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Crystal Cave [TOPIC REVIVED - See page 3]
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top minion tails

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:41 pm   Reply with quote

Um..doyou mind if I take some crystals? I'm into minerals and such.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:45 pm   Reply with quote

"I don't mind. You can go ahead and take a few. I trust you to not misuse them or anything, since you were the one who told me about Tim and all of that."
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Ultimario Mart!    
top minion tails

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:52 pm   Reply with quote

Thanks.*he put a few different sizes and colors into a bag, and filled it up. It wasn't really a very big bag, about the size of a large gift bag or a paper bag from a shopping center., in fact, it might have been that if it was paper*
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:17 pm   Reply with quote

*The child harvests some water and crystals, waiting outside the cave*
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Stuff Mart    

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:17 am   Reply with quote

"For the sake of not waiting for everybody to leave, I'll just do this."

((Also because some of the members who posted here might have forgotten about the thread or something. Why wait for everyone to post "*leaves the cave lol*" when this is so much easier?))

Ultimario and the floating crystal beside him grew bright white, and then the room filled with light. When it went back to normal, only Ultimario, the floating crystal, White Yoshi, and Green Yoshi remained in the cave.

"They've been transported outside the entrance to the cave. And now to make sure nobody else can come in while I'm gone..."

Again Ultimario and the crystal glowed bright white, but this time a barrier of crystals covered up the entrance and that was all.

"It's not a perfect barrier by any means...if somebody has teleportation or can walk through walls or something they can get through, but nearly nothing can get through by brute force. If Tim really wants to get in here, he can. But this should serve as a way to keep anybody from just walking in here, no random curious bandits or anything. Besides, nobody that can get in knows about this place or how important it is. Now then, let's go the resistance."
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Ultimario Mart!    
top minion tails

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:44 pm   Reply with quote

[[teleporting? uh oh....a few of my alts can teleport....TMT can due to his transformation...but If ??? takes over, your in for some trouble in the cave..and "Mellub" might find it and fuse crystal into his phantoms, making them even more near invincible but koht would just examine them and try t discover new kinds, damn, I'm coming up with plot ideas already, this is awesome! thanks dude... but.. only TMT knows of the cave....but if he tells anyone...]]
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Dark Ultimario

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:58 pm   Reply with quote

((I keep forgetting to post here lol))

An amount of time had passed. The Users knew it was five days, but to everyone else it could have felt anywhere between 5 seconds and a few hours. It was enough time for Ultimario to be annoyed, at least.

Dark Ultimario teleported in, simply disappear + reappear style. He was nearly invisible and had done his best to neutralize his natural aura of evil. His presence was nearly undetectable, if somebody wasn't expecting him or particularly looking out for him they wouldn't notice. However, his aura of evil, despite being dulled as much as he could, was detectable, but anybody feeling it would just feel it as a light feeling of something like guilt. Chances were, it would be ignored.

"...Well? We've been just standing here for some time. Let's go. So, are we using the portal you came through..."

((You never said the portal went away))

"Or are we creating a new one?"

Perfect, Dark Ultimario thought to himself. Looks like they're all ready to go. All I need to do is just follow them through that portal, then report back to Tim.

Being a magician himself, Dark Ultimario knew that the portal would close soon after they arrived, but it would be plenty enough time for him to slip through. He prepared a simplistic spell to make it even easier to get through in time, since he was a decent distance away from it.

Last edited by Dark Ultimario on Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ultimario Mart!    
Black Yoshi

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:03 pm   Reply with quote

((Same here. <.< ))

Right. Let's be off...

With a swing of his Scythe, White opened another shimmering rift in front of the group, then proceeded to hop in. Green followed shortly after.
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The Domain of Secrets    
Richest user. :D
Super Ultimario

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:12 pm   Reply with quote

With that, Ultimario stepped through. Dark Ultimario followed closely behind and went in, moving a lot faster to make up for the distance.
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Ultimario Mart!    

