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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:32 pm
Kaiba has entered Fort Francis, kicking any meowmaids in his way aside. He had a briefcase in hand. "This is the home of the most technologically talented being in this land? I'm not impressed. Even that fool Nesbitt did a better job programming AI. Whatever. This place shall serve as a base of operations until I find a better location." He opened the nearest unlocked door and walked into an empty room. He closed the door behind him and sat behind the lone desk in the room. He opened up the briefcase and took a black laptop out of the briefcase, which also held several stacks of rare and powerful Duel Monsters cards. After plugging the laptop charger into a wall outlet and connecting it to his laptop, he started working on said laptop. |
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I see what you are doing. Lord Vaati
Joined: 19 May 2007 Posts: 20393
HP: 99 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:39 pm
He would most likely hear a sound of two dark spells hitting each other and exploding.
That is if he was near the Dark Room which was Vaati's room. |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:55 pm
Kaiba simply ignored the noise and continued working. I've got more important things than a noisy idiots down the hall. I've got to establish KaibaCorp as the dominant company, and the only way to do that is to buy out the competition. |
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I am the Walrus! Waave
Joined: 09 Feb 2009 Posts: 35
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:03 pm
More explosions come from the other side of the previous ones. "C'MON! HAHAHA!" Waave yells. Immediately, a meowmaid flies out the door leading into the room, slams against the wall, and explodes.
A meowmaid ran out the door, a glowing bomb drilled into it's forehead, ran past Kaiba and exploded down the hallway.
Last edited by Waave on Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:35 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Lifeless Intellectual Crappy Shifty Luigi Dead

Joined: 12 May 2007 Posts: 2619
HP: 0 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:12 pm
Code: | BroBot Code Initiating... > >Initiating complete...Waiting for orders
>BroBot L-Type fully functional< |
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hai Spiny
Joined: 05 Jan 2008 Posts: 27193
HP: 100 MP: 6 Lives: 1
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:05 am
*Spiny stared at Seto for a minute, curious.* |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:44 am
Kaiba ignored the randomness, gritting his teeth at how ramshackle the place must be if they allow total buffoons in. However, he noticed the armored creature. My duel disk can't be glitching because I just fixed it. That thing looks a tiny Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames. What an oxymoron. Whatever, it's silent, so I don't need to bother with it. His typing ended as a voice in the computer spoke.
"KaibaCorp Virtual Duel System version 1.15 beta initiated. User recognized as Seto Kaiba. Welcome back, sir. Are you here to duel the Yugi AI again?"
"No. This time I figured I'd look for other competition from the KaibaCorp forums. Set up a duel with..." He scrolled through the list of top duelists in a tab of his internet browser. "SilentHeroX."
"Duel servers ready. May the duel commence!"
Kaiba's screen drew it's 6 virtual cards for his beginning turn. He appeared completely focused on the duel, so he wouldn't notice someone watching the duel over his shoulder. |
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hai Spiny
Joined: 05 Jan 2008 Posts: 27193
HP: 100 MP: 6 Lives: 1
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:15 am
*Somewhat interested, he began to do exactly that, using a chair and some books to get at the appropriate height.* |
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I am the Walrus! Waave
Joined: 09 Feb 2009 Posts: 35
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:34 am
Another meowmaid ran throught the door. As Waave is chasing it it, he notices Spiny looking over Kaiba's shoulder, as he's playing a card game. Waave ran over, hopped up on the books and chairs beside Spiny and watched. |
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Blue Eyes wins. Captain Blue
Joined: 21 May 2007 Posts: 15314
HP: 95 MP: 10 Lives: 2
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:17 pm
The duel had already began. His opponent had a monster face down in defense mode. Kaiba only had a single card face-down on the field. It then became his turn. Kaiba activated a magic card, Pot of Greed, allowing him to draw two more cards. "He's already lost. Too bad. I was hoping to find some competition.", said Kaiba to himself. He summoned a creature he drew, Lord of Dragons, to the field. He then activated the magic card, The Flute of Summoning Dragon, to bring two Blue Eyes White Dragons from his hand to the field. He activated the field magic card Luminous Spark, raising his dragon's attack powers to 3500 each, and flipped over his trap card, Aqua Chorus, raising their attack all the way to 4000. He sent the Lord of Dragons to attack his face-down monster. It was Elemental Hero Avian, and was destroyed. The two dragons attacked his opponent directly, reducing his life points from 8000 to 0, ending the duel. "No wonder he failed. He tried to imitate a strategy from that crappy spinoff show about that duel academy I formed. Here's hoping he's joking." He wrote a message to the opposing duelist.
Code: | Seto Kaiba: Elemental Heroes are terrible. Change your lineup immediately. |
The other person sent a response.
Code: | SilentHeroX: Okay, Mr. Kaiba. Thanks for the advice. USER HAS LOGGED OUT |
"Maybe I'll duel the Yugi AI after all. It's the only challenge I ever get nowadays." |
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hai Spiny
Joined: 05 Jan 2008 Posts: 27193
HP: 100 MP: 6 Lives: 1
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:24 pm
*He was astonished at how fast the battle went by.* |
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Serene Absolute~ Zuzu
Joined: 10 Feb 2009 Posts: 121
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:24 pm
Zuzu stared at the lock that was on the door, just waiting to be busted.
Code: | Enter Password Below
_| _ _ _ _ |
Sighing, Zuzu got out her "Francis Speak" cheat sheet and looked at all the possible 5-lettered/numbered words until she found what she was looking for. Turning back to the screen, Zuzu typed in what she thought was the current password.
Code: | Enter Password Below
B A B E S|
Password Accepted. Welcome, Francis. |
That...was easy, Zuzu thought as she opened the door into a place of unknown variety. |
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BANJO KA-FREAKING-ZOOIE top minion tails Vampire
Joined: 13 May 2007 Posts: 13197
HP: 1 MP: 7 Lives: 2
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:42 pm
*Tails entered, but not before knocking* [[ignore the avi....he's normal here]] |
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Balloon Fighter ROB_Unit_14789 Vampire
Joined: 26 Nov 2007 Posts: 1524
HP: 100 MP: 10 Lives: 0
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:39 am
At first it sounded like just another part of the random crap that was going on, but a small hint of ambience could be heard, metal clanging from down a narrow corridor the clangingf was getting louder, and there were some odd whirring noising accompianing it. |
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around the yoshi stone
Joined: 13 Jul 2007 Posts: 932
HP: 10 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:54 am
as i find a room to live in i noticed someone playing on a computer in thier room... "what is this" i exclaimed in dismay. but as soon as i say this i noitice... "HUZZAH IT'S SETO KAIBA" yelling without thinking. |
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