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So, I just lived my life as an extremely attractive woman
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Joined: 13 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:16 pm   Reply with quote

in Japan.

0 years old
I was born a girl in the city of Sasebo in Japan's Kyushu

My parents have named me Aiko. My surname is Hamada.
My mother, Rieko, is 42 and my father, Kensuke, is 41. I
have no brothers or sisters.

From my parents I have been gifted with the potential for
extraordinary good looks.

1 year old
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old
5 years old
My father has become an alcoholic.

6 years old
Began school.

My father has given up drinking.

7 years old
8 years old
9 years old
10 years old
11 years old
Decided to steal.

12 years old
A major earthquake has hit Japan. 87 people have died
and 200,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

13 years old
14 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 3 people have
died and 20,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not affected.

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

15 years old
Failed to qualify for trade school.

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

16 years old
Met a new boy I like very much, named Kyoichi Izumi.

We've begun seeing each other.

My boyfriend Kyoichi has been placed on academic

17 years old
I have lymphoma.

A major earthquake has hit Japan. 257 people have died
and 130,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

Avoided drinking alcohol.

Kyoichi Izumi broke off our relationship.

18 years old
Saved the life of a friend of mine.

Graduated from secondary school.

Failed the college entrance examinations.

19 years old
Began work as a domestic helper.

Decided to look for a job.

Cleaned up someone else's mess.

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

Avoided drinking alcohol.

20 years old
I have been cured of lymphoma.

A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 23 people have
died and 25,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not affected.

21 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 2 people have
died and 34,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not affected.

Met a new man I like very much, named Junichi Hotta.

We've begun seeing each other.

My mother has died at age 64 from a stroke.

22 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 8 people have
died and 19,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not affected.

My boyfriend Junichi and I are now engaged.

Junichi Hotta and I got married this year.

My husband Junichi has graduated from college with a
degree in Chemistry.

My husband Junichi began graduate school.

23 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 14 people have
died and 48,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

24 years old
Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

My father has died at age 66 from lymphoma.

Inherited money from my parents.

25 years old
Decided to give some money to charity.

26 years old
My husband Junichi has graduated from graduate school
with an advanced degree in Chemistry.

27 years old
Not accepted in vocational school.

28 years old
A major tropical storm has hit Japan. 4 people have died
and 140,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

29 years old
30 years old
31 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 7 people have
died and 28,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

Helped out an indigent person.

32 years old
Son Hiroshi born.

33 years old
A major tropical storm has hit Japan. 7 people have died
and 150,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

34 years old
My son Hiroshi has had measles.

My husband Junichi has been cured of depression.

35 years old
A major earthquake has hit Japan. 423 people have died
and 150,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

36 years old
37 years old
My son Hiroshi began school.

38 years old
39 years old
Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

40 years old
A major earthquake has hit Japan. 31 people have died
and 180,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

41 years old
42 years old
43 years old
My son Hiroshi has skipped a year in school.

44 years old
Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

45 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

46 years old
My son Hiroshi has skipped a year in school.

47 years old
My son Hiroshi has graduated from secondary school.

My son Hiroshi began college.

48 years old
Denied a raise.

My son Hiroshi's girlfriend Yasuko has graduated from
secondary school.

49 years old
50 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

Arrested by security forces for anti-government activities.

Released by security police.

51 years old
Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

My son Hiroshi has graduated from college with a degree
in Government.

52 years old
Yasuko Higuchi and my son Hiroshi are now engaged to
be married.

Yasuko Higuchi and my son Hiroshi have married.

53 years old
My son Hiroshi has become an alcoholic.

My son Hiroshi has moved out on his own.

54 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 137 people have
died and 56,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

55 years old
Decided not to give money to charity.

A major earthquake has hit Japan. 115 people have died
and 440,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

A major tropical storm has hit Japan. 2 people have died
and 240,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

56 years old
57 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 14 people have
died and 34,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

My son Hiroshi has been assaulted but fortunately suffered
no permanent injuries.

58 years old
I am suffering from clinical depression.

Invested 6001 yen in medium-risk stock.

Invested 6001 yen in low-risk stock.