Joined: 10 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:03 pm   Reply with quote

"This light blue crystal... Reminds me of the crystals back in Mireno..." Cierra muttered as she touched the shiny crystal. "Actually, this whole cave reminds me of Mireno. Ah, how I miss Riviera. But I suppose I did come here for a purpose..." She took her hand off the crystal and sighed. I miss my friends, though... She took out one of her 6 staves, and looked at the redness of the orb on the top. Her reflection shone in it, and she put it away.
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Artifacts of Tetyth    
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Super Ultimario

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:41 pm   Reply with quote

((Remember, the entrance to the cave was sealed when nobody was inside, plus the fact that the place is hard to find. This means it's safe to assume there's no interference for a long time, which is why this post is so long))

((Also, this plot is no longer connected to the Tim plot or any other plot. This means that characters can be in here battling each other but doing other stuff in other plots at the same time. This is more for...character development. And a little bit of character introduction.))

((One last thing: This isn't a necropost because it's been less than a month since the last post and there is a valid reason why I'm bumping it. I'd have to re-create the topic otherwise anyway.))

Ultimario was waiting inside, near the mouth of the cave. His bag of items was to the side, underneath some particularly tough crystals.

It's been a while since I've been here..., he thought. I wonder when Dark Ultimario's going to get here? Our fated duel, the one to decide them all...and he's actually late for once. It's odd, since he's the one who's better at teleportation. You'd think he'd get here hours before me...wait a mi-!

Ultimario narrowly dodged a fully charged slice of one of the most powerful swords in existance. It easily broke through the crystals blocking the entrance.

"You dishonorable bastard!"

Dark Ultimario disabled his invisibility spell.

"Consider it a strategic move, attempting to finish an opponent before they can do anything to me. Unfair, yes, but what can I say? I'm evil. Now then, are we going to fight or not?"

"Fine. Remember, no-

"Yes, I know. No items, us only, crystal cave, fight to the death. Do a little magical search if you feel like, but I think we can trust each other."

"You think we can 'trust each other?' This coming from somebody who attacked me from behind before the fight even started?"

Ultimario didn't have to do much in the area of searching: Dark was terrible with illusions. He was more the type for using magic to blow people's heads off. What a surprise, he had no items or allies with him.

They both teleported near the water in the center of the cave, and prepared to fight.

((Gogogo expected other people. Just try not to interrupt the fight too much, it IS an important plot point.))
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Ultimario Mart!    
Bartz Klauser

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:22 pm   Reply with quote

Oh, Gilgamesh was there. Crystals are worth a lot. Where you find money, you find Gilgamesh. Picking away at crystals, and taking them, he was. Maybe he'd use them in a statue of himself, maybe not. Soon after, though, he came across the the duo, starting to fight. He sat down, and began to watch, plucking at any crystal near him.
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The Town of Lix    
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Super Ultimario

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:34 pm   Reply with quote

Ultimario was fully aware that Gilgamesh was taking some of the crystals. He really didn't care at the moment.

At the very moment that Ultimario spared a glance at Gilgamesh, Dark Ultimario took advantage of the oppurtunity and charged straight towards him, aiming to stab him in the chest. Ulti parried the blow to the side and attempted to slice Dark in the side, but it was blocked by Dark's typical red forcefield. Dark Ulti then used a lightning spell to knock Ultimario into the wall. Now some distance between the two, Ultimario charged up some fireballs as Dark charged up a fire spell of his own.
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Ultimario Mart!    
Richest user. :D
Super Ultimario

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:21 pm   Reply with quote


Ultimario threw some fireballs, the first of which was about as tall as he was. Right before they would hit Dark, Dark Ultimario switched his sword out for his scepter, and used a fire absorption spell and unleashed his now way more powerful fire spell in an instant. It was like he had a giant flamethrower.

