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It's Hi-Technicaaal!
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
HP: 78 MP: 4 Lives: 0
Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:38 am
The ability to manipulate the elements has been part of life ever since the beginning. None know why, though science and religions take various stands on the matter. Ancient people have gone from treating those with such powers as gods to organizing genocides against the demons.
During colonial times were the first recorded attempts at organizing those with elemental abilities. The Puritans were comprised of the religious pilgrims and some elementalists in hiding. The Salem Witch Trials took place after someone had leaked that elementalists were in the British colonies.
The surviving elementalists banded together to keep each other alive and try to find children born to non elementalists who may be in danger. One of the prominent members of that group was Johann Majorie, direct ancestor of Gloria Majorie. Madame Majorie is the founder of the School for the Elements.
It was a one room school house at first, but after donations from both poor and wealthy families of elemental children, the school increased its size and budget dramatically. It is not the only school for elemental children, nor is it the oldest, but it is one of the most advanced and prominent, specializing in the children with the highest elemental power. Using this power, the school is hidden from non elementalists and elemental schools at a lower tier.
k. So I know I don't RP a lot, nor am I familiar with the RP ways on this site, nor have I RP'd since 2007, but I'm bored and I want to start up a plotline I've always loved when I was little and on Neopets. >_>
It's a boarding school for kids with superpowers. Teenagers (13 - 18) and teachers (any ages over) will populate the school. The setting is modern times, but some slightly advanced technology will be appropriate. If your kid character is a genius and makes a hovercraft to go around campus, so be it.
Superpowers will be stemmed from the four classical elements: fire, water, earth, and air. If two users are fighting and are at equal powers: Water douses fire Fire burns earth Earth grounds air Air shifts water
Examples of fire powers are manipulating flame and light (aka LAZORZ) Examples of water powers are manipulating water, ice, and animal life Examples of earth powers are manipulating minerals, metals, and plant life Examples of air powers are manipulating wind and electricity
Class schedules consist of 6 periods and are as followed: Mathematics and sciences Foreign language and world history Physical education (or controlled sparring for the 16+ kids) The arts and English literature Lunch and freetime Elemental training
There should be four teachers, one for each element. So Fire teacher would teach math and fire elemental training, for example. There should be more students than teachers. Students 15 and under will have bunk beds. Students 16 and older will have separate dorms. Teachers live on campus. They are in charge of the students in their elemental section. There are no transfer students allowed; all students arrived at the school at age 13. That means if you have a 17 year old student, they've been there for 4 years. You may only have one teacher character, but as many students as you can juggle well.
Please use this form:
Name: Age: Student or Teacher: (If teacher, pick which core class you would like to teach: Math and science, Foreign language and history, gym and sparring, or the arts and lit) Gender: Element: Fighting Style: Specific Elemental Power: (Like if you're earth, can you move rocks super awesome, or are you a badass gardener? What do you do with the rocks? Pet golem? What do you do with the plants? Herbal healer? You can still be somewhat vague, but I'll ask for more details if it's too general.) Appearance: History:
There are three main buildings to the campus: the student dorms, the main hall (the columned building), and the faculty residence. The main hall is the largest and prettiest, kinda like famous government buildings down in Washington DC. The student dorms are like an apartment building, with shared dorms filling the lower floors. Upperclassmen dorms are the upper floors. The smallest building is the faculty residence, which looks like 5 townhouses stuck together.
The main hall is where most of the action takes place. It holds the classrooms, the phys. ed facilities, and the cafeteria. Behind it is a greenhouse which includes regular plants, crazy plants, and veggies. The classrooms include a science lab, small library, and an art studio. The gym facilities include a full weight room, cardiovascular machines, and an Olympic-sized swimming pool.
The entire campus has beautiful landscaping. The walkways that lead from each building are lined with flowering trees and bushes, and there are small benches throughout to just sit and chill while eating lunch. Behind the student dorms is a small lake suitable for swimming, boating, fishing, and other water-related recreation, even ice-skating in the winter. There's also a beach by the lake.
I'll post how students are sent admissions forms and arrive at the school in the real thread.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions. I tried to make this as complete as possible, but I'm extremely rusty.
