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(: Tayl
Joined: 18 May 2007 Posts: 12422
HP: 98 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:22 pm
{{If you're a member of this plot or intend on joining; please join this group. Also, just about all of the info you'll need is in there.}}
{{So, we ran into some issues in the last topic...while, yes, Castle Oress is a place to allow your characters to interact with others and become intwined with their crazy lives, too much goes on there that doesn't relate to the plot. I'm cool if you guys do some mingling and chatting and what not, but keep your plots to your topics, and try not to twist the plot around, at least, not without permission. If you'd like to integrate part of your plot or want to make a big event relating to your characters, please PM me first. I understand I haven't been very attentive to the plot as of lately, but my computer time is limited now. But I'll try and start to do more stuff with the plot, now. The only reason I've hesitated is because I don't want to go too far in if more people want to join. There's still at least five Oress left, and you don't even need an Oress to participate. No need to PM me; if you're interested in joining, just have your character wander in or something. All of the cool kids wander in.}}
{{Also, for convenience, I'm removing Nylah. Maybe I'll bring her back later.}}
{{Oh yeah, and mod lok lst tpc plx?}}
Castle Oress wasn't much of a castle, really, it was more like a fancy hotel. With more stuff. Lots of more stuff. In addition to plenty of rooms for the Oress Holders, Supporters, and guests alike; there's the waterpark, arcade, buffet {:D}, gigantic TV, elevator, and all that other fun stuff. In fact, if you weren't a resident of the castle, you probably would assume it was a hotel.
But, there were things there that could easily throw off that thought.
The mysterious and never-touched second floor, Bunny's "classified" laptop (along with the various illegal items he buys and sells on E-Bay), the hard-to-reach basement, and the fact that numerous people (the Oress Holders and Supporters), heroes, villains, and average citizens of the Bitlands alike, were all joined together and given strange orbs, the Oress, which possess the power to control things ranging from fire to plants, from air to space, from life to death, and so on.
The quirky pink-haired Cel, one of the original Oress Holders, gave them all the task of using the Oress to protect their Reality. But, from who, or what?
On the other hand, there's the hard-to-please Umbra Tear, who's apparently the creator of the Oress. For unknown reasons, she has the desire to destroy them all. While she (along with Halyn's five (at one point, six, the sixth member being an Oress themselves) "assistants" and the Manipulator, Verity) managed to kill off the first generation of Oress Holders, they apparently missed one.
That one Oress was Neren; the Oress of Death. Neren lived in a whole seperate Reality, governing over where the souls of the dead go after death, based upon their beliefs and how they lived their lives. Being an Oress herself (although, she wasn't technically "created" by Umbra; she shares this trait with two other Oress (Sola and Crona), Neren wound up "cheating", and allowed Cel to bring the Oress to another Reality. The Bitlands.
Cel began forming the next generation of Oress Holders immediately, based upon how worthy she believed they were. Unfortunately; worthiness doesn't exclude good or evil; so the heroes aren't ecstatic about villainous Oress Holders, and vice versa. Can they all manage to work together without ripping each other to pieces? What are they working for, anyways? Why am I asking you all of these questions...?
As per usual, Cel was in the kitchen making strawberry sammiches, which was pretty much the only thing she could make without blowing things up.
Bunny was sitting on a chair in the main room with his laptop. But he seemed to be more focused on the TV, which rarely showed anything serious. :3 |
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Nimexa, The Gentle Breeze Dark Prognosticus Burning Werewolf
Joined: 04 May 2007 Posts: 16966
HP: 97 MP: 10 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:31 pm
((Kinda hestient on posting again becuase if it's reset or something It will ruin my characetrs. Again. D:
So I dunno if I should be in it still...)) |
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(: Tayl
Joined: 18 May 2007 Posts: 12422
HP: 98 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:36 pm
{{I don't intend on resetting it again. I only did it before because I didn't like where I took the plot, and things went too fast for a lot of members.}} |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:38 pm
(I think its just starting from where we left off though thats just what I think.)