Ultimario managed to teleport out of it, only taking about half of the regular damage it would deal. He reappeared right above Dark Ultimario, Ultima Hammer in hand and Ultima Sword on his back (he had apparently done that mid-teleport. Nice.), and slammed Dark into the air and teleported to slam him back down right afterward. Ultimario then teleported down onto the ground again, intending to juggle him back up. Dark simply floated above the Hammer's range and unleashed a miniature hailstorm on Ulti, part of which froze him solid and made it impossible to escape.

Ultimario momentarily unfroze, and swung his hammer at Dark, who was slammed into the wall due to not expecting it. While Dark Ultimario took a moment to switch back to Dark Ultima Sword, Ultimario switched to his sword as well. They exchanged some blows, Dark Ultimario making his powerful sword even more vicious with magical energy.

The fight raged on even longer, and eventually both sides were at low HP, Dark having pretty low HP (enough to stand about 3 or 4 regular hits), while Ultimario could barely hold on if hit by anything. Ultimario, strangely enough, had used hardly any fireballs or other MP-using attacks and thus had quite a lot of MP. He does have a pretty limited inventory of spells, though. Dark Ultimario was pretty low on MP, but could probably manage another impressive spell.

Dark Ultimario had taken a moment to gloat, a bad idea since Ultimario got lucky with his Hammer (which has a small chance to stun the target) and had reaped the benefits.

Ultimario began preparing Ultima, an extremely powerful spell that can obliterate nearly anything, uses a ridiculous amount of MP, and is very difficult to block or dodge. Partly because of the massive space it covers, partly because it is difficult to predict just how much charging is required. In fact, how much charging is required can be edited to fit the needs of the user, but the less charge time, the more time of exhaustion and inability to do anything it led to. It was powerful enough to kill Dark Ultimario at his critical condition, even if he blocked it with his forcefield, the field would break and land him in enough of the blast to kill. And Dark Ultimario's instinct was to use the forcefield, which also happened to restrict mobility...

Ultimario unleashed Ultima, just as Dark Ultimario had gotten back into commision. He knew enough about Ultimario's nature to know how long he'd charge it, had prepared himself to teleport instead of shielding, and it paid off. He teleported instantly before it hit him, right behind Ultimario. It would be some time before the blast cleared and he would realize that Dark had dodged it. Wait, was there a barely visible figure inside of the blast? Dark Ultimario decided not to let it get to his head and charged up his slice enough to 100% guaranteed kill if it hit, and then swung...

Right before it would hit, a massive earthquake caused Ultimario to fall over, unknowingly being missed by the attack. The force of the earthquake along with Dark's momentum caused him to also fall over. in the direction he had swung.

Ultimario, despite his bad position, could see a figure appear as Ultima thinned...it wasn't Dark.


Dark Ultimario was the first to recognize the figure.

"It can't be!"

The figure stepped forward. He looked like Ultimario and Dark, but he had a dark green shirt, purple overalls, and swirls of pure madness in his eyes. His entire body was glowing with blue energy-he had absorbed the Ultima attack. That should be impossible, considering the only way for someone to absorb a spell THAT powerful would only work if it were an elemental blast. Which Ultima...isn't. The new figure let out a completely maniacal laugh.

Dark Ultimario was clearly pissed. His eyes, instead of just the "colored" part of the eye (as opposed to the white or black parts) being dark red, his entire eyes were glowing with dark red fury.

"Chaos Ultimario! How the hell did you get here! I'll kill you for what you did to my reign of terror!"

Dark then sliced his sword multiple times, with such force and magical reinforcements in such key areas that it should be fatal to anything. It simply seemed to go through Chaos with no resistance or blood, the lost parts of his body instantly reforming themselves.

Dark Ultimario, really furious now, unleashed a dangerous blast of dark energy, dangerous enough that it hurt himself and knocked him out. It should have dealt massive damage, but again no effect on Chaos Ultimario. Well, no LOGICAL effect. The dark energy seemed to partially get absorbed, partially heal him, partially damage him, partially get reflected, and partially go straight through him with no effect. Some of the blast that got reflected or went straight through inexplicably turned into dozens of other elements, including bacon.