My characters:
Name: Gloria Majorie Age: 98 Student or Teacher: Headmistress Gender: Female Element: Water Fighting Style: As little physical movement as possible. Uses water manipulation to do battle. Specific Elemental Power: Using the Water of Life, can temporarily copy others' elemental abilities. Without the Water, she can temporarily use weaker generic forms of other elements, such as heat waves, low telekinesis, and wind gusts. Appearance:  History: Gloria is actually the first female Majorie to be born without a brother. For this, her parents urged her not to marry to keep her last name intact. She married once, but her husband died from trying to rob a food store during the Great Depression. She changed her surname back to Majorie and, using the techniques to find elemental activity learned from her father, founded the Majorie School to protect the elemental children from going into WWII, for the Nazis also held elementalists in their concentration camps. Madame Majorie is one of the most powerful elementalists, and one of the most famous. Her two most famous accomplishments are founding Majorie's School for the Elements and discovering the Water of Life, an underground spring of water containing the only known organisms to use elements other than humans. It's how she looks 58 instead of 98. To protect the spring, she built her school a-top the spring. She's been interviewed countless times, and no student has rejected to attend the school if they have been invited. However, some say she has been very eccentric and possibly a little senile. It's been reported several times that she has thought she is swimming with the dolphins in the school swimming pool. Nevertheless, she provides the highest quality education for students. She is most often a sweet old lady who is not afraid to give some discipline to her students if need be.
And my student:
Name: Alexandra Luft Age: 15 Student or Teacher: Student Gender: Female Element: Air Fighting Style: Evasive and defensive. More likely to dodge then counter instead of attacking head on. Also very likely to run away from a fight as soon as possible. Specific Elemental Power: Smokescreen for escape. Appearance: History: Allie loves to make light of everything. Very happy-go-lucky, she's ready to give any joke for any situation, especially sticky ones. She's definitely the pacifist and peacemaker. If Allie's friends are fighting, she will try to intervene and make everything better. She will do nearly anything to keep everything carefree. Humor kept her alive during her parents' divorce, it should keep her alive during school.
Last edited by Francine on Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:58 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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DarkBlueAce Louis
Joined: 04 Jan 2008 Posts: 2524
HP: 99 MP: 0 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:36 am
Name: Antonio Sanchez Age: 16 Student or Teacher: Student Gender: Male Element: Fire Fighting Style: Passive agressive or defensive. Specific Elemental Power: Firebombs Appearance: 5'8, blue eyes, slight tan, brown hair, black shirt, darkblue pants, black and white shoes, darkgrey hoodie, ordinary teenager. History: Antonio had never been found out about because nobody lived to report his abilities. The first time was an accident, he was just reacting without even thinking about it. But the cruelty he experienced helped him to become desensitized to it. His parents were killed when they were trying to protect him, and he was only 6. He trained his powers to defend himself, but one day the right people discovered him and arranged for him to be invited into the school as soon as he turned 13. Having to fend for himself as made him sort of a loner and somewhat shy towards strangers. He hardly talks at all around people he doesn't know. He is confident while fighting and stays calm during his battles. |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:21 am
I guess I'll make a teacher character too.
Name: Thomas Martin Age: 31 Student or Teacher: Teacher, foreign language and history Gender: Male Element: Fire Fighting Style: Slow but powerful, can take hits well. Specific Elemental Power: Can heat his bare limbs very hot in order to burn people when contact is made with his blows Appearance:  History: The only international teacher, Thomas comes from the Republic of Congo. He is a native French speaker, but does not have much of an accent. Growing up in a country neighboring tumultuous nations, Thomas learned the value of having physical strength. Optimistic like many immigrants, Thomas tries to see the good in most, though war experiences have not left him naive. |
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Parabuzzy Queen Macha
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 11083
HP: 10 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:54 am
I think I may give this a shot. o3o
Name: Martin Lockheed (lolshittypun)
Age: 15
Gender: M
Element: Earth
Fighting Style: Hates getting directly involved with fights, so tends to fight exclusively with his powers.
Specific Elemental Power: Has the ability to speed and control the growth of plant life--growing vines to bat people around with, say, or making roses bloom. He can only manipulate what's already there, though, and thus is next-to-useless on fallow ground. He tends to keep plenty of seeds on him, as well--just in case. In addition, the plants he speedgrows tend to be dramatically shorter-lived than their natural counterparts, causing more than one "oh hey I grew these flowers for y--why are they dying dee colon."