A robot was seen falling towards Castle Oress and upon hitting the castle made a large holes in the as it followed its path towards the ground and ended up on the ground floor where it's pieces scattered over the floor.
(Hows that for an entrance also someone can have Metal repair the damage for he can repair things.) |
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Black Yoshi Ignis Phasmatis
Joined: 17 Jun 2007 Posts: 14673
HP: 31 MP: 10 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:42 pm
The section of hallway outside of what was once Black's room had taken on an ominous purple glow ever since Ignis stole and claimed Fyel - and Black's room in the Castle - for his own. The heavy metal door itself was the source of the glow. A glowing purple seal was shimmering on the door, it's appearance alone enough to give one the shivers. |
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Nimexa, The Gentle Breeze Dark Prognosticus Burning Werewolf
Joined: 04 May 2007 Posts: 16966
HP: 97 MP: 10 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:45 pm
((Still, a bit hesitent and all on if I should and what I'll do.. I'll decide later I guess, see if it's worth the risk again)) |
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(: Tayl
Joined: 18 May 2007 Posts: 12422
HP: 98 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:46 pm
"Oh, shoot, I just got that ceiling fixed last week." :3
Bunny hopped over to Metal. Or, at least, his scraps (unless you meant "pieces" as in the pieces of the castle he broke lulz). :3
"Weird. The weather channel said nothing about raining robots today." :3
(totally funny joke amirite) :3 |
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DarkBlueAce Louis
Joined: 04 Jan 2008 Posts: 2524
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Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:48 pm
DBA was starting to get freaked out by how Black's room had changed and decided to take a closer look. |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:51 pm
The pieces of the robot began to melt into puddles darkness that would begin moving towards each other till they were one puddle of darkness.
Then a figure began to rise from the darkness with it dripping from his entire body.
Soon the darkness began to form the robots appearance.
Once he was completely reformed the robot's eyes turned green as he began scanning the area and the people near him.
As he scanned the gem looking thing on what looked like a hat began to blink. |
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(: Tayl
Joined: 18 May 2007 Posts: 12422
HP: 98 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:28 pm
"That's kind of freaky." Bunny would normally poke him at this time, but his mother always taught him not to poke strangers when they're scanning things. :3
Cel had the random urge to follow DBA, and then proceeded to do so. |
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Frozenwinters Princess Frostbite
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
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Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:29 pm
Princess Veronica Frostbite was sitting in the red love chair she had brought up on the first day upon joining the castle Oress team. The chair was a symbol to her, one that showed her triumph over herself. But, not only that, but this red love seat was the one piece of furniture the Oress team actually managed to bring out of the storage room. It was a mystery to her how the other pieces appeared out of the room one day.
Frostbite grabbed the remote and switched the channel to something more appropriate.
"Haruhi YTPs. :3" |
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Black Yoshi Ignis Phasmatis
Joined: 17 Jun 2007 Posts: 14673
HP: 31 MP: 10 Lives: 1
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:35 pm
As DBA and Cel entered Ignis's hallway, they would begin to feel warm. The further the two went into the corridor, the hotter they would grow. If they even managed to reach the door itself, their clothes would be beginning to smoke in the overwhelming heat. |
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DarkBlueAce Louis
Joined: 04 Jan 2008 Posts: 2524
HP: 99 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:38 pm
DBA wiped his forehead.
Why does it suddenly feel like it's a furnace in here?
He reached Black's door and slightly panicked at the sight of his clothes smoking. He looked around himself trying to spot any flame. When he turned around he was startled at the sight of Cel. His voice cracked.
"What are you doing here?..." |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:42 pm
Metal stopped scanning and decided to look up and noticed the hole in the floors he had fell through and was soon repairing them.
When he was finished the floors looked the way the were before Metal had fell through them. |
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(: Tayl
Joined: 18 May 2007 Posts: 12422
HP: 98 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:51 pm
"Oh, shoot. I should've brought the fire extinguisher."
"Oh, me...? I figured you were off doing something interesting, so, you know."
"Whoa! That was awesome!" Bunny complimented, looking up at the repaired ceiling. :3
"...Say, who are you, anyways?" :3 |
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