Ultimario would probably feebly attack him now, too, but he was in too critical condition for that to be an even decent idea.

"You...bastard. Why won't you just die? You had to ruin our entire home dimension, even Dark Ultimario ruling the place was better than you. At least he didn't senselessly torture billions and make sanity a ridiculous concept. I've moved from dimension to dimension, sealing any ways for you to get in, and everything seemed to go fine. But then...then you"


The first time Chaos had spoken, and he had chosen to imitate a robot. What senseless (literally) jerk.

Ultimario threw a coin right at his head.

"You can't even let somebody finish a rant without doing something stupid, can you? As I was saying, then you show up here. I have no idea how you got here or what you want, but I'll slice your damn head off for what you've done to me, as soon as I get the chance."

"I feel like doing this now."

The entire cave flashed with light, as a miniature, green, black-hole like object appeared in the center of the cave. It pulled in Dark Ultimario, Ultimario, even Chaos himself, and some odd presence that seemed to be floating in the air. Oddly enough, nothing else got pulled in- no crystals, Gilgamesh was still there, everything else was intact. There was a bright flash of light, so bright that in fact all of the Bitlands was brightened and blinded, and then when the brightness was gone, so was the object.

There were 3 objects that seemed to resemble trophies of some kind, with some sort of 3D image above each of them. One had an image of some kind of red-robed mage (Simirror), another had an image of some fighting enemy (Knuckle Joe), and the last merely had the image of a sword. The images above them seemed to be holographic- they seemed to flash entirely yellow every now and then. These objects could now be found elsewhere in the Bitlands.

There was a small creature in the middle of the room, resembling Kirby. Except it was blue and cyan, and had a blue Mario hat with a U on it...suspiciously like Ultimario's own.

Beside it, there was a mask and some armor, round and small in form (they seemed like a good fit for the creature in the room), colored a mix between silver and dark blue. The mask had a large V-shaped opening, presumably for the eyes, and a smaller V-shaped opening below, which one could guess is the mouth. There were also shoulder plates, gloves, and shoes, all dark blue.

The creature spoke. "Poyo?"

It looked...confused, to say the very least. It also seemed interested in the set of armor beside it.


((And also also, see this topic for moar details on the characters introduced here: http://digibutter.nerr.biz/viewtopic.php?t=129261))
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Ultimario Mart!    
Ultirby / Ulti Knight

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:45 pm   Reply with quote

((Stupid walls of text, always scaring people away. Ah well, I really only need to make one more post to get my characters ready for action. This topic can hibernate for a while afterward, I guess.))

Ultirby (that's his name, though he only remembers the "Ulti" part of it) now wandered over to the "trophy" with the red mage over it. (in case you're wondering, this is a lot like Milky Way Wishes, with the Copy Essences Deluxe and all that. They're called Copy Essences Ultima, but they're basically the same thing.)


He touched it. His body glowed with light, and when it was over...his hat was gone, replaced with a sort of red and blue jester hat. The Copy Essence Ultima seemed to dim, and it now occasionally glowed entirely gray instead of yellow. Experimenting a bit, he found that his usual defensive stance now gave him a multi-colored forcefield, and he got some new attacks. He could also split in two for a long period of time, but each half was difficult to control at the same time and couldn't use anything Mirror-related. He had no way of knowing that he could reflect stuff now, though.

He did the same for the two other Copy Essences Ultima, getting Fighter and Sword abilities. Again, he had no way of knowing that Sword Beam (a projectile attack) only works at full HP, and that Fighter has a grab attack. He then, after fooling around a bit with the abilities, went over to the armor and mask and pondered whether or not to put it on. It seemed powerful, but it also felt like it had a mind of its own...

(Also, brb getting Ultirby / Ulti Knight an avatar. Because I can.)
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Ultimario Mart!    
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