(lolSims) -5'3" -Slight frame -Fairly tan, though tends to get burned due to falling asleep in the sun -Sandy-blond, gray eyes
History: His mother and father are both lower-caliber elementalists, specializing in fire and earth respectively; they know little enough about elementalism, and thus went into a mild panic when it came out that young Martin was using his considerable gift to terrorize the school bully. (Don't ask how; you won't like the answer.) Realizing they had no way of teaching--or controlling--their son, the elder Lockheeds shipped him off to Marjorie's at the earliest possibility. -He comes across as a nice-enough guy, but has a tendency to use his power to get his way and/or prank his buddies. -Lord only knows how he got that scar on his cheek. He isn't telling, preferring instead to listen to the rumors spread. -He may or may not be an active /b/tard. :shitty:
:3? |
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Luigi is the best Pokémon LoudKid
Joined: 02 Dec 2007 Posts: 2806
HP: 98 MP: 1 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:16 pm
Name: Jack Marks Age: 27 Student or Teacher: Art and Literature Gender: M Element: Earth Fighting Style: Mainly counterattacks. Mixes swift sudden movements with not moving at all. Specific Elemental Power: Making rocks and ground move with his attacks. For example, if he does an uppercut from 10 feet away, a slab of whatever you are standing on would probably pop out of the ground and hit your chin, sending you flying. If he knows that he's going to be fighting in a place without rock, then he usually brings a bucket of gravel or sand with him. Has a semi-proficiency with plantlife, as well. Appearance:  The jacket, pants, socks, shoes and belt are solid black. The dress shirt is grey, and the tie is red.
History: Jack's parents were young hippies during the 60's and 70's. His Father was an Earth Elemental, specializing in plants, but his mother was just a normal human. Almost immediately after he was born, his parents divorced. His mom had custody, and became a teacher, trying to raise her child to be a productive member of society, shunning her once peace-based life and her former husband who still clinged to it. He was allowed the child on alternating weekends.
Jack had a troublesome youth, riddled with 'behaviour problems'. He never really explored his powers that much, though, until middle school. His father died from cancer the year he made it into highschool. Within his first three months there, he got into a fight with a local gang. He left without getting a scratch on him. Two of the gang were killed, one of them an Air Elemental.
Jack ran away from his former life, ending up at Madame Majorie's. After graduating, he went backpacking across most of the world. When he returned, he was more like his parents than he ever thought he'd be, and decided to become a teacher... at Madame Majorie's.
Personality: Friendly, weird, and peace-loving. He enjoys sparring, but will never attack someone in an un-official battle. Fancies himself to be wise, but not that knowledgeable.
Last edited by LoudKid on Wed May 06, 2009 4:11 pm; edited 2 times in total |
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Bartz Klauser Ferus Astrum
Joined: 27 Sep 2007 Posts: 7637
HP: 100 MP: 5 Lives: 4
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:15 pm
Name: Ferus Astrum. Most people call him Kevin or The Blacksmith.
Age: 21
Student or Teacher: Teacher, teaches physical education
Gender: M.
Element: Air, but bears minor amounts of proficiency in other elements due to his abilities.
Fighting Style: Uses a special weapon (It's a claymore, but the blades can detach and reform to make a variety of different weapons.). In short, this makes him a weapons master.
Specific Elemental Power: His abilities allow him to analyze and modify the structure of anything directly linked to himself. This means he can turn his clothing into plate-mail, at the cost of energy, of course. The larger the change, the higher the cost. Note that his medallion provides a boost to his power, since it's his focal point, meaning that he's rendered near-harmless if he lacks it..
Appearance: Deep blue shirt, and khaki pants. He has a longsword strapped to his side, and a disc-shaped medallion. On formal occasions, he wears a long cape, and the medallion is used to fasten that cape.
When using his abilities, he usually dons a deep blue set of armor, trimmed in either silver or gold, and carries a claymore.
History: He isn't actually a denizen of the same planet as most students, but he is from a similar planet. He ventured to this world when he was at the age of 13, and was taken into the school. Graduating soon after, he continued his travels, drifting from world to world. He eventually was bored with this, and decided to settle down where he had spent the longest, and this was his choice.
((All I hope is that his abilities aren't too godmoddish.))
Last edited by Ferus Astrum on Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:42 pm; edited 3 times in total |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:06 pm
I dunno, Kevin's specific ability seems more linked to earth attributes instead of air, and we already have an earth teacher. And could you explain the medallion more? How does it up his natural ability to manipulate nature? And his he human, or simply a humanoid? I don't want too much complication with aliens.
