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If you were a boss in a videogame, what would you be like?
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Paper Luigi

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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:34 pm   Reply with quote

I'd be the guy with the really confusing plotline that doesn't matter at all. I'd have an hour long flashback and then you've have to memorize all the non-important details like how many pencils were in the pencil jar. Then if you get past that part, you'd fight me and it turns out i'm super impossible to beat, so after another hour long cutscene, you'll know my weak point, which was extremly obvious.
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PaperLuigi's Inconvienence Store    

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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:38 pm   Reply with quote

I'd be an incredibly annoying boss who's impossible to defeat until you get pissed off enough to look for a guide, find my weakness, and facepalm because it was incredibly obvious if you thought about it. (: 3:|════׀
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Eh, wot
Super Slim

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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:42 pm   Reply with quote

Giant robot who one-shots you by smashing your puny body in between his giant fists.
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Articuno X

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PostPosted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:46 pm   Reply with quote

This kind.
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Super ronery pirrow

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PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:53 am   Reply with quote

bigger verson of a regular enemy that takes 5 seconds to beat
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Super Tenebrae

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PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 12:57 pm   Reply with quote

Ill be the boss, Who blocks most of your attacks and does up to 20 hit combos on yer.
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Tales of shop    

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PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:33 pm   Reply with quote

I'd be the random boss who only fights against the main character 'cause I think he's in league with the actual big boss dude, and I make no sense in whatever I say, but after about three battles between us, I end up joining the main character because I realize he's not evil after all.

Yeah. XD
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Oh fuck.
Flar3 Luigi

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PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:32 pm   Reply with quote

I'd Probably a that one boss who annoys you and meets you in certain levels. Like Mid Boss.
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prince kamoro

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PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 9:35 pm   Reply with quote

I'd be an annoying mage thingy that reverses your controls, creates a narrow slippery pathway, with spike walls closing in to crush you, and I'd be like, "If you can get to me then you can kill me." Also I would be shooting energy balls at you to make it even harder.
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PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 3:24 pm   Reply with quote

I'd join you in the beginning of the game and once we beat the supposed final boss, someone else would emerge and then you beat them and leave everything you own there and I would steal it while your back was turned and then when you saw me I'd go on and on about why I was doing it, and I'd reveal that I created the boss you just beat, and tricked the other guy into attacking you, then I'd attack you, and you'd have to use a weapon other than the one you used to beat the previous boss (which was probably your strongest weapon) to beat me. Like Iska Farkas. Smile
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The #1 Bristle
Dark Bristle

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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 11:00 am   Reply with quote

I'd be a mysterious character who you meet towards the beginning of the game and don't know much about but later ends up being one of the last bosses of the game
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Pure Heart

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PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 12:10 pm   Reply with quote

I'd be the boss who has no gimmicks but just kicks your arse by being overpowered and dealing high damage. (An example would be Yaridovich from Super Mario RPG... although he does have a gimmick but it actually makes him a bit heasier when he uses it) Mixed with That One Boss and Giant Space Flea from Nowhere if possible.
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Overthere Stair    
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PostPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 9:07 pm   Reply with quote

Seemingly impossible.
The only way to kill me is to enter an insane button combination, hold down the reset button for 25 seconds (no more, no less), then hit the console with a copy of Shaq fu, and finally let go of reset and I die.
But I take you with me. Twisted Evil
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THE kchrules SHOP    
Generic Title

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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:33 am   Reply with quote

I'd want to be one of those bosses who starts the battle with predictable movement patterns and attack combos up until about half way, at which point he goes into that semi god mode and gains attacks that take up about half the screen, a la Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts
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Token Nazi?

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PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 1:13 am   Reply with quote

I would love to be tricky.

First of all, I'd probably have a decoy set up. Something massive and with tentacles. Then, once the heroes used up most of their resources on defeating that, I'll kidnap/imprison (but not harm because that never goes well) the quiet healer, then proceed to spam status effects and beams and change the terrain.

Also, I'll frequently go invisible, then snipe them from somewhere, retreat into a shell to heal myself, and teleport away on the last HP.

Once they've defeated whatever forces me to do the bosses evil bidding (or so they think) I'd join them (with my troops) and gleefully rip apart my former Overlord. Then I'll decide whether to backstab them, manipulate them, or actually become benevolent.

And whilst I'll be tricky, I'd fight fair.

At least fair-ish.
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