Invested 6001 yen in high-risk stock.

Invested 12003 yen in bond fund.

59 years old
My son Hiroshi has given up drinking.

60 years old
Decided to give some money to charity.

61 years old
A major earthquake has hit Japan. 32 people have died
and 250,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

A major tropical storm has hit Japan. 61 people have died
and 150,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Invested 120030 yen in land.

62 years old
I have been cured of depression.

A major earthquake has hit Japan. 52 people have died
and 240,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

Arrested by security forces for anti-government activities.

Released by security police.

63 years old
64 years old
A major earthquake has hit Japan. 133 people have died
and 130,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

65 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 28 people have
died and 34,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

66 years old
67 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 8 people have
died and 13,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

68 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 13 people have
died and 69,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

Seiji born to Yasuko Higuchi

69 years old
Hisako born to Yasuko Higuchi

70 years old
71 years old
72 years old
73 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 40 people have
died and 17,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

74 years old
75 years old
76 years old
A major volcanic eruption has hit Japan. 28 people have
died and 18,000 others have been affected.

I was not affected.

Too old to continue working as a domestic helper.

Began work as a temporary odd jobs.

77 years old
I have arthritis of the knee.

78 years old
My son Hiroshi has been involved in a road traffic accident
but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

79 years old
80 years old
My husband Junichi has been involved in a road traffic
accident but fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

81 years old
A major tropical storm has hit Japan. 2 people have died
and 130,000 others have been affected.

I was not directly affected.

82 years old
Cashed in 194118 yen from land.

Cashed in 11472 yen from low-risk stock.

83 years old
Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

84 years old
You have died. (iunno the exact reason, but I know I died. I tried to revert age and and it gave me an error. So...yeah.)

best life...

ever... Sad‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮
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Super BLU Spy

Joined: 25 May 2007
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HP: 100 MP: 9 Lives: 0

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:21 pm   Reply with quote

you figure it out.
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Sigil Securities    
Super Tsuki

Joined: 31 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:22 pm   Reply with quote

is this some kind of game?
I want to play it. D:
Also... your boyfriend's name was Izumi...
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Junk shop    
Addicted to linebreaks
Plastic Mario

Joined: 11 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:27 pm   Reply with quote


Japan has terrible home security.
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Fiberglass World    

Joined: 13 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:30 pm   Reply with quote

Plastic Mario wrote:

Japan has terrible home security.
When I got robbed the 3rd time I was like WHAT THE *crag*?!
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Super Tsuki

Joined: 31 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:30 pm   Reply with quote

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Joined: 13 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 5:58 pm   Reply with quote

0 years old
I was born a girl in the city of San Francisco in the state of
California in the United States.

My parents have named me Alice. My surname is Adams.
My mother, Lillian, is 25 and my father, Dennis, is 27. I
have a brother, Raymond, who is 3.

1 year old
Growth stunted from inadequate protein.

2 years old
My brother Raymond began school.

3 years old
4 years old
5 years old
6 years old
Began school.

7 years old
8 years old
9 years old
10 years old
11 years old
12 years old
13 years old
My father has been involved in a road traffic accident but
fortunately suffered no permanent injuries.

14 years old
My brother Raymond has graduated from secondary

My brother Raymond's girlfriend Rachel has graduated
from secondary school.

My brother Raymond's girlfriend Rachel began college.

15 years old
Failed to qualify for trade school.

Met a new boy I like very much, named Joshua

Decided not to pursue a relationship with Joshua

16 years old
Began work as a domestic helper.

My brother Raymond has moved out on his own.

17 years old
18 years old
Told the truth at the risk of offending a friend..

Cleaned up someone else's mess.

Graduated from secondary school.

Failed the college entrance examinations.

Need to look for a job.

Began work as a temporary odd jobs.

My father has colon cancer.

19 years old
Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

Met a new boy I like very much, named Arthur Andrews.

Decided not to pursue a relationship with Arthur Andrews.

My father has died at age 47 from colon cancer.

20 years old
Decided to steal a car.

Got 270 dollars from a car theft.

Amanda Watteau and my brother Raymond are now
engaged to be married.