And could the next person make a female water teacher? The faculty shouldn't just be male, especially during gym. |
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Parabuzzy Queen Macha
Joined: 18 Jun 2007 Posts: 11083
HP: 10 MP: 5 Lives: 0
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:14 pm
Hm--I might be able to contribute that female water teacher. :3? |
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Bartz Klauser BAMFing ARCHER Werewolf
Joined: 27 Sep 2007 Posts: 7637
HP: 100 MP: 5 Lives: 4
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:16 pm
Actually, it's a variant upon telekinesis, so I put it under air. The medallion is more of a focal point for him, otherwise meaning he has to concentrate heavily in order to do what he does if it isn't on him.
He doesn't manipulate nature. He moves and shifts the structure of anything directly connected to him by will
But yeah, I put him under air since his abilities really are a variation upon telekinesis. Or that's how I originally visioned it.. |
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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:20 pm
(: These were fun on neopets.
Name: Skylar Winters Age: 14 Student Gender: Male Element: Water Fighting Style: Uses more defensive and counter moves. Likes to stay in the right mind as much as he can, aka he's not very responsive in a duel. Specific Elemental Power: Ice manipulator. He loves to make crafts with ice, and walk on lakes at night. (: Appearance:
 ( sry anime, couldn't find any young real people with white hair. Note he usually wears light colours, not this. I just liked the hair and the deep stare. ) History: His father was a scientist asked to explore the arctic with a group of voyagers, at this point Skylar had been 8 years old. He agreed to go, however he had to take Skylar, his only child with him. Skylar's mom died during child birth, doctors said she got too cold, so he had no one to take care of him while he was gone. At the time, Skylar had no idea why his father was going to study in the Arctic. In the Arctic he found his father doing strange experiments deep underground. He couldn't run away, for it was too cold to do it himself, and there was a break in the land to the ice. This is where he found out of his elemental powers, which allowed him to survive the harsh climate, and freeze the water below him. (: He stumbled his way upon the academy. He was accepted while staying with an elder earth elementalist who found him on a European street. They stayed together until he reached 13. Skylar never knew him any farther than Mister, but they had a strong relationship, which allowed pre-teaching to go along smoothly. However "Mister's" education in the water field was minimal, so he found it best to apply at the School. |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:34 pm
PQ: Go for it.
BK: So the medallion is a kind of Ritalin for him? Alright, I like it.
I feel that ability stems more from earth because it mostly deals with solids.
I guess you could define the four elements as the four states of matter: Fire is plasma Air is gas Water is liquid Earth is solid
I don't think telekinesis occurs by the manipulation of air around an object, but manipulating the object itself, and those objects are most often solids (though ice and stuff would be water, of course). If he, say, used electric energy stemming from the neutral electricity in the air to move objects, that could work. And he can give people's wool coats static and uncomfortability. :D
And just a little tiny note, he should be 13 when entering the school in his youth. Just to make facts correct. |
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~A color is just a color~ Frozenwinters
Joined: 30 Aug 2007 Posts: 25292
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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:47 pm
Francine wrote: | And just a little tiny note, he should be 13 when entering the school in his youth. Just to make facts correct. | If that's to me, Skylar's already been there for a year. Forgot to mention that. :U
Name: Trinity doesitmatter Age: 13 Student Gender: F Element: FIAH Fighting Style: She takes off her panties and uses the power of her fire crotch. Basic battle techniques. Very awkward in battle though. ): Specific Elemental Power: Magma manipulation. She can't do anything fun with that though. Appearance: History: Her parents knew she was a little bit strange from the start. She loved to spend her time outside in the summers and dance. Her parents found it a bit weird when she'd make things boil without reason. Through study they found out about the school, and applied to get in. (:
Last edited by Frozenwinters on Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:49 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Black Yoshi Vampire
Joined: 17 Jun 2007 Posts: 14673
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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:49 pm
I'd have Black be the Fire teacher here, but he seems... you know, a bit too overpowered. And by a bit I mean massively overpowered. |
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Joined: 30 May 2007 Posts: 8580
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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:52 pm
He can be a fire upperclassman. And just be like "IF HE FALLS IN WATER HE GETS ALL FIRE DED FOR A LITTLE BIT" or something |
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Black Yoshi Vampire
Joined: 17 Jun 2007 Posts: 14673
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Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:01 pm
Oh wait, I completely forgot about Violet. Would you be okay with a Water-aligned Teacher who is only 17, but good at what she does? |
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