as pointless. Considering he never answers when he is questioned about his life, that says alot.
He is considered the strongest of his kind, and for this reason is given a high rank in his homeland's knights. His attacks mainly focus on slow swings of his sword due to it's weight, giving him a notorius streak of literally crushing anything he strikes, or cleaving it in half in one slash. However, he is left open to attack alot, especially if his blade manages to get wedged into the ground. His more nasty method of attack is using his control of wind to suffocate an enemy if they need to breath.

He is ironically the dullest looking thing you may see, given his character. His normal appearence is summed up as a black orb surrounded by a dark, firey aura. His facial expression is arguably stuck in a maniacal grin, coupled with a concentrated glare(Some say he just finds everything laughable to a degree). His eyes are nearly solid green aside from his black, cat-like pupils.
Mezmerane is literally insanity incarnate, and is the god of discord and chaos, though he's commonly refered to as "the guy who makes people go batshit", considering this is his favorite method of doing his job. However, he tries to keep a calming, but joking mindset no matter what he's doing. often times, he'll slip into madness himself, and revert into a sociopathic monster. He'll kill, and treat it like he just broke a toy.
His powers allow him to manipulate chaos theory, meaning he can predict when something as inane as it raining biscuts will occur, and uses this to summon many objects, some just gags, others weapons enchanted with his dark magic.
His claws are not actually a part of him at all. They're actually a result of his predictions.
Mezmerane's main weapon is literally a giant steak knife, which he holds more like a rifle. However, a close fallback is a pair of twin scythes.
Despite being a god, he's actually quite fragile. It's catching the little bastard that's the problem.
His true form is a horrifying creature, with the tail of a scorpion, claws sharp enough to shread through something as thick as the Great Wall of China in minutes, and a hideous, verticle maw that nearly splits his head in half to open. He also has a fake grin that nearly takes up half his face, and horns that nearly reach to the floor. His mind is incredibly unstable in this form, meaning he becomes nearly unpredictable at the cost of his intelligence. If ANYTHING touches the tongue in his actual mouth, meaning explosives are a wise choice. He is also harder to destroy, but still defeatable.

His attire includes full body armor, with a pair of bull-like horns on the helmet. Said helmet has a single, semicircle opening that makes the wearer appear to be an unamused, cycloptic monster, aswell as three slits directly underneath it. The helmet conceals nearly the enitre face of the wearer, aswell, giving him an unearthly feel. Electricity constantly arcs inbetween the horns on the helmet, like a jacob's ladder.
He is undead, so his skin and hair color do not truely apply. However, his eye sockets glow a heavenly white.
He cannot be slain for good, but he can be disabled for a long while.
Laddegus was once a knight from a lost civilization of people. His remains were discovered by an evil necromancer, and were placed into a suit of armor meant for a black knight. However, when reanimated, an enchanted opal that was among his bones that was also thrown in gave him a will of his own. He escaped the necromancer, but he had nowhere to go, considering himself an abomination. One day in his wanderings, he was spoken to by the gods, saying he would meet four others with talents like he possessed, and prove his worth by slaying a being of pure madness. A sword with a blade shaped like a lightning bolt appeared embedded in the ground infront of him. His confidence in himself rekindled, he held the sword up high after uprooting it, and went to find these people. He possesses a strong sense of justice, and will fight to the end to ensure his mission is accomplished. However, he still has some self doubt about himself due to his condition.
His attacks are erratic, but his defense can be dropped by getting the armor off him. However, this will increase his speed now that the armor isn't weighing him down.
He can create electric charges, and has the ability to cure living beings of the insanity that Mezmerane inflicts.

Elemental Dragons:
The planet of Kendesai is the habitat for four tribes of dragons that possess a link to the elements. While they all share basics, and are for the most part like the planet's equivelent to humans, each species has specific attributes and a glaring weakness.

Earth(Top left):
+Can glide short distances
+Most durable of the four.
+Claws nearly as sharp as diamond.
+Can breath a gas that can range from just smelly to fatal when inhaled.
+Most prefer to use hammer/tomahawk-like tools
-Not the brightest bunch of dragons sometimes, and the most docile of the four tribes.

Water(Bottom left):
+Obviously best swimmers of the four.
+Acidic saliva.
+Can also slither on land like a serpent.
+Prefer hook-like weapons when it comes to self defense
+The horn-like fin on it's head, and the dorsal fin, are on par with basic shortswords.
-No feet, and fairly clumsy on land.

Fire(Top right):
+Able to breath fire.
+Can survive tempratures to the point of swimming in small lava pools.
+Strongest of the four.
+Physical combat masters are common in the tribe.
+Prefer bludgeoning instruments, clubs being common.
-Tail isn't very strong, and is often a weakpoint.

Wind(Bottom right):
+Strong lungs that allow it to simulate wind storms with it's exhaling.
+Can fly, and has the largest wingspan of the four.
+Ranged Combat experts are common in their tribe.
+Tail is strong enough to constrict smaller creatures.
+Prefers spears and related weapons.
-No feet, and tempermental when in small spaces.
Sharr is the Grim Reaper of Kendesai lore, basically. He guides lost souls to their respective resting places after judging them based on their lives. He is as neutral as it gets in terms of judgement, not even caring if he's preparing to judge a god. His true form is a sight to behold. He is a rotted, dark element feral dragon that's height is comparable to a full grown redwood. He weilds two swords that are able to combine into one blade. He is partially transparent, and immune to non magic weapons. He cannot be killed, considering he is essentially death itself. His secondary job is keeping watch over the flow of life, traveling from world to world to dispatch any major threat. His wings further symbolize his neutrality, one being a feathered bird wing, the other comparable to a bat's. He only knows what he is commanded to do.

Last edited by Spiny on Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:24 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:30 pm   Reply with quote

I have a question. Could he extend said spikes?
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Joined: 05 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:42 pm   Reply with quote

Only getting Needle ability while in the armor can do so, and even then they stay long.
Other than that, he has no control over them.ಠ_ಠ
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