Amanda Watteau and my brother Raymond have married.

My brother Raymond's wife Amanda has graduated from
college with a degree in Pre-Law.

My brother Raymond's wife Amanda has failed the
graduate school entrance examination.

21 years old
22 years old
23 years old
24 years old
Decided not to smoke cigarettes.

25 years old
26 years old
Helped out an indigent person.

27 years old
Decided to steal a car.

Got 328 dollars from a car theft.

28 years old
29 years old
My mother has breast cancer.

30 years old
31 years old
My country is involved in a small scale military intervention
abroad. 1,711 American soldiers have been killed.

32 years old
Met a new man I like very much, named Matthew Cuellar.

Decided not to pursue a relationship with Matthew Cuellar.

My mother has been cured of breast cancer.

33 years old
34 years old

35 years old
A major fire has hit the United States. 2 people have died
and 33,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

36 years old
37 years old
38 years old
I suffered a case of food poisoning.

39 years old
40 years old
41 years old
My country is involved in a small scale military intervention
abroad. 6,967 American soldiers have been killed.

My mother has diabetes.

42 years old

My mother has been cured of depression.

43 years old
I was *cragged*.

44 years old
My brother Raymond's wife Amanda has breast cancer.

45 years old
My brother Raymond's wife Amanda has died at age 48
from breast cancer.

46 years old
47 years old
48 years old
49 years old
50 years old

51 years old
52 years old
My country is involved in a regional conflict abroad. 16,625
American soldiers have been killed.

53 years old
My mother has died at age 79 from diabetes.

54 years old
Began work as a domestic helper.

55 years old
Decided to give some money to charity.


56 years old
Risked money on a get-rich-quick scheme.

Tried the lottery but didn't win anything.

57 years old
58 years old
59 years old
60 years old
Home was broken into and burglarized.

Victim of burglary.

61 years old
62 years old

63 years old
I died from an infection.

...worst life ever.
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Joined: 13 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:05 pm   Reply with quote

wait, no,

0 years old
I was born a girl in the city of Kabul in Afghanistan's Eastern Region.

My parents have named me Afareen. My surname is Abedzadeh. My mother, Elnaz, is 15 and my father, Aziz, is 18. I have no brothers or sisters.

From my parents I have been gifted with the potential for extraordinary intelligence, extraordinary artistic ability, extraordinary musical ability and extraordinary good looks.

My father has graduated from trade school.

1 year old
Growth stunted from inadequate protein.

2 years old
3 years old
Suffering from severe malnutrition.

4 years old
A major earthquake has hit Afghanistan. 1,680 people have died and 44,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Sister Pouran born.

5 years old
Sister Suraya born.

6 years old
Began school.

7 years old
Removed from school.

8 years old
Tried to get a job but I was too young.

9 years old
My sister Pouran began school.

10 years old
My sister Pouran has become too sick to attend school.

My sister Suraya began school.

11 years old
12 years old
A major earthquake has hit Afghanistan. 1,466 people have died and 41,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

Elnaz has died at age 28 from starvation.

13 years old
I was robbed.

I was the victim of an attempted robbery.

A major earthquake has hit Afghanistan. 590 people have died and 38,000 others have been affected.

My family and I were not directly affected.

14 years old
15 years old
Began work as an artist.

Decided to look for a job.

Died at age 15 from starvation.

this is the worst life ever.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:14 pm   Reply with quote

Where can we do this.Shifty
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Crappiest Animator ever.

Joined: 17 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:14 pm   Reply with quote

Where can we do this?
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Shop of Stev-0    

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:17 pm   Reply with quote

Cool story bro
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Gorgeon's Weapons Shop    
God of Retro (apparently)

Joined: 09 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:18 pm   Reply with quote

C'mon, where can we do this thing?
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:19 pm   Reply with quote


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Joined: 20 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:22 pm   Reply with quote

­­­­ wrote:
No, él no habla ingles.
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Joined: 13 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:50 pm   Reply with quote

‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮what are you guys saying? I can't understand you all.

Real Lives 2007. I can link you to a torrent if you PM